Book/Printed Material An Englishwoman's love-letters.
Image 1 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. i Win JR t lit Hr! wrAt ffllSSfeSfiSl liStf Urr.»: roll fill? wmmmm JW ntv tttt! m ybll fifjfrr Hjjja i* mm A:vc i ;ir i.m n- Ct Sift m. M fflj…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 2 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. PRIVATE ubraki. No, A/ 0 EBEN L. AULTMANc i
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 3 of An Englishwoman's love-letters.
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 4 of An Englishwoman's love-letters.
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 5 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. CJL AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S LOVE-LETTERS CHICAGO DONOHUE BROTHERS 407-429 Dearborn Street.
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 6 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 4 1 t s~ J V •i) v
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 7 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S LOVE-LETTERS. EXPLANATION. It need hardly be said that the woman by whom these letters were written had no thought that they would be read by any one hut the person…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 8 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 4 ASX ENGLISHWOMAN’S It was a necessary condition to the present pub- lication that the authorship of these letters should remain unstated. Those who know will keep silence: those who do not,…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 9 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 5 LETTER I. Beloved, This is your first letter from me: y^et it is not the first I have written to you. There are letters to you lying at love’s dead-letter…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 10 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 6 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S Now I have confessed! I thought to discover myself all blushes, but my face is cool: you have kissed all my blushes away! Can I ever be ashamed in…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 11 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 7 twenty years ahead of me: it seems an event! Dearest, a thousand times, I would not have it be otherwise I am only too willing to drop out of ex-…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 12 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 8 Aff ENGLISHWOMANS LETTER II. •Dearest, Your name woke me this morning: I found my lips piping their song before I was well back into my body out of dreams. I wonder…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 13 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 9 myself, trying to find myself out. I used to be most self-possessed, and regarded it as the crown- ing virtue: and now your possession of me sweeps it away, and…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 14 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 10 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S of wind, or stood under a lilac in a drench of fragrance that had grown double after rain. When I asked you about the places of your youth, I…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 15 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LfiTTERS. 11 LETTER III. Dearest and rightly Beloved, You cannot tell how your gift has pleased me; or rather you can for it shows you have a long memory back to our…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 16 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 12 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S ness before the world, that other women may be envious and the desire of her master’s eye be sat- isfied! Ah, no! I am yours, dear, utterly; and nothing…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 17 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 13 To startle him back into hiding would have only deferred my getting truly rid of him, so I was most tiptoe and diplomatic in my doings. Finally, a paper bag,…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 18 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 14 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S LETTEE IV. In all the world, dearest, what is more unequal than love between a man and a woman? I have been spending an amorous morning and want to…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 19 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. Id tailing-off, full of commas and colons of ribbon to make it seem longer, and insertions everywhere. I dreamed myself in it, retiring through the door after having bidden you good…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 20 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 16 ^N ENGLISHWOMAN’S and Pippins slept soundly oil red flannel ti/1 Nan- nan brought the tea. You will notice that in this small narrative Peterkins gets three names: it is a fashion…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 21 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 1 LETTER V. Most Beloved, I have been thinking, staring at this blank piece of paper, and wondering how there am I ever to say what I have in me here…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 22 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 18 Aisf E HGLI S H W OMAN of Thetis at least (who did it for a greater than herself) Bid Heaven and Earth combine their charms, And round you early, round…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 23 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 19 LETTER VI. Beloved, I have been trusting to fate, while keeping silence, that something from you was to come to-day and make me specially happy. And it has: bless you…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 24 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 20 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S I take it that the motion comes straight to you from heaven; and, in the event, you will pardon me for having been still secretive and shy in not…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 25 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 21 tion. I kiss you more times than I can count: it is almost really you that I kiss now My very dearest, my own sweetheart, whom I so wor- ship.…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 26 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 2 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S LETTER VII. My Fuiend, Do you think this a cold way of beginning? I do not: is it not the true send-off of love? I do not know how…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 27 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 23 vhey require. Friendship alone does not satisfy him: he makes a bigger claim on life, regarding certain possessions as his right. But a woman: oh, it is a fashion to…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 28 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 21 AX ENGLISHWOMAN’S or that fate can bestow. And for how many that must be friendship especially foi- how many women My dear, you are my share of the world, also my…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 29 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 25 tell you, the wonder of which ever remains new. How holy yonr face has become to me: as I saw it last, with something more than the nsnal proofs of…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 30 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 26 AN ENGLISHWOMAN S LETTER VIII. Now why, I want to know, Beloved, was I so specially “good to you in my last? I have been quite as good to you fifty…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 31 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. o y st i gree like the woman hurrying along, who said, My God, my God that summer Sunday morn- ing. These notes from lives that appear and dis- appear remain…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 32 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 28 A N ENGLISHWOMAN’S LETTER IX. Beloved, Is the morning looking at you as it is looking at me? A little to the right of the sun there lies a small cloud,…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 33 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTEKS. 29 all that is of earth makes division. Every joy that belongs to the body casts shadows somewhere. I wonder if there can enter into ns a joy that has no…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 34 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 30 AN ENGLISHWOMAN S Had old age blown you a kiss, or given you a wrinkle in the art of dying? Or had you turned over some new leaf, and found it…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 35 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 31 its blushes stale, to be rouged up again and sent off the moment your back is turned. No, better! to be slipped into your pocket and carried home to yourself…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 36 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 32 AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S LETTER X. Dearest, Did you find your letter? The quick- er I post, the quicker I need to sit down and write again. The grass under love’s feet never…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 37 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 33 and how could I jump as far as youi arms by letter, if I had not yours to jump from So you see they are kept, and my disobed- ience…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 38 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 34 AX ENGLISHWOMAN S LETTER XI. On, Dearest, I have danced and I have danced till I am tired I am dropping with sleep, but I must just touch you and say…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 39 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. LOVE-LETTERS. 35 LETTER XII. Dearest, It has been such a funny day from post-time onwards: congratulations on the great event are beginning to arrive in envelopes and on wheels. Some are very…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900
Image 40 of An Englishwoman's love-letters. 3G AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S might be a nurse again in her old age She is a true Mrs. Berry,” and is ready to make room for you in my affections for the sake…
- Contributor: [Housman, Laurence]
- Date: 1900