Book/Printed Material Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
Image 1 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 2 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... c v s y o^ 1 G V \b A v v O ;o o
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 3 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... A* s v
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 4 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 5 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 6 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 7 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... fferalfctr Sraigtuttg (grttealogu SUsearrlj
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 8 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 9 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 10 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 11 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... ttbtvt OK Anir^toa #tttitn: LOS ANGELES, 419 BLANCHARD BUILDING. 233 SOUTH BROADWAY OFFICE HOURS 2 to 5 p.m. TELEPHONES: SUNSET, John 6831; HOME, PRIVATE Ex- change BLANCHARD BLDG. fttBihttttt PASADENA. THE RAYMOND VILLA. AT 274 NORTH RAYMOND A:VS PHONE: SUNSET/ Black^S AT CLIENTS BESIDEN-. ces by appq:ntmen* ©0 itt0«r? Btxft bel\bsri£, Kbbrtee all 01 ommuntcattnna tn Siork IBox 6B3, Paaaoftta, (Ealtfarnta. /4U
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 12 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... CS ik 1 5tye art of Ijerattirtj in bttxxtb in tlf rattot of xammtti KtB Hrienrr ib 0top?h in titp spirit nf jagmfaoltjBttt/ Mr. Andrews Lecture on Heraldry. ttftff 04
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 13 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... *l«fottt0 tlrattijm are many, in i^mttlj- rmx (Ealifarnia ano elaemljm mijo mag mialy n%r tn ratab- ttalf tlptr oeamtt or to tnfoat ttjrir ptbi- gm mitly Jpralntr ano tjiatorir inte reat, annnonrea nooning nf a atnoio, in HUanrijaro imttfltttg, 5Cna Angara, tn h* nrfraten rerlnaihehj to 2?eraloir Ifcatgn- ing ano dtotpatngir 2fe aearrij. Annntnt- mntta mag b? man? for Uttrrtrirma. ^nnra: 2 tn 5…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 14 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... )R. ANDREWS has had extensive experience in his profession, and enjoys a reputation and clientele that are national in scope. Having been in attendance for several years in the Historic and Genea- logic Department of the Newberry Library, Chicago, (the largest of its kind in the country), he has had exceptional oppor- tunities for research and for a thorough knowledge of his profession. He…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 15 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... pondents throughout the East and in Great Britain, and is therefore in a position to guarantee to his clients the BEST SERVICE OBTAINABLE. Such special commissions as require the most exhaustive research Mr. ANDREWS will undertake personally at the eastern or foreign libraries. an nb M ^SPECIALTY is made of the prep- aration of Family Histories, containing the direct ancestry of the present descendant…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 16 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... or oozed goat-skin, and illustrated with reproductions from photographs, etc., and with Coats of Arms em- blazoned on parchment (where proof of right to such insignia is well established). Each MS. contains all that can be found of the present descendant s direct ancestry, from parish registers, wills, letters of admin- istration, records of births, marriages and deaths, con- veyances of land, town and…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 17 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... 3nxt in jj tfitortga (EompUgft R. ANDREWS cordially invites a call at his studio and an in- spection of his work. To those who reside at a dis- tance he can arrange to for- ward sample MSS. for ex- amination. He is compiler of over a hundred foreign his- tories, more or less complete, notably the following Att rrfOB. History of the Andrews family…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 18 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... imp rt ran (StfttealogteH )N ADDITION, MR. ANDREWS Has been engaged for several years upon the MATSON GENE- ALOGY, which will soon be published, and he has com- piled a MS. of iooo pages on M Early Connecticut Fam- ilies/ He is publisher of Andrews Genealogic Charts for library use, and of the Andrews Ancestral Register for framing. A few copies of the Andrews…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 19 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... lineages and collecting proof of descent from Colonial and Revolutionary ancestors. Arrangements can be made for a special search of any town, church, county or state records. Applications filled out for admis- sion to Mayflower, Colonial Wars and Revolutionary Societies. THE SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DES- CENDANTS in the State of California will be or- ganized during the year 1904. All who desire to become…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 20 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... fight to bear Arms, though this right, through the vicissitudes of fortune or the restless ambition of ancestors, may have been lost sight of. A Coat of Arms is valueless unless the descendant s right has been verified and careful researches made to estab- lish the history and significance of the armorial bearings. Hence heraldic designing requires more than mere artistic talent in its…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 21 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... Sfrwa T IS FREQUENTLY impossible to give any definite estimate as to expenses connected with se- curing certain data, but an ap- proximate estimate can be fur- nished and a limit for expenses can always be agreed upon. Mr. Andrews assures his patrons that his prices will be as moderate as is con- sistent with reliable work. In researches for admis- sion to Patriotic…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 22 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... several hundred dollars in foreign fees alone to secure abstracts of records referring to a trans-Atlantic lineage, while the compiling and preparation of the volume may easily absorb several months time. Mr. ANDREWS cannot undertake any investi- gations on a contingent basis. He has to employ many searchers and they require payment even if un- successful in finding any data desired. In special commissions…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 23 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... l tftttnttB MrB. Sotert 3L lur rtte, Sunnycrest, 891 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. Hjfltt. iGgmatt A. fMttlH, Middlefield, Conn. former Lieu- tenant-Governor of Connecticut. A- Antofaa, President of The A. H. Andrews Com- pany, Chicago, 111.; member Society of Colonial Wars. ifntu ^anfnrft GL Ijmjsimfr, Judge U. S. Court, Federal Bldg., Denver, Colorado. Historian Colorado Society of Colonial Wars, and Sons of…
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 24 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... ^uppy \\t foljo faitly bright rrgaro laahs bark Htpatt Ijta fatfjrr a fatfyr-ra, faljn faritfj fog i£?rmmt3 tljeir tor-os af grarr, and in fjtmarif Balnea tljje lairat link in tyr fair rljaiti (§f ttnblr erqurttrra. Goethe. BD 5 3
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 25 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 26 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 27 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 28 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... *b^ ,o v J* .1 o* n +?W* S c, V^^^^V o **^82 *a^^/l*o ..v^c- aV vj 4 ^-V.
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 29 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ... DOBBSBROS. X y *jsBjM£ S n BRARY BINDING 0. Q A°« *s J V v«c^7 ^-V ST. AUGUSTINE IW V C Sap/fizZ*
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904
Image 30 of Herbert C. Andrews, heraldist and genealogist ...
- Contributor: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius
- Date: 1904