Book/Printed Material An historical address delivered before the citizens of Springfield in Massachusetts at the public celebration, May 26, 1911, of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement; with five appendices, viz: Meaning of Indian local names, The cartography of Springfield, Old place names in Springfield, Unrecorded deed of Nippumsuit, Unrecorded deed of Paupsunnuck, Copy 1
Image 1 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 2 of Copy 1 Class _Ej Rool c .S FF^ P- Gop}Tiglit]^^ COFVRIGHT DEPOSIT.
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 3 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 4 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 5 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 7 of Copy 1 AN Historical Address Delivered before the citizens of Springfield in Massachusetts at the public celebration May 26 1911 of the Two Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Settlement WITH Five Appendices viz.:…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 8 of Copy 1 THE F. A. BASSETTE CO. PRINTERS SPRINGFIELD. MASS. JUL 24 1916 ©C!.A4;U967
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 9 of Copy 1 Contents Historical Address Meaning of Indian Local Names The Cartography of Springfield Place Names of Old Springfield Deed of Nippumsuit Deed of Paupsunnuck The Memories of the Civil War Pagb 5 14…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 10 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 11 of Copy 1 Historical Address 1636-1911 The year 1636 Is memorable In the annals of the Com- monwealth for the foundation of her great university; It Is scarcely less for the settlement of one of…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 12 of Copy 1 6 HISTORICAL ADDRESS grant predecessors. As comers into a new country they underwent the trials pecuHar to their day. We take the les- son to ourselves and honor their memory, if, comfortably…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 13 of Copy 1 HISTORICAL ADDRESS Mersey and the Tyne, the Thames and the Severn seem like meandering brooks. It is not strange that, although knowing its Indian name, they called it in daily speech and…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 14 of Copy 1 HISTORICAL ADDRESS with the Agawam and the Chicopee marked the central point of the fur trade. Boston had been estabHshed on the one hand, Albany on the other, both in almost the…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 15 of Copy 1 HISTORICAL ADDRESS have but to look Into the Psalms and read there of Jehovah, By him kings reign and princes decree justice. Greece recognized it; Rome grew great upon it and sank…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 16 of Copy 1 10 HISTORICAL ADDRESS own town records illuminate this. No Aristides could have been banished from Springfield because people were tired of hearing him called good; nor do we read of any village…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 17 of Copy 1 HISTORICAL ADDRESS 11 The rest went either to Northampton, Windsor or other places; others came but only those were welcome to remain, or, it is likely, cared to come who could heartily…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 18 of Copy 1 12 HISTORICAL ADDRESS interesting structure our forefathers had; did they appreciate it while as yet they had it? As we who have so recently emerged from the nineteenth century, look reflectively back…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 19 of Copy 1 HISTORICAL ADDRESS 13 and as every noble city ought to have? Let us glory in that flag, floating over every civic procession. It is thus, although we come from the most various…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 20 of Copy 1 APPENDIX A Meaning and Derivation of Indian Place Names in Old Springfield. In the interpretation of Indian place names so many difficulties have to be overcome that it is not surprising that…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 21 of Copy 1 APPENDIX A 15 from the Chippewa; in that dialect agwadma signifies bring on the back to shore In this form the m is the sign of the animate objective. In explanation of…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 22 of Copy 1 16 APPENDIX A MASSACKSIC. So spelled in the Indian deed to William Pynchon and others. From Massa, great and auksic the diminutive of auk, land, in the locative case, meaning, the great…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 23 of Copy 1 APPENDIX A 17 of the Handbook of the American Indians None of the writers had the advantage of knowledge of the locality. Trumbull is rather insistent that tuck refers to a tidal…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 24 of Copy 1 18 APPENDIX A QUANA. Supposed to be derived from kwanau, it is sunken down If equivalent to the two first syllables of Quinnecticot, the word would refer to the length of the…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 25 of Copy 1 APPENDIX A 19 ing dropped off, it would mean the place of musquash either the beaver or muskrat, a meaning befitting the location. See Mooskoupaug in Kinnicut s Indian Names; p. 29;…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 26 of Copy 1 APPENDIX B. The Cartography of Old Springfield. The following list of maps is believed to include all those of any value in identifying localities other than streets for the towns and cities…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 27 of Copy 1 APPENDIX B 21 William Orne on Maple street opposite High Street. Four enlarged photo- graphic copies of this map have been recently made, F. Map of Longmeadow, including the then precinct of…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 28 of Copy 1 22 APPENDIX B in lithograph. Taking a plan of the streets the artist went through them and sketched in the buildings with remarkable rapidity. The original belongs to the Connecticut Valley Historical…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 29 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C Place-names of Old Springfield including therein the present Holyoke, Chlcopee, West Springfield, Agawam, Ludlow, Wilbraham, Hampden and the Longmeadows. Many of the names in this list are found in the…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 30 of Copy 1 24 APPENDIX C It was opposite the Upper Falls about 40 rods from the Connecticut. Unless there had been an accord between the towns such a starting point was called a bound…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 31 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C 25 mansion built by David Ames, an early manufacturer of paper, about 1825 and still occupied by his descendants. The term was formerly of wider significance and may have included…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 32 of Copy 1 26 APPENDIX C BAILEY S GROVE. A part of the tract of heavy pine timber on the left bank of Mill river. Map L. See Blake s Woods and Pine Hall. BALL…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 33 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C 27 tistry. The water was held by damming the brook that is still runninp out of the cemetery. Maps H K L. For Air. Batty see Morris s Birds of…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 34 of Copy 1 28 APPENDIX C BENTON BROOK. See Wan Swamp brook. BIRCH RUN. WiLBRAHAM. On the Monson road about halfway from the top of the mountain to Glendale church. Ex rel. Chauncey E. Peck.…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 35 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C 29 BLACK POND HILL. An old river terrace near Black Pond. Reg. Deeds bk. 403 p. 6. BLAKE S HILL. That part of the Great Hill lying on both sides…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 36 of Copy 1 30 APPENDIX C bridge. The bridge over Block brook on the highway between Springfield and Westficld east of Tattom Hill had this distinctive name. The spot had so late as 1889, a…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 37 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C 31 BURT S MILLS. A hamlet of South Wilbraham, now Hampden, centering around a water power; birth place of Ezekiel Russell, D.D. a sound theologian and scholar. The mill has…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 38 of Copy 1 32 APPENDIX C of Bald Peak may have suggested the name of Mount Parnassus and the spring, having been compared with the spring of that name on the Grecian Parnassus, the brook…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 39 of Copy 1 APPENDIX C 33 early nineteenth century the school district extended north as far as the pres- ent McElwain farm and south to the White Church on the hill. At the north lay…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916
Image 40 of Copy 1 34 APPENDIX C Gen. Reg. 4th series vol. 6 p. 375. Mary Lewis married the brickmaker in 1645. CLOSE ROAD. See Pent Road. COAL PITS, THE. At Plainfield near Deep Dingle, 2…
- Contributor: Barrows, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
- Date: 1916