Book/Printed Material The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion,
Image 1 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion,
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 2 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, Class BT~ 4 1 Book Copyright N 0 COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 3 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion,
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 4 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion,
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 5 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, t I t I t
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 6 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, t
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 7 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion,
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 8 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, IyAURENCK W. SCOTT
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 9 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, GREAT CRISIS IN THE i Life of Christ HIS TRIALS AND CRUCIFIXION By LAURENCE W Author ‘Hand-book of Christian Evidence,” Etc. VK SCOTT 1909 F. L. ROWE, Publisher, CINCINNATI
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 10 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, JJ TVV 5 V LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received JAN 11 1909 Copy ri* lit Entry -Wov 5, °1 0 S CLASS Ou XXc. No. t L 0 S COPY 3.…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 11 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, CONTENTS PAGES Preface 3-6 Introduction 7-25 CHAPTER I. The Person of Christ 21-37 CHAPTER II. From Ephraim to Bethany 39-50 CHAPTER III. The First Night at Bethany 51-70 CHAPTER IV. The Second…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 12 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAGES Jesus Arrested, Bound, Mocked and Buffeted 140-150 CHAPTER IX. The Fifth Day Thursday 151-166 CHAPTER X. The Sixth Day Friday 167-179 CHAPTER XI. The Resurrection and Ascension 180-195…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 13 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, PREFACE No, I am not going to write a “Life of Christ.” None has ever been written. The four Evangelists did not attempt it. One of them says that Jesus said and…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 14 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 4 PREFACE. Notice carefully just what is. said. Under this rule I will refer to the Greek when necessary. 3. The context. I interpret each passage in the light of what pre-…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 15 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, PREFACE. 5 interprets this to mean that He would be in the tomb three -days and three nights, and uses the following extravagant language “Christ was crucified on Thursday, as certainly as…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 16 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, c PREFACE. “Jesus predicts, Matt. 12:40, that He will lie in the tomb ‘three nights and three days.’ Jesus declared also, ‘I will lie in the tomb three nights and three days.’…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 17 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION As I accept implicitly all the four Evangelists say, and wish the reader to do so, I deem it important to present some of the evidence that the historic books of…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 18 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 8 INTRODUCTION to the death of Jesus, but I do not use it because its genuineness has been denied, and I want to use nothing except such facts as rest upon an…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 19 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 9 bear the names and the stamp of prominent cotemporaries of Jesus and the Apostles. This settles the question. Had those Rabbis considered Jesus an ignoramus or mere im- postor, they…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 20 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 10 INTRODUCTION. believing historian or admitted by an ancient or mod- ern disbeliever I now proceed to consider briefly the circumstantial evidence showing that the four Gospels and Acts are credible histories.…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 21 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 11 abled to do so in face of the bitterest enemies without, and amid frequent strifes and contentions within? And if these books are fictions, why were they received and revered…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 22 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 12 1 X TROD U GTION. transpiring events that could be possessed only by in- habitants of that country, and by persons living in that age. These marks stamp the Gospels and…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 23 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 13 evangelical ideal, with the landscape which served as its set- ting, were to me as a revelation. I had before my eyes a fifth gospel, torn but still legible, and…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 24 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 14 INTRODUCTION. “added yet this above all, that he shut up John in prison,” and Mark gives us similar information. Matt. 4:12, Luke 3:20, Mark 1:14. The multitude of similar examples that…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 25 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 15 not be over-estimated. If, after eighteen centuries have passed away, dating from the present anno dom- ini, the civil war should be denied with all its bloody realities, would not…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 26 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 16 INTRODUCTION historians, if I had no other evidence than the support which each unit of the quartet gives to the others when considered as a trio. What further proof could we…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 27 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 17 established. Adverse theories have destroyed one an- other, or been destroyed by new data. The Synop- tics are proven to. be products of the period before the destruction of Jerusalem.…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 28 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 18 INTRODUCTION. Ephraem Syrus, a distinguished teacher of the fourth cen- tury, had written a commentary upon the Diatessaron. But long ago all copies of this book, and of Ephraem Syrus’ com-…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 29 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, INTRODUCTION. 10 fore, must have been received and generally disseminated many years before that date. Indeed, they must have had exclusive circulation very close to the time of the death of the…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 30 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 20 JXTRODUGTION. his knowledge of the changes produced by that event. In a similar manner may we reason with even stronger force that the Gospels are contemporary documents. They fur- nish us…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 31 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, THE GREAT CRISIS IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST CHAPTER I. THE PERSON OF CHRIST. “Calm on the listening ear of night, Come Heaven’s melodious strains Where wild Judea stretches far Her silver…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 32 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 22 THE GREAT CRISIS Ever since the heavenly hosts sang round the Babe in Bethlehem, myriads sing His praises myriads which multiply as the years are rolling on! No- wonder. For He…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 33 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST. 23 He has been compared to whatever is great or noble, grand or good to whatever is beautiful or bright. So that wherever we look, whether upward…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 34 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 24 THE GREAT CRISIS herd! I see the little lambs, with “fleece as white as snow,” skipping and gamboling on the green; I re- member Jesus is the spotless Lamb of God,…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 35 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST. 25 fectation they have effected what hath baffled all others, who have set themselves purposely to accomplish it.”* And yet, as Ernest Renan truly says “He was…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 36 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 20 THE GREAT CRISIS Then, who and what is Jesus? The conceptions of Him are as varied as the colors in the rainbow The Mohammedans say He is a great prophet. Some…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 37 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, IN THE LIFE OF CUEIST. 27 Even now some theologians will undertake to say what act or word of Jesus proceeded from His human na- ture, and what from the divine. One…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 38 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 28 THE GREAT CRISIS In Hebrews He is called the brightness of the Fath- er’s glory, and the express image of His person. And there we read: “God, who at sundry times…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 39 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, IS THE LIFE OF CHRIST. 29 own Self with the glory which I had with Thee be- fore the world was.” Jno. 17: 5. II. During His humiliation He ivas man. “The…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909
Image 40 of The great crisis in the life of Christ; His trials and crucifixion, 30 THE GREAT CRISIS had jointly with the Father, and became man He be- came a human being, that He might come near to us, and become one of us, that He…
- Contributor: Scott, Laurence W. (Laurence Winfield)
- Date: 1909