Book/Printed Material Fungous diseases of plants,
Image 1 of Fungous diseases of plants, tmtmmtmmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmm Country Life Education Seri ?s OF PLANTS DUGGIR
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 2 of Fungous diseases of plants, Class Rook U 6 Copyright COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr.
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 3 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 4 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 5 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 6 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 7 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 8 of Fungous diseases of plants, COUNTRY LIFE EDUCATION SERIES Edited by Charles William Burkett, recently Dirtctor of Experiment Station, Kansas State Agricultural College Editor of Atncvicaii Agr iculturht TYPES, AND BREEDS OF FARM ANIMALS By Charles S.…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 10 of Fungous diseases of plants, Entered at Stationers Hall Copyright, igog, by BENJAMIN MINGE DUGGAR ALL RIGHTS RESERVEU ICI.A2r,30?4 GINN AND COMPANY- PRO- PRIETORS BOSTON U.S.A.
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 11 of Fungous diseases of plants, PREFACE It is a noteworthy fact that there has been available to student and reader no general text or reference book of American origin upon fungous diseases of plants. Nevertheless, for thirty…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 12 of Fungous diseases of plants, VI prp:face (2) to make clear the life history of the causal fungus and (3) to indicate the approved or suggested methods of prevention or con- trol. The author fully recognizes that…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 13 of Fungous diseases of plants, CONTENTS Page Introduction i PART I. CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE Chai tkk I. Isolation and Pure-Culture Methods 9 I. The Development and Application of Culture Methods lo II. Cleaning Glassware 2 III.…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 14 of Fungous diseases of plants, viii CONTENTS Chapter Page IX. SCHIZOMYCETES. BACTERIA I03 I. Bacteriaceae 106 II. Black Rot of Cabbage 107 III. Wilt of Sweet Corn iii IV. Crown Gall of Apple, Peach, and Other Plants…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 15 of Fungous diseases of plants, CONTENTS ix Chapter Pagf. XI. AscoMVCETES {Cotitinued) VII. Brown Rot of Stone Fruits 187 VIII. Gray Mold, or Botrytis Disease 196 IX. Lettuce Drop 198 X. Stem Rot of Clover 201 XI.…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 16 of Fungous diseases of plants, X CONTENTS Chaftf.r Page XII. FuNCii Imperfect! 285 I. Hyphomycetes 286 II. Melanconiales 288 III. Sphasropsidalcs 289 IV. Potato Scab 290 V. Bud Rot of Carnations 293 VI. A Pink Rot following…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 17 of Fungous diseases of plants, CON l KN rS xi Chai trk Page XII. Fux(;i Imi ekfecti {Coiitiiiucd) XLIV. I hyllosticta 345 XLV. Black Rot of Sweet Potato 348 XLVl. Black Rot and Canker of Pomaceous Fruits…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 18 of Fungous diseases of plants, xil CONTENTS Chafter Page XIV. PROTOBASiDiOiMYCETES {Continued) XIX. Puccinia Other Species 420 XX. Gymnosporangium 422 XXI. Cedar Apples and Apple Rust 425 XXII. Gymnosporangium: Other Species 426 XXIII. Orange Rust of Raspberry…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 19 of Fungous diseases of plants,
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 20 of Fungous diseases of plants, Downy Mildew on Niagara Grapes
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 21 of Fungous diseases of plants, FUNGOUS DISEASES OF PLANTS INTRODUCTION A proper study of the funij^ous diseases of plants is at once sci- entific and practical. The fungi were carefully studied, however, long before their importance as…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 22 of Fungous diseases of plants, 2 FUNGOUS DISEASES OF PLANTS Physiology and morphology. The progress in systematic my- cology has made possible for more than half a century a compre- hensive study of the diseases of plants…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 23 of Fungous diseases of plants, INTRODUCTION 3 do more than make briefest reference to it. The work of Brefeld is perhaps most distinctive, and while his theoretical views have not had a host of followers, his fundamental…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 24 of Fungous diseases of plants, 4 FUNGOUS DISEASES OF TLANl S diseases of plants, persons- who should be, at the same time, appreciative of the problems of disease control. Incidentally it may be noted that plant diseases…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 25 of Fungous diseases of plants, IN I RODUCTION 5 systematic, morphological, and physioloi^ical standpoints. Too often, in the early work, the chief object of the study has been to identify the fungus associated with a given disease…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 26 of Fungous diseases of plants, 6 FUNGOUS DISEASES OF PLANTS physiological disturbances in the host itself The normal physiology of th^ host requires attention in order that a proper comparative study may be made. The conditions which…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 27 of Fungous diseases of plants, INTRODUCTION 7 fungus may show itself in slight physiological disturbances of the host are too numerous for special consideration. Control measures. Control measures for the prevention of fun- gous diseases should be…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 28 of Fungous diseases of plants, 8 FUNGOUS DISEASES OF PLANTS which have been placed upon the damage caused by prevalent l)lant diseases during a single season amount frequently to a very considerable per cent of the total…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 29 of Fungous diseases of plants, PART I CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE CHAPTER I ISOLATION AND PURE-CULTURE METHODS LOEFFLER, Fr. Voilesungeii iiber die geschichtliche Entwickelung der Lehre von den Bakterien 1 252 pp. 3 pis. 37 figs. 1887.…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 30 of Fungous diseases of plants, lO CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE the cultivation of fungi in the laboratory. This work has become increasingly more important in recent years. Laboratory culture methods were not generally applied to a study…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 31 of Fungous diseases of plants, ISOLATION AND PURE-CULTURE METHODS ii had long been accumulating. More than a century prior to the dates mentioned, Bonnet and Spallanzani showed some apprecia- tion of the principles of sterilization and they…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 32 of Fungous diseases of plants, 12 CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE Isolation by means of solid media. Credit for the sudden perfec- tion of isolation methods is due to Robert Koch. He had watched to good advantage the…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 33 of Fungous diseases of plants, ISOLATION AND PURE-CULTURE METHODS 13 chemistry must direct. Ordinarily it is not enough to depend upon hot water and soap in cleaning glass vessels. Petri dishes, test tubes, etc., may be boiled…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 34 of Fungous diseases of plants, 14 CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE followed by the potash solution or the cleaning mixture, as occasion may demand. In either case the tubes are thoroughly rinsed ulti- mately with distilled water, the…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 35 of Fungous diseases of plants, ISOLATION AND PURE-CULTURE METHODS 15 work, it is necessary to have glassware which is not only clean with relation to extraneous substances, but which is as far as possible free from the…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 36 of Fungous diseases of plants, 1 6 CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE dry heat may be used, depending upon the nature of the medium or object to be sterihzed. Liquids or any soHds wliich may melt, evaporate, or…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 37 of Fungous diseases of plants, ISOLATION AND PURf:-CULTURE METHODS 17 Fig. 4. AuNOLi) Steam Sterilizer, Square Tyi e, showing Construc- TKJN in the chambered bottom is rapidly brought to the boihng point, and then the gradual entrance…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 38 of Fungous diseases of plants, 1 8 CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE quantities of media should be sterilized three times. Between the periods of sterilization media should be placed at a temperature favorable for most bacterial development, and…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 39 of Fungous diseases of plants, ISOLATION AND PURE-CULTURE METHODS 19 spores, and consequently they may not germinate between the successive sterihzations. On the other hand, if the medium is deep in the vessel, and the exposed surface…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909
Image 40 of Fungous diseases of plants, 20 CULTURE METHODS AND TECHNIQUE of from fifteen to twenty minutes at this temperature will usually sterilize any medium. The period of incubation must of course be measured from the time the…
- Contributor: Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Date: 1909