Book/Printed Material Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts.
Image 1 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. r n cL8û7 ^2K8 I
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 2 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMEEÎCA.
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 3 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts.
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 4 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts.
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 5 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts.
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 6 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts.
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 7 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. THE ONLY CORRECT AND AUTHENTIC EDITION. ■r T pOr vA sû Or*vAv^ v2f Cû v© r* V oro *°j *90r* V ofo SO^S) 0(0 -.^I ^o4o; O^r.ET-51;^^^ EDITION .umiJ mjsi^iiBttA iii.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 8 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. THE KNABE PIANOS. TESTIMONIALS FROM DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS, COMPOSERS AND MUSICIANS. Thalberg, the great composer and musician, wrote of the Knabe pianos that they were distinguished for their evenness and volume of tone,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 9 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. A TRAGEDY IN FIVE ACTS BY WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1894, by F. Rullman, in the Office of the Librarian of Couffress at Washington. r-—…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 11 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. Cast of Characters, HAMLET. THE GHOST. THE KING. POLONIUS. LAEKTES. HORATIO. MARCELLUS. EOSENCRANTZ. GUILDENSTERN. OSRICK. First Gravediggee. Second Gravedigger. First Actor. LTJCIANUS. BERNARDO. FRANCISCO. A Priest. OPHELIA. THE QUEEN. BAPTISTA, Actress. The…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 12 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. ACT I. SCENE I. Elsinore A Platform near the Palace Night Fkancisco at his Post. Enter Bernardo. BERNARDO. Who s there? FRANCISCO. Nay, answer me stand, and unfold yourself. BERNARDO. FRANCISCO.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 13 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. ACTE PREMIER. PREMIER TABLEAU. Esplanade devant le château d Elseneur. Nuit noire. SCÈNE I. Fkancisco est en faction, Bernardo entre. BERNARDO. Qui vive? FRANCISCC^ Répondez, vous, d abord. Halte-là! BERNARDO. Vive…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 14 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 6 HAMLET. MABCELLUS Horatio) Oh parle-lui, de grâce HORATIO (au Spectre, d une voix émue). Toi qui vas usurpant les heures du sommeil, Et l armure de guerre et l auguste appareil…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 15 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. MARCELLUS. Speak to it, Horatio. HORATIO. Who art thou, that usurp st this time of night, Together with that fair and warlike form. In which the majesty of buried Denmark Did…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 16 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. LE EOT. Et maintenant, Flamlet, est-ce que ce nuage Assombrira toujours ainsi votre visage? Chassez le noir souci qui vous ronge le sein, Mon cousin et mon tils. HAMLET (sans se…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 17 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. KING. But now, my cousiu Hamlet, and my son A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Aside.) QUEEN. •Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted color off, And let thine eye…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 18 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 10 HAMLET. Où l on respire pleins poumons Tair pur de jnai? Moi, je suis cet aveugle la démarche errante, Moi. je suis ce nageur rhaleine mourante. Et pour moi votre amour,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 19 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 11 Where May s sweet breezes fill the expanding lungs. I am that blind naan, following your steps That drowning swimmer, gasping his last breath; Your love is more than light…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 20 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 12 HAMLET. HORATIO. Je Tai connu, ce prince; âme sereine et bonne. HAMLET. Tu ne retrouveras, va, son âme personne HORATIO (après avoir consulté des yeux Marcellus et Bernardo). Monseigneur Je Tai…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 21 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. haMlet. la HORATIO. I saw him once he was a goodly king. HAMLET. He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again. HORATIO.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 22 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 14 HAMLET. D enfermer entre nous la sombre confidence. Quoi qu il puisse advenir, au nom de l amitié, Gardez bien ce secret dont vous portez moitié. BERNARDO. Mon prince, comptez-y, HAMLET.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 23 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 15 Give it an understanding, but no tongue. I will requite your loves so, fare you well Upon the platform, twixt eleven and twelve, I ll visit you. HORATIO. Our duty…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 24 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 16 HAMLET. QUATRIÈME TABLEAU. Partie plus reculée de l esplanade. Roches sur- plombantes. Au bas la mer. SCÈNE PREMIÈRE. Entrent Hamlet et Le Spectre. HAMLET. Ici nous sommes seuls; tu peux parler.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 25 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 17 SCENE IV. Re-enter Ghost and Hamlet. HAMLET. Whither wilt thou lead me? speak I ll go no further. Mark me. I will. GHOST. HAMLET. GHOST. My hour is almost come.…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 26 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 18 HAMLET. SCÈNE III. Hamlet, Horatio et Marcellus (rentrant). HORATIO (au fond). Monseigneur HAMLET. Hillo! ho! viens, faucon! viens, tedis-je! HORATIO. Qu arrive-t-il, monseigneur? HAMLET. Un prodige! HORATIO. Lequel? HAMLET. Curieux Mais…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 27 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. If HORATIO (within). Hillo, ho, ho, my lord HAMLET. Hillo, ho, ho, boy come, bird, come Enter Horatio and Marcellus. MARCELLUS. How is t, my noble lord? HORATIO. What news, my…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 28 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 20 HAMLET. Les genoux se heurtant; et si pâle, si blême! Ah j ai senti que j en étais pâle moi-même POLONIUS. Le prince serait-il fou par amour pour toi? OPHÉLIE. Mon…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 29 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 21 Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, He comes before me. POLONIUS. Mad for thy love? OPHELIA. My lord, I do not know But, truly, I do fear…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 30 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 22 HAMLET. J ai ma fille,— je l ai, car elle m appartient; Et la docile enfant, que le devoir contient, A remis ce billet entre mes mains fidèles. A mon ange…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 31 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 23 That we find out the cause of this effect Or, rather say the cause of this defect For this effect, defective, comes by cause Thus it remains, and the remainder…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 32 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. u HAMLET. HAMLET, Oh pure calomnie! Le satirique assure, en sa pauvre ironie, Que les vieux sout ridés, que leurs cheveux sont gris, Que l ambre coule flots de leurs yeux appauvris,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 33 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 25 POT.ONIUS. I mean the matter that you read, my lord? HAMLET. Slanders, sir; for the satirical rogue says here, that old men have gray beards that their faces are wrinkled;…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 34 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 26 HAMLET Perdu toute gaîté Je ne fais rien de bien. L ennui, brouillard glacé, trompe mon cœur avide. La terre, —ce jardin m ap paraît morne et vide Le ciel, ce…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 35 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET all custom of exercises: and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 36 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. U8 HAMLET. Le farouche Pyrrhus... Non, ce n est pas cela. Le vers, je crois, commence Par Pyrrhus. (Déclamant.) Pyrrhus fauve, tout noir dans son armure sombre, Telle est la nuit, tel…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 37 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 2^ ÏTR6T ACTOB. What speech, my lord? HAMLET. I heard thee speak me a speech once but it was never acted, or, if it was not above once for the play,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 38 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 30 HAMLET. Eil fixe et bras pendants, dans mon rôle et ma vie, Et je ne trouve rien, non! rien, là, dans mon seiu, Pour ce roi détrôné par un vil assassin…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 39 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. HAMLET. 31 To make oppression bitter; or, ere this, I should have fatted all the region kites With tills slave s offal: Bloody, bawdy villain! Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless vil- lain Why,…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894
Image 40 of Hamlet. A tragedy in five acts. 32 HAMLET. OPHELIE. Mon bon seigneur, depuis ces longs derniers jours-ci, Comment va Votre Honneur? HAMLET. Bieu bien très bien merci OPHÉLiE (lui tendant un coffret). J ai là des souvenirs que…
- Contributor: Shakespeare, William
- Date: 1894