Book/Printed Material Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls,
Image 1 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 995 5 •y i T WRS$ OR HEALTH in the PGttLTRY YARD, AND «^7 0^3^ FANNY RIB_D. PI^ICE, 30 CKr^TS, ADDRESS, R. B. MITCHELL, Publisher,
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 2 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, Coluiian SMptloq jhpey, BO* 8 I 6. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Receives subscriptions for every newspaper published in the United States at publishers prices, and, (with few exceptions.) will present to each yearly subscriber…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 3 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, I SI AN ELEGANT MONTHLY FOE THE AT— FIFTY CENTS PER YEftR. We will send FREE to every person who sends us Fifty (50) Cents for one year s subscription to this…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 4 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, /u (T\aa^ fZ*~ iiA^toC/L
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 5 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH in the POULTRY YARD, AND F^7 mmwmp, j.JBY^l is FANNY FIELD, PI^ICE, SO GKDTS. ?%%i ADDRESS, R. B. MITCHELL, Publisher, v Copyright, 1886, by R. B. Mitchell.
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 6 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, Air In offering this work to the poultry world we do not pre- tend that we possess absolute and supreme knowledge concerning the causes and cure of poultry diseases we do not…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 7 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD. By FANNY FIELD. CONCERNING THE CAUSES OF DISEASE AMONG POULTRY. Poultry diseases never come by chance. Fowls never just happen to have roup, cholera, or any other…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 8 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, i) HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD— BY FANNY FIELD. broods of downy little chicks; and, while they may not actually cause disease among older fowls, it is quite certajn that fowls whose…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 9 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD— BY FANNY FIELD. 7 1. Guard against dampness in the poultry houses and chicken coops as you would against a pestilence. If the place selected for the…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 10 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 8 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 6. Feed only fresh, wholesome food, and let it be sufficient in quantity to keep the fowls in good condition. Semi-starvation and over-feeding…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 11 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD —BY I AN.W FIELD. (J CONCERNING THE CURE OF POULTRY DISEASES. Notwithstanding the fact that I am writing a book on poultry diseases, for whicli I expect…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 12 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 10 health in the poultry yard— by fanny field. come from in the first place is something that the scientists have not yet told us. Possibly they don t know, I am…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 13 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD—BY FANNY FIELD. 11 Symptoms. The usual symptoms of cholera in fowls are thus described by A. J. Hill: The fowl has a dejected, sleepy and drooping appearance,…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 14 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 12 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD--BY FANNY FIELD. from the door, hold your nose with one hand, set fire to the alcohol, shut the door and leave. The burning sulphur and alcohol…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 15 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD— DY FANNY FIELD. 13 soft, easily digested food. Don t use any powerful astringent medicines to check diarrhoea. Such medicines do more harm than good. ROUP. With…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 16 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 14 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD— BY FANNY FIELD. poultry is like diptheria in the human subject. Before the disease appears in a neighborhood the filthy places and the clean ones are…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 17 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 15 charge from the nostrils and eyes gets into a cut or scratch on the hands, or comes in contact with the eye it…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 18 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 16 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. own. Let me tell you that fowls and fowl-houses that are not properly cared for will get lousy, no matter where they are…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 19 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY VaAD BY FANNY FIELD. 17 out lice of any breed even the obstinate red mites. Open the house and air well before admitting the fowls. Lice on Chicks.…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 20 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 18 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD— BY FANNY FIELD., most frequently among chicks that are kept in damp, filthy coops, fed on sour, sloppy food, and allowed access to impure water. Prevention.…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 21 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IX THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 19 when the chick stands or walks. Sometimes, when chickens come from un- usually vigorous parent stock, they will soon outgrow this shaking without…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 22 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 30 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YAHD BY FANNY FlELD. v make recovery more difficult, if not impossible. But do not confine the sick ones to a close coop they need room to…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 23 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 21 the process by rubbing or scraping them off; just rub the legs carefully every day with melted lard or sweet oil until they…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 24 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 22 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. the progress of events But better shut the afflicted ones away from the oth fowls until you are sure the cough is not…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 25 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. %d up with spirits of camphor enough to form into shape. Also give the Douglass Mixture and bone meal as before recommended. Diarrhoea often…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 26 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 24 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. ness. It will be easier to avoid the cause than to cure the eyes after they once get sore in fact the only…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 27 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, Wealth in the poultry yard— by fanny field. 25 BUMBLE FOOT is simply a lump on the bottom of the foot and is usually caused by jumping from a high perch on…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 28 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 26 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. soon afterwards go off in a gallopin consumption. The chief symptoms are cough and emaciation. There is no cure, and the sooner a…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 29 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 27 give the physic and shut up in a quiet place but if no better, open one of the large veins under the wing…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 30 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, Xb HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. never breed from fowls that are not strong and healthy in every respect. If you breed from fowls whose constitutions have been weakened…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 31 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. 29 EGG-EATING is another vice, and I don t believe it is always caused by a craving for lime and fresh meat. There are…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 32 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, 30 HEALTH IN THE POULTRY YARD BY FANNY FIELD. DISEASES OF DUCKS. Before they are fully feathered ducklings are liable to chills if allowed to take to the streams or pond, or…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 33 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, CONTENTS. Page. Apoplexy 26 Black Rot 27 Breaking Sitting Hens 28 Bronchitis 26 Bumble Foot 25 Break Down 24 Causes of Disease Among Poultry 5 Cholera q Chills 21 Cramp 21 Cough…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 34 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, Poultry Books For Sale WHITE LEGHORNS. From the Shell to the Ex- hibition Room; 46 pages, price, 30c BROWN LEGHORNS. How to Rear, Mate and Judge them; 48 pages, price 30c LIGHT…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 35 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, POULTRY BOOKS-Oontinued. HOW TO PRESERVE EGGS. A complete description of the best methods known of keeping eggs for culinary purposes, 48 pages, price, -..-.._ 3(jc HOW TO WIN POULTRY PRIZES, Plain directions…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 36 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, POULTRY NETTING. Price per Square Ft In Full Rolls, COST. COST. Roll, 24 in. wide, $2.25 I Roll, 48 in wide. $4.50 80 2.82 I 54 5.07 36 3.38 I 60 5.65…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 37 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, oultry I Architecture HOW TO BUILD Handsome and Convenient^ FOWL HOUSES Durably and Economicaily. contains SEVENTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS ©f .1? oultry 2Kouses, ards, I^uns, (Xhicken* (Loop s, fences, 2Ltc., and tells how to…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 38 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, PRICES OF EGGS PRICES PER SITTING OF THIRTEEN. VARIETIES. PEN S 1 White Leghorns, Single Comb 2 Rose Comb 3 Brown Leghorns, Single Comb 4 Rose Comb 5 Light Brahmas 6 Dark…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 39 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, o o lOiOlCWOICW 8§S8 8888 »o lO JO »o oioiond S S S S? O C: OC OC 0O00OOOO000000OOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2222 OC5000000 ooooooooqoooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo© 88 :88 IClOlOlCiOOiOlOlOiOiOOlOiOXilOlOlCiOOOCOGOlCOlCW T-td GQ g3gooo 8 o…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886
Image 40 of Health in the poultry yard and how to cure sick fowls, THE SUMMIT LAWN POULTRY BOOK. VOL. I. NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. PEICE TWENTY-FIVE CDSIDTTS. See What it Contains. PAGE. Address, Be Particular About 35 A Confused Gentleman 35 Bantams, Golden Sebright 80…
- Contributor: Field, Fanny
- Date: 1886