Book/Printed Material First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
Image 1 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 2 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 3 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 4 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 5 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book ADVERTISEMENTS. i REMOVAL ! NEW STORES ! E. L. HEWSON, , We eG » Ss R 9 \S KN S R IN Y \N i ss & e N N S gs…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 6 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book li ADVERTISEMENTS. HARING BROS., OUR HATTERS —AND— OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST. COME AND SEE. °“LI LaASUOd LNOdG ‘LSHMOT HHL Hav Saoldd ANO NS AB PIN BS se hee), Peel, ~ Ar…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 7 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book ADVERTISEMENTS. lil THE CELEBRATED MASON * HAMLIN Organs and Pianos ARE CERTAINLY THE BEST! CONSIDERING THE QUALITY THE CHEAPEST!! Sold for Lowest Cash, or Rented. Illustrated Catalogue of 100 styles, with net…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 8 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book lv ADVERTISEMENTS. THE USE AND ABUSE OF A WATCH. hee construction of a watch being very delicate, it is certainly very necessary that we should use great care in handling them. It…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 9 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book ADVERTISEMENTS. Vv ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. “ONNOA SHL YO SASAOH BLUM YslM aSADaY apy yy the best equipped establishment in the city. With longest experience and the most approved facilities we are entitled…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 11 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book —_-—~. ee - OF POMPTON PLAINS, N. J. COMPILED BY THE LADIES OF THE REFORMED CHURCH 1883.
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 12 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 13 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book INTRODUCTION. HE ladies make no apology in presenting to their friends this little collection of recipes, asit is intended principally for each other’s benefit. It has been hastily gathered, but we believe…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 14 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book “Of all appeals—although I grant the power of pathos and of gold— Of beauty, flattery, threats—a shilling—no Method’s more sure at moments to take hold Of the best feelings of mankind, which…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 15 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book SOUPS. It is important to bear in mind the necessity and economy of keeping good stock for soup constantly on hand. The soup will be better if the stock is made the…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 16 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 6 DUTCH (REFORMED) with rice. Put the contents of one can of tomatoes into the soup, boil up and serve. One can of tomatoes is sufficient for five or six quarts of…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 17 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 7 with flour to prevent sticking, then roll up tightly. Begin at one end and shave down fine like cabbage for slaw. Mrs. T, C. Doremus. CLAM SOUP. Fifty small…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 18 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 8 DUTCH (REFORMED) BEEF SOUP. Take about two pounds of lean beef, cut it up in small pieces and boil about an hour. Then skim off all the fat and add two…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 19 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. +) CREAMED SALMON. Put the contents of a can of salmon in a pan on the fire where it will heat without burning. Then scald one pint of milk, thicken…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 20 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 10 DUTCH (REFORMED) STEWED CODFISH. Put the fish in the kettle with hardly enough water to cover them, and let them boil about fifteen minutes. Then add a lump of butter, a…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 21 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 11 finely rolled cracker or pulverized bread crumbs. Alternate each layer until you have as many as you wish to use, making the top layer of cracker or breadcrumbs, dotted…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 22 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 12 DUTCH (REFORMED) TO ROAST A LEG OF LAMB. Slice salt pork very thin, leaving the rind on to make the piece as large as possible. Make as many of these thin…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 23 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 13 water should boil away so as to make a rich gravy, but be careful it does not burn. When you take up the beef, add browned flour to the…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 24 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 14 DUTCH (REFORMED) enough sweet milk to make as soft a dough as can be conve- niently handled. This is only intended for a top crust, and is sufficient for two ordinary…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 25 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 15 SUGAR-CURED HAMS. One quart salt, one ounce saltpetre, quarter pound sugar, for twenty-two pounds of pork. Lay the pork on a slanting board or table, and rub the mixture…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 26 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 16 DUTCU (REFORMED) SCALLOPED BEEF. Take cold corned or roast beef ; cut off all the sinew and fat, and cut into small pieces not more than half an inch square. Line…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 27 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 17 drippings and flour and, occasionally, with butter. About fifteen minutes before dishing baste with butter and dredge on a little flour. Allow in roasting, for eight pounds, one and…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 28 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 18 ; DUTCH (REFORMED) ROAST QUAILS. Quails are very nice to steam until nearly done. Then roast in the oven to a nice brown, basting very often with butter melted in water.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 29 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 19 mutton or lamb in the same way. A fore-quarter of lamb or a breast of veal, with the outside up and the thick edge toward the carver. A ham,…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 30 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 20 DUTCH (REFORMED) stir in half a cup of butter beaten to a cream, with two table- spoonfuls of flour. Let this come to a boil and serve. L. CELERY SAUCE. Chop…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 31 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 21 sugar over the berries, allowing a pint of sugar to a quart of berries. Set on the fire and stew about half an hour. Stir often to prevent burning.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 32 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 22 DUTCH (REFORMED) GCATSUPS AND PICKLES. TOMATO CATSUP.—No. 1. Take 1 bushel ripe tomatoes and boil them in a porcelain or tin kettle until they are soft. Squeeze them first through a…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 33 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK, 23 of salt over them and let them stand over night. In the morn- ing drain off the brine and cover with equal parts of vinegar and water. Boil slowly…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 34 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 24 DUTCH (REFORMED) PICKLED ONIONS. Take over a quart of small white or yellow onions. Peel off the outer skins. Make a brine of boiling water and salt to float an egg…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 35 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 25 diluted with water. Pour this into the jar, filling them very full, and seal immediately. Care must be taken not to have them too sour. Mrs. M. R. R.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 36 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 26 DUTCH (REFORMED) PICKLED WALNUTS. Gather them between the twenty-fifth and thirtieth of June. Make a brine of boiled salt and water strong enough to bear an egg after it is cold.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 37 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 27 Dressing—Rub the yolks of two or three hard boiled eggs smooth ; to each yolk put half a teaspoon of oil and half a teacup of vinegar. Mix the…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 38 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 28 DUTCH (REFORMED) POTATO SALAD.—NIcE For SUPPER. Chop fine one onion; add twelve cold boiled potatoes, When quite fine, place in a dish; melt one tablespoonful of butter and pour over it.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 39 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book COOK BOOK. 29 PRAGH eee eee ea 1 to 2 hours. Womiatiey Grom) 24s. 2esue es boo. este. ney eS (GamnGd)ae. foie! Hoh. eet. tees He SF Ohienne ais 23 sth so…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883
Image 40 of First Dutch (Reformed) cook book 30 DUTCH (REFORMED) SCALLOPED ONIONS. Six large onions, sliced and cooked half an hour. Butter a baking dish well and throw fine bread crumbs about it until they adhere on all sides.…
- Contributor: Pompton Plains, N.J. First Dutch Reformed Church
- Date: 1883