Book/Printed Material The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
Image 1 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history 47tlvU-S. INFANTRY
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history COROilGm DEPOSm
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 3 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 5 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history cK C^A/(?i 06/T ^JLo. C^- THE FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY A HISTORY 1917-1918 1919
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history Copyright. 1919 James E. Pollard All rigfhts reserved JD5-IO ■53 MW -8 1920 »C? Press of Seemann Peters Saginaw, Michisran U. S. A. ©CI.A566839 ^vvw
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history FOREWORD S(JME word of explanation for the tardy appearance of this volume is perhaps due the officers and men of the regiment whose interest made its completion possible. Sudden orders, later revoked,…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ie\v of Fourth Di\ision Ceremonies from airplane Colonel Midclleton and stafif Headquarters Company Veteran Officers of Regiment Machine Gun Company Ceremonies along the Rhine Supply Company Sanitary Detachment.... The…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history INTRODUCTION npHIS Book, constituting as it does a record of events and inci- dents of the Forty-seventh Infantry since its organization, was inspired by a desire to preserve in tangible form, a…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history CONTENTS HISTORY I. Formation and Early Training II. Overseas and Final Training III. In Action on the Ourcq and the Vesle lY. The Forty-seventh in the Argonne Y. The Watch on the…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history I. FORMATION AND EARLY TRAINING TT7ITH the declaration that a state of war existed with Germany VV early in April. 1917, Congress provided for an extension of the military forces of the…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history Americus Mitchell was the first commanding- officer. He was suc- ceeded by Colonel Harry R. Lee, attached to the regiment on June 26th. At the close of its first month in existence…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history ith the close of the first Officers Training Camp at Plattsburg, N. Y.. the regiment gained fifty-four newly-made officers. At the end of August the regiment had an efifective strength of forty-five…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history fc O t! 7 W -a 5^ H H S -3 C/2 Q 7^ bi 37 o 2 ffi h 2 c? O rt W S U O Q f^ O u…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history SOUTH TO CAMP GREENE On October 25th the regiment entrained at Syracuse for Char- lotte, N. C, arriving at the latter station two days later. The trip south, \vhich was uneventful and…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history in years. Early in Deceml)er, with the achent of wet weather, the cantonment was turned into a sea of mud whicli froze and thawed and froze again, to the continual discomfort of…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history noun. ScNcral (li\isi()nal reviews were held, one of them in lionor of Assistant Secretary of War Crowell. Late in December there was a fnrtlier inHux of newly-commis- sioned officers, graduates of the…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history the mud and general conditions of the winter being responsible for the delay. A bayonet course was also constructed and a rifle range was built which had seventy-seven targets. In anticipation of…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history 3 0) a) o Si 1 o X r3 c ffl D g c •2. o 3 i _« 5 X 0^ 1 d i S c .5 Oj .J, S K…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history For a period extending over nearly two weeks the regiment was engaged in target practice on the newly bnilt rifle range. This was located in the river bottom where the sand was…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history 11. OVERSEAS AND FINAL TRAINING ABOUT a dozen officers and the same number of enlisted men left Camp Greene on April 18th, arriving at Camp Merritt on the following- day. They constituted…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history o w w X o CO w u o w H W 5 r, W ti ;r 0) PQ m m 2 r k-j Ah j 1-; r* H pi a Pi…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history A nuinlxM- of men who luul come in contact with mumps were placed in quarantine. Nationals of Germany and her allies were eliminated as well as those deemed physically unfit for active…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history Lookouts had been established and abandon ship ch-ill was lield. De- tails were also designated for work on the ship. On May 13th there was a calm sea. The use of fresh…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history was lightered and additional transports arri\-ed, bringing the total in the harbor up to twenty-one. THE FINISHING SCHOOL IN FRANCE Debarking by ladder and proceeding to Fort Bougien, about two miles from…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history On June 5th the entire ctjmmand entrained for Samer where the troops were billeted at various points in the vicinity. Upon arriving-, Regimental Headquarters, Headquarters and Su])ply Companies marched to Bernieville the…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history hfi N N +j O B2 (0 rt N ci h 9,Kf- ;i o o u o w u w s •O U o els aj W S 5 02 a to…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history located in the town. The next morning Sunday, was spent in polic- ing, while the afternoon was devoted to drill. On Monday the regiment settled down to work in earnest. French chasseurs…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history To take up positions in the reserve trenches the entire regiment moved on July 5tli by marching as follows: Headquarters and Ma- chine Gun Companies and Company K to Cheneviere Farm First…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history III. IN ACTION ON THE OURCQ AND VESLE TT/ITH the German tide beginning to eljb before the unexpected VV pressure of the Allied forces on three sides of the Soissons- Chateau Thierry-Reims…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history shot by a German sniper when he hfted up from l)ehind a Inish. Nine clays later Sergeant John F. Donovan, of Company E, and a member of the second observation party, was…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of The Forty-seventh infantry; a history At 12:30 a. m. on July 2()th a gas alarm was gi\en l)y the Second Battalion, the All Clear signal being given a few minutes later. During the forenoon the bodies which…
- Contributor: Pollard, James E.
- Date: 1919