Book/Printed Material Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
Image 1 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 2 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church ,o ^0 V ^O
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 3 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church o 4 O ■^--0^ f-^ vP V V* .^Vv^-
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 4 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 5 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 6 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 7 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church o o Historical Addresses DELIVERED AT THE ...RUINS OF SAINT... ..PHILIP S CHURCH.. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF The North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames o
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 8 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church p.
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 9 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 10 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 11 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Prayer^ Prayer. O God, the Almighty Builder and Ruler of the nations, whose name is excellent in all the earth and Thy glory above the Heavens, we praise and adore Thee for…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 12 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 13 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church ^hc Horth OTaroIina ^jocicty erf ^hc ©oloiiial Raines of America. (i)fficcvs. X901— 1002. PRESIDENT MRS. GASTON MEARES, 1 6 North Fifth Street. VICE-PRESIDENTS MRS. WILLIAM CALDER, 311 North Third Street. MRS. THOMAS…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 14 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 15 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church J
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 16 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 17 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Eear, Early Explorers of the Cape Fear. regard the establishment of societies for the study of colonial and revolutionary history in the Southern States, and especially in…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 18 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers oj the Cape Fear^ widening circle, and thus serve to remove the reproach under which our people have so long supinely rested; of being ig- norant of, and indifferent to…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 19 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear, statement that was never true except in the early colonial days, and then only true as to a small part of the State, but which has,…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 20 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ sons who have any knowledge of the subject are aware of the fact that some Massachusetts adventurers came here in 1660, bringing cattle and hogs with…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 21 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ and on Frida)-, the Kllh, went up tlie river for some dis- tance; and thence forwar:! until December 4th they made their explorations on both sides…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 22 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ The record of this exploring party was carefully kept by the leader of it, a man named Robert Sanford, whose account is very interesting. They left…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 23 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ Dr. Henry Woodward, who went on the exploring expedi- tion with Sanford along the coast sonthward, was a man of very decided character and ability. This…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 24 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ the English settlement. In 1671 again he was sent by Sir John Yeamans to Virginia on an exploring expedition, and he seemed to have regarded this…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 25 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Exploi-ers of the Cape Fear, High Sheriff was then actually, as he is now theoretically, the first man in the county, and superior in rank to any nobleman therein during his…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 26 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fear^ that while his enemies criticised various acts of his admin- istration while Governor, and had controversies with him, as was invariably the case with every governor,…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 27 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Early Explorers of the Cape Fcar^ he did so iiiucli to place the cok)ny in a state of security against invasion by Spaniards, that the Lords Proprietors who, he says, were, stingily,…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 28 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church been confiscated by the Ronndheads in England, and being himself thereby impoverished, he, like a brave and sensible man, determined to retrieve his fortnnes in a new country that he went to…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 29 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 30 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 31 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunswick^ Old Brunswick. PON this consecrated ground there assembled on a beautiful morning of Whit-Tuesday, 132 years ago, a con- gregation of worshippers to dedicate to the glory and service of…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 32 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunswick, Above the sacred edifice the gentle south wind murmurs in the stately pines like the distant roaring of a seashell to the listening ear. Upon the placid sparkling waters of…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 33 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church man, says Doctor Battle, had qualities more brilliant than any of our Provincial Governors. He was in the prime of his life and vigour; ambitious and energetic; accustomed to the best societ)…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 34 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church father, John Davis, and uncle, Jehu Davis, were two of the wealthiest planters of the Cape Fear. Richard Eagles a prominent gentleman of large means; Robert Snow, William Lord and John London,…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 35 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunswick^ a niiiiiber of negro slaves and slaughtered many cattle and hogs, thereby enraging the people to the highest degree, who attacked the pirates with such weapons as they could com-…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 36 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunswick^ The coiiimunion plate, surplice and furniture for the com- munion table and pulpit, including a bible and common prayer books, were the gifts of King George II, in order that…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 37 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunswick, bonfires, illuminations, and a ball and supper with all unanimity and demonstrations of joy. Of the town of P)runswick at this time. Col. Waddell says: It never contained more than…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 38 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Brunsimck^ son, Judge Alfred Moore, afterwards a Judge of the United States Supreme Court, and some of the distinguished members of the Ashe family, and Gov. Benj. Smith and Colonel Wm.…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 39 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Old Bmnswick^ woods witli loft} timber, which afford most delightful and pleasant seats to the planters, and the lands very convenient and easy to be fenced in, to secure their stocks of…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901
Image 40 of Historical addresses delivered at the ruins of Saint Philip's Church Ll Old BrmisjjDick^ but to the dairy and domestic affairs, which many of them manage with a great deal of prudence and conduct, though they are very young. Both sexes are very…
- Contributor: North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America - Martin, Eugene S. - Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore) - Sprunt, James
- Date: 1901