Book/Printed Material Fort McHenry, Md. Copy 1
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 2 of Copy 1 V f IRwSp^k 5 ^^T L -i-iA/** V A Ci?;, .mrm^- rv/, ri- O V^ Sv.^ Ti V o I ■\i 7T f eg l\
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 3 of Copy 1 C* ^0 4:V \V T ^^0^ t o^ -7 k .0-.- irf» V^ 0, s
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 4 of Copy 1
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 6 of Copy 1 AUG 2S mi5
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 7 of Copy 1 FOET McHENRY, MD. Monday, March 9, 1914. STATEMENT OF EON. J. CHAELES IINTHICUM, A REPRE- SENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM TEE STATE OF MARYLAND. Mr. LixTHK UM. ]\]j niturnian, tlie bill which I…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 8 of Copy 1 4 FORT McHENRY, MD. president of the Board of Park Commissioners of Baltimore, and two other persons to be designated by the iSecretary of War, whose suggestions he shall invite, and with…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 9 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD. 5 with our great mercantile establishments, our railroads, and our pubUc authorities. For the purpose of having it in the notes, I would say- that we have wnth us…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 10 of Copy 1 6 FORT McHEXEY, MD. heart of your harbor; we have no troops there, we are not occiipymg it in any sense, and only haye a keeper there. But if you want to…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 11 of Copy 1 FOET McHEis^EY, MD. 7 Mr. Peestox. You have a Government reservation there which is not needed for niihtarv purposes on which I understand has been spent SloO.OOO. The Chaiemax. I am not…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 12 of Copy 1 8 FOET McHENKY, MD its chances when the Committee on MiUtary Affan-s was reached on a Calendar Wednesday. The pecuhar position of the Committee on Military Affairs as to Calendar Wednesdays was…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 13 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD. 9 dollars. I did not mean to interpose any remarks just at this time, but I was so familiar with other circumstances that I wanted to reply to the…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 14 of Copy 1 i 10 FORT McHENEY, MD quired for the purposes specified in the bill; how much for the monu- ment and flagstaff, how much for the memorial hall, how much for the monument…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 15 of Copy 1 FORT McHENEY, MD. 11 of the question. If you people sliould expend $100,000 for the improvement of these grounds, would not that improvement be of value to the city of Baltimore, even…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 16 of Copy 1 12 FORT McHENEY, MD an immigration station for the Government. The Government had to go down and carve a corner off the Fort McHenry reservation for its immigration station. This property ought…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 17 of Copy 1 FOKT McHENKY, MD. 13 you could not put up for less than about $50,000, and there are three or four other buildings right along the water front, and you could not put…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 18 of Copy 1 14 POET McHENEY, MD. Mr. LiNTHicuM. I think there are 38 acres Mr. Sherley (interposing). Wliat I want to know is whether you are not confusing yonr request for the improvement of…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 19 of Copy 1 FOET McHENRY, MD. 15 Mr. MoNDELL. That is, thcv are utilizmg some of the buildings as storehouses Mr. Preston. Yes, sir; they are utihzing some of the barracks, I think, for storage…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 20 of Copy 1 16 FOET McHENEY, MD $3,000,000 together, more than one-fifth of the whole, and this de- spite the fact that Baltimore s conmerce had fallen from $14,000,000 to S238,000. 1 hese loans became…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 21 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD. 17 Second, a monument to Francis Scott Key, in the flag bastion of the fort, from which the Star Spangled Banner waved to him its message of triumph this…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 22 of Copy 1 18 FOET McHENRY, MD. Mr. BiBBixs. Gen. Aleshire suggested what I mentioned, that it should be just inside of the pentagonal inclosiire within the Star Fort. The Chairman. I want to know…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 23 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD, 19 STATEMENT OF MR. RUFUS M. GIBBS, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TRADE, BALTIMORE, MD. Mr. GiBBS. Mr. C hairman aiul gentlemen of the committee, I will not keep you long.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 24 of Copy 1 20 FOET McHENEY, MD. S reserve the history of our country that is associated with Fort [cHenry. We ourselves are going to spend several hundred thou- sand dollars in having a celebration…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 25 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD. 21 The Chairman. We are not making any suggestions about that. You are asking for a memorial hall. Mr. Lee. We would be glad, if we should secure this…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 26 of Copy 1 22 FOET McHENEY, MD. with this memorial to Francis Scott Key, the author of the Star Spangled Banner. We are here to appeal to you in the name of sentiment and patriotism;…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 27 of Copy 1 FOET McHENEY, MD. 23 Mr. SnERLEY. Here is the principal question that confronts this committee: I think the committee has a proper appreciation of the value of memorials and the desirabihty of…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 28 of Copy 1 24 FORT McHENEY, MD. Mr. GiBBS. Because there are half a dozen roads leadmg to the same terminal. The Chairman. You are asking for a memorial hall, a monument to Francis Scott…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 29 of Copy 1 FORT McHENRY, MD. 25 Mr. Bartlett. The trouble is that you are proposing here a great many things that do not seem to be ilUistrative of patriotism nor com- memorative of the…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 30 of Copy 1 26 FORT McHENRY, MD. Mr. Sheridan. It seemed to be most fitting to tJie committee that there should be a statue of Francis Scott Key, the author of the American anthem. My…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 31 of Copy 1
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 32 of Copy 1 V f O. I A^ 3 Any aO o c V •V qV e o -T I- A. Jtf -■^vT. •^oV^
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 33 of Copy 1 ^o. iPu .4 9 /k^. *^^i^ u w B V ip o ■^.r. .S^ o M BOOKBINDING H V V ^i^*^ J^ ^U, -^^R^,* -of
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914
Image 34 of Copy 1
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Linthicum, John Charles
- Date: 1914