Book/Printed Material The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, diseases, etc.
Image 1 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 2 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … vOC) i jf V ,w/ s #7 x t o C w c _^ 7 S*. V \A y \v*U q 5 4 v 0 e 2 0 V o *7 o…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 3 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … w y o 0 N ~f. A —A v .1 r^_ A- 9 A /V o 0’ L c V T v v, 4 a^ v A A ^O ,-V »t 1…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 4 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 5 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 6 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 7 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … War Department, Number A G. O. j Military Information Division, j 1. TIKE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS WITH MAPS AND CHARTS. i y ,-iii -A; -v i WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. February, 1893.
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 8 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 9 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … IA x J^ L m v *3 M 1 13. -vy i y THE 1, i Ts 2 30 AIIAN ISLANDS. REPORT ON THE PHYSICAL FEATURES, PORTS OF LANDING, SUPPLIES, CLIMATE, DISEASES,…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 10 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … V c c c c
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 11 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … CONTENTS Location, Distances from the Pacific Coast_ Communications with the United States_ Names, Areas_1_ General Physical Characteristics_ Soils___ _ Climates..______ Earthquakes_ Population, Characteristics, Religions, Education_ Laws, Military Forces, Police_ Language, Government_ Business,…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 12 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 4 Page. Appendix I—Tonnage and Measurements of Steamers, United States to Honolulu__35 Hawaiian Registered Vessels_35-36 Postal Service_____36-37 Appendix II—Overland Distances, Islands of Oahu and Hawaii_39-42 List of Authorities Quoted__________43 Maps and Charts…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 13 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … REPORT ON THE H AAVAll AN ISLANDS. The Hawaiian islands lie betAveen parallels i8°5o and 23°5 north latitude, and between meridians i54°4o and i5i 0 5o west from Greenwich. A line drawn…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 14 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 6 The Hawaiian group is composed of eight inhabited, and of four uninhabited, islands. [Chart B.] The names and dimensions of the inhabited islands are: NAME. Length. Breadth. Area. .1 Hies. Miles.…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 15 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 7 ruary, and March the wind blows strongly from the southwest, and the atmosphere is damp and unpleasant. After such seasons, the arid westerly slopes are clothed with verdure, and the capacity…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 16 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 8 Table from “Vistas of Hawaii” showing temperature for 1890: DATE. 6 a. m. 1 p. m. 9 p. m. January 7 _ _ _ _ 67° 77° 69° February 4_ 68…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 17 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 9 BY NATIONALITY.— 1890 AND 1884 COMPARED. 1890. 1884. Natives--.... 34,436 40,014 Half-castes. _ 6,186 4,218 Chinese- 15,301 17,937 Americans- 1,928 2,066 Hawaiian-born, foreign par. 7,495 2,040 Japanese- 12,360 116 Total Population,…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 18 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 10 opposition could have but little influence upon the course of events. They are a peace-loving race, and, in a military sense, are not worth consideration, but they are brave individually and…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 19 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … I 11 BUSINESS. Business is almost entirely carried on by foreigners, principally Americans, British, Ger¬ mans, and Chinamen. Many of the principal offices are filled by foreigners, or by native born whites.…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 20 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 12 PRODUCTS, RESOURCES, VEGETATION. Besides sugar and rice, the staple products, coffee, bananas, oranges, and other fruits, are largely grown. Food products are abundant, especially of the kind suitable to a hot…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 21 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 13 The general health of the natives is steadily improving; leprosy, now largely under medical control, is gradually being stamped out. (See Leprosy.) MANNER OF LIFE, CLOTHING. The whites live, of course,…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 22 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, …
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 23 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EIGHT INHABITED ISLANDS OF THE HAWAIIAN GROUP. ISLAND OF OAHU (Map C). This island has the form of an irregular quadrangle; it lies twenty-three miles north¬ west of…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 24 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 16 elevated mountains that rise in a line parallel with the southwest shore. The Ewa divide lies five miles west of Honolulu. This Ewa plain is nearly twenty miles in length from…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 25 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 17 The harbor is formed by an opening in the coral reef, about one hundred and fifty yards wide at the entrance and three hundred yards wide off the town, and rather…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 26 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 18 The barometer generally falls below 30 during southerly winds. Population. —Honolulu has a population of twenty-three or twenty-four thousand, of various nationalities, consisting principally of whites, natives, Chinese, and Portuguese. Of…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 27 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 19 Manufacturing. —Honolulu Iron Works, incorporated 1877. Number of hands employed, usually about two hundred. This institution is said to be equipped with excellent appliances in all its departments. Honolulu Steam Rice…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 28 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 20 Water supply .—Pearl City is said to have facilities for supplying x0,000 inhabitants. There is now an artesian well which flows to a height of twenty-eight feet, and has a capacity,…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 29 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 21 Upolu poi?it is the northern extremity of the island. Behind it lies an extensive plain in good state of cultivation, rising gradually to the foot of the mountains. From the north…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 30 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 22 On the coast of the bay near Cocoanut island lie the creek and village of Whyeatea, where landing may be effected in all weathers. There are two piers to the northward…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 31 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 23 Kawaihae village is situated in a grove of cocoanut trees, just behind a sandy point near the center of the bay of the same name. The village consists (1891) of a…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 32 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 24 the monument to Cook now stands. The shore all around the bay is rocky, making landing dangerous when there is a swell setting in, except at Kealakekua village. Here there is…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 33 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 25 East Maui, although mountainous, has much cultivated land; and the rich volcanic soil of the Kula district, on the southwest side of the island, raises abundant crops of potatoes. Wheat and…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 34 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 26 Supplies .—Supplies of all sorts can be obtained here—beef, vegetables, fruit, and water in abundance. Landing .—The landing place is at a small pier, extending from the lighthouse, and pro¬ tected…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 35 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … both soil and verdure; but terminating nearly in uniform even summits, on which, in the val¬ leys or chasms between them, are several patches of green. Here and there a stream running…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 36 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 28 On the eastern side of the entrance is a conspicuous dark bluff-head, with two sandy beaches a short distance to the eastward. A little way to the southward of this bluff…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 37 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 29 The eastern two-thirds is almost one entire mountain, rising gradually from the south until it attains an elevation of two thousand five hundred feet, while on the north it is almost…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 38 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 30 CITIES, TOWNS, AND PORTS, NIIHAU. Yam bay .—An open roadstead about a mile and a half south of Kona point, where, in fine weather, anchorage may be obtained. There is only…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 39 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … COMMUNICATIONS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. RAILROADS. There are, according to the Statesman’s Year Book for 1893, fifty-six miles of railway in the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu. These roads were built…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893
Image 40 of The Hawaiian Islands. Report on the physical features, ports of landing, supplies, climate, … 32 ROADS. There are a few well constructed roads on the island of Oahu, leading from Honolulu to places of interest to tourists; but in general the roads on the island are…
- Contributor: Scriven, George P. (George Percival) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division
- Date: 1893