Book/Printed Material Germanism and the American crusade,
Image 1 of Germanism and the American crusade,
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 2 of Germanism and the American crusade, -p *0 •o,. •♦TT,- iO A il^ Ao ,0 c,^ CV A V5 .0
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 3 of Germanism and the American crusade, .cP .m- 7 *0a. O •f by ^ic. yyj^i^.^. ..^\^;4-i X y.:iik:^/^. ^-T^* vv
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 4 of Germanism and the American crusade,
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 6 of Germanism and the American crusade, COPYRIGHT I918 BY MITCHELL KENNERLEY /IPff 23 I3i8 PRrNTED IN AMERICA ©CU497028
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 7 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 8 of Germanism and the American crusade, EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS An address I gave to the theological stu- dents of Geneva. It seemed to make much impression here, and I have thought the inter- pretation of America which I…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 9 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE T WOULD be stupid indeed, and false to my faith in the cause of the Allies as well, were I either to deny or to ignore that…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 10 of Germanism and the American crusade, 4 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE more than a million fresh soldiers to throw against Italy and France. And the Allies have had to come to the de- fence of Italy: the…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 11 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 5 admitted the invaders to Italy were opened, alas! by traitor hands. And who can better sympathize with the Italian people than those of us who are…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 12 of Germanism and the American crusade, 6 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE But here is the crux of the present situation. France and England have despatched to Italy an army that was needed for their well-planned offensive on…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 13 of Germanism and the American crusade, II nUT there is another and darker advan- -D tage which Germany holds, and it is an advantage more menudng to our essential hu- manity than all the might of her malific…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 14 of Germanism and the American crusade, 8 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE and a war mayhap pregnant with universal de- lusion and disaster with the reduction of man- kind, for a time, to a woful condition of spir-…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 15 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 9 isms, along with their despotisms and debauch- eries of vassal rulers, went also an element of moral dignity, a degree of moral addition and development, and…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 16 of Germanism and the American crusade, 10 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE to any but her own mentality it is upon this that Germany now stakes her ultimate hopes; upon this, rather than upon her armies, Ger- many…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 17 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 11 Germans are unaware. The evil eyes of Ger- many run to and fro through all the earth, and nothing escapes her pernicious and par- alyzing observation…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 18 of Germanism and the American crusade, Ill WE are at war, we of the Allies, with more than a military empire: we are at war, as Saint Paul would say, with the principalities of darkness, with the evil…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 19 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 13 marauding might that issues from these is her chosen summum bonum. Germanism is the worship and practice of material might as the Supreme Power, the re-…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 20 of Germanism and the American crusade, 14 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE hands. They are so mastered and maddened, so blinded and besotted, by the monstrous thing they have made, they have so passed into the service of…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 21 of Germanism and the American crusade, IV npHE winter will decide; for it offers Ger- many the chance to deliver herself from the god she has created; and if she does not now see and seize the chance,…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 22 of Germanism and the American crusade, 16 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE of nations, thus revealing whether or no there be a moral remnant among her leaders, a sav- ing repentance amongst her tribes. She can say to…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 23 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 17 tribunal which the resultant society of nations may erect. Were Germany wise and able now to take this great initiative, to make the supreme beau geste,…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 24 of Germanism and the American crusade, 18 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE to make it impossible that she ever again have power to inflict what she has inflicted upon the world these last four years indeed, these last…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 25 of Germanism and the American crusade, y EUROPE is only beginning to understand America, and that very dimly. Permit me, as a middle-west American, to venture upon an interpretation. We Americans are still essentially a pioneer race. Our…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 26 of Germanism and the American crusade, 20 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE upon the coasts and amidst the forests and the prairies of the new world. We are also the most sentimental, the most idealistic, of the nations;…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 27 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 21 fact that we have entered upon this stupen- dous war, not knowing to what ends it may compel us, yet knowing it to be in square…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 28 of Germanism and the American crusade, 22 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE Woodrow Wilson. In one fashion or an- other, articulate or inarticulate, the idea of the visible kingdom of God on earth, coexistent with and including the…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 29 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 23 the practice of Christ would yet prevail in our politics and wealth-making, and prove itself the solution of our mortal problems. This faith has been rarely…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 30 of Germanism and the American crusade, VI GERMANY has deceived herself as to the quality of our common American pacifism. The reluctance of America to en- ter the war, or to believe that it could long con- tinue,…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 31 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 25 that such a thing as the present world-war could actually be, or that the deeds which the German soldiers did were real. Slowly, in- deed, did…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 32 of Germanism and the American crusade, 26 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE and cooperative peoples. We began to see in the pan- German idea and assault the con- centration and citadel of all the wrong forces of history,…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 33 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 27 present procedure proves. We had merely transferred our militancy from the savagery of war to spiritual and social inquiry and adven- ture. American youths were preparing…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 34 of Germanism and the American crusade, 28 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE President Woodrow Wilson, whose deepening faith and unshakable resolution we follow. America now sees here in central Europe, coming out of the German lands, an ancient…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 35 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 29^ And now America has determined, not merely to drive this terror to its lair, but to destroy it utterly. America is convinced that there can be…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 36 of Germanism and the American crusade, 30 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE dred years hence, one or the other must go. The iron of God has gone deeply into the American soul, and in the strength thereof has…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 37 of Germanism and the American crusade, GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE 31 you have but to look in the faces of these, and you may read therein the soul of an Amer- ican nation become conscious of its…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 38 of Germanism and the American crusade, 32 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE tions, but upon the very altar of Christ s prom- ise of the kingdom of heaven. And ours will not be such as the crusade once…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 39 of Germanism and the American crusade, VII AMERICA and Germany stand over against each other as respective cham- pions of two opposing conceptions of man, two irreconcilable reasons for being. German history and evolution proceed upon the idea…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918
Image 40 of Germanism and the American crusade, 34 GERMANISM AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADE pands, it conquers and compels, by virtue of its conscription of the individual s mental and moral being. Whether it be her evil penetration of other…
- Contributor: Woodrow Wilson Collection (Library of Congress) - Herron, George Davis
- Date: 1918