Book/Printed Material Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1919.
Image 1 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … Mftffl MM R/ufaBtl RffiflifUN fin Inn J
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 3 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … V- c r ^K .V .V k. v,
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 5 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … HISTORICAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER INCLUDING ALL OPERATIONS OF THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT American Expeditionary Forces 1917 1919 \AJ lot WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … fa f c fl c cu WAR DEPARTMENT Document No. 907 Office of The Adjutant General FEB Of fc). 3 1920
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … WAR DEPAETMENT, Washington, July 5, 1919. The following publication, entitled Historical Report of the Chief Engineer, Including all Operations of the Engineer Depart- ment, American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1919, is approved and published…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … FOREWORD. The Historical Report of the Chief Engineer, American Expedi- tionary Forces, consists of a main body and appendices. The aim has been to present within reasonable space limits in the main…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, …
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … SUBJECT INDEX. HISTORICAL BEPORT, CHIEF ENGINEER, AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Page. Part I. Engineer Department organization 15 A chronological account (mentioning important personnel), tracing the origin and development of the department from the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 8 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. Part III. Engineer Supply and Construction in the Service of Supply- Continued. Page. Construction Ports and docks 263 Railroads 2S0 Storage depots 288 Hospital…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Tage. Map Main lines of communication and location of principal engineer projects 14 Chart Organization Engineer Department 47 Chart— Organization D. C. and F 49 Chart— Total troops and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 10 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. Page. Photo Pontoon bridge over Bscaut 225 Photo— Road work 227 Photo Rock-crushing plant 227 Photo Horse-watering point 228 Photo Bridge construction 231 Photo…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. 11 Page. Photo Steel-frame hangar, Latrecey 374 Photo Types of structures at Issoudun 374 Plan Romarantin air-service center 374 Photo Motor-reception park, Brest 376 Photo Motor-reception park, Bassens 376…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … STATISTICAL INDEX. Engineer strength. Number of officers and men under direct command or technical control of chief engineer, on November 11, 1918, was 174,000 dis- tributed as follows: With armies, 86,400; miscellaneous,…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ENGINEER STRENGTH IN AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. On November 11, 1918, there were under the direct command or the technical supervision of the chief engineer, American Expedi- tionary Forces, 174,000 officers and men,…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 14 HISTORICAL. REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F.
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … Part I. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION. The Engineer Department of the American Expeditionary Forces comprised the personnel engaged in duties under the supervision, or the direction, of the chief engineer, American Expeditionary Forces.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 16 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. vestigations and recommendations were made touching the broader subject of organization, equipment, and supply for the Engineer work of the American expedition on the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 17 violent storms, shelter for troops or space, if necessary, to erect shelter, hospitals or space, if necessary, to erect the same, space for remount accommodations, storehouses and go-downs or space…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 18 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. For emergency use At Nantes, berthage for 4 ships at Bordeaux, berthage for 3 ships; at Pauillac, berthage for 2 ships. 4. Steps to…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 19 depot be established in New York to furnish supplies and employees direct. Among the matters most urgent for early consideration and action were 1. The procurement of Engineer supplies (a)…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 20 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. the purchase of French timber to be cut by British and French for- estry troops. Thereby all timber speculation was eliminated. The work of…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 21 By the second week of July, it became evident that the French would be able to furnish to the American Army no lumber or timber except for camp construction, and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 22 HISTORICAL, REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. PROVISION FOR PORT AND TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. Transportation necessarily includes port facilities for cargo dis- charge, storage, classification, and routing, as well as intermediate and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 23 The American Army will have the use of all tools and equipment existing in the ports at the places assigned to it. They must do their own unloading and warehousing.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 24 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. ally rock, with high vertical bluffs between wide tide flats, where the bottom appeared to be rock, covered with a thin layer of mud.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 25 24 feet to 25 feet; at La Martiniere, with 5 berths, capable of future increase to 10, accommodating vessels drawing 22 feet to 23 feet and at some point, to…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 26 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. The subject of the organization of a permanent boa-rd of the rep- resentatives of France, England, Italy, and the United States to consider transportation…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … OKGANIZATION. 27 based on 100 pounds per man per day. The French railroad officials present outlined a plan for routing this tonnage, thus: 25,000 tons via Bourges, Nevers, Chagny, Dijon, Is-sur-Tille 15,000…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 28 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. demand. The plan deemed preferable was modeled after that of the British, that of more or less decentralized branches of the service, each in…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 29 the 15th Engineers, became, under a system similar to that of the Engineer Department in the United States, chief engineer in the zone covered by his regiment the intermediate zone…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 30 HISTORICAL, REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. ORGANIZATION OF SPECIAL ENGINEER SERVICES. Except requisitions Nos. 1 and 2, for camouflage and water supply material, respectively, nothing was done toward organizing the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 31 dependently of the chief engineer, although that officer was charged with its supply of all such material and appliances as are usually furnished by the Engineer Department. The Engineer Department…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 32 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. Retained by Engineer Department. After the arrival of sufficient personnel, an organization of the Engineer Department was formu- lated and changed from time to…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … ORGANIZATION. 33 Head Chief engineer, American Expeditionary Forces. Organization Office of chief engineer, American Expeditionary Forces. (a) Office of assistant chief engineer, American Expeditionary Forces at general headquarters. Division of Military Engineering…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of Historical report of the chief engineer, including all operations of the Engineer Department, … 34 HISTORICAL REPORT CHIEF ENGINEER A. E. F. Forces, concerning the personnel under their charge, matters of sup- ply and technical details of their work. The chief engineer, American Expeditionary Forces, as…
- Contributor: United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. Engineer Department
- Date: 1919