Book/Printed Material History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
Image 1 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 2 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Book A H fi
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 3 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 4 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 5 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; jjj_^ 1%-^!
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 6 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 0^, Jlp, h^oxyuui^
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 7 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; PREFACE. After a year of incessant labor the History of Alameda County is now presented to our patrons. From the outset of the undertaking we have given the public to understand that…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 8 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 9 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX Geography Area Geology and Mineralogy Contra Costa Hills Monte Diablo Group Monte Diablo Topography Climatography Soil and Productions Pomology Salt-making Earthquakes Aborigines Early History The Bear Flag Legislative History Organization of…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 10 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. Streams Climate Soil Products Timber Mexican Grants. Early Settlement. 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 to 1869 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 ■875 1876 1877 1S7S 1879 18S2 Schools Alameda…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 11 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. Ill Topography 453 Valleys 453 Streams 453 Climate 454 Soil 456 Products 457 Timber 45S Minerals 458 Mineral Springs 459 Mexican G rants 459 Early Settlement 459 Altamont 467 Dublin 46S…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 12 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. Pacific Lodge, No. 7, A. O. U. W 7S Oak Leaf Lodge, No. 35, A. O. U. W 755 Live Oak Lodge, No. 17, K. of P 755 Oakland Council, No.…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 13 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. BIOGRAPHIES. Adams, Edson icxxi Adams, Herbert Lester, LL.B S36 Ager, Mark 837 Allen, James M 837 Andrus, Washburne R 838 Anthony, F. A 839 An way, Loren B 839 Arff, Fred.…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 14 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. Irish, Hon. John P 914 Jacobs, Aaron 9 -A Jamison, John W 9 4 Jarvis, F. C 914 Jarvis, Howard S 9^5 Jessiip, William H 915 Johnson, John 920 Jones, Andrew…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 15 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; INDEX. Taylor, Joseph H 9^4 Taylor, Dr. William Stewart 984 Teeter, Daniel M 9S5 Thorn, George 9^5 Thorn, Philip 9^5 Thornburgh, M. K 9S6 Threlfall, Richard 9S6 Tifoche, Ivan James 986 Tisch,…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 16 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 17 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 18 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 20 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 10 History of Alameda County, California. Geology and Mineraloi;y. There is perhaps no subject in the whole range of scientific research so fraught with interest and so sure to yield a rich…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 21 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 11 great coal fields are formed, from which man, in the due fullness of time, is permitted to draw his supplies for fuel for all purposes. How…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 22 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 12 History of Alameda County, California. see them all. You hear the pulse and throb of the mighty engine which drives all these wonders on to success, and which is conducive to…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 23 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 13 extinct The second section contains fossils more nearly related to the present time, from ten to forty per cent, being identical with the living species. In…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 24 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 14 History of Alameda County, California. on the coast of Siberia in such a state of preservation that the dogs ate its flesh. Among the many pictures which this fertile subject calls…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 25 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 15 and the whole face of the earth was smihng and rejoicing in the spring-time of its new existence. The seasons were fully established, and summer s…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 26 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 16 History of Alameda Couxtv, California. The rocks near Martinez have furnished a large number of specimens of cretaceous fossils of both divisions. In passing along the shore of the Straits of…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 27 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; ^-i^IZ-e^^T^yOtC-^
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 28 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 29 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 17 spread over the surface, just as takes place at present during a winter of extraordinary storms, like those of 1861-62. The appearances indicate sometimes a heavy…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 30 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 18 History of Alameda County, California. A belt of metamorphic rock may be traced along the western side of the Contra Costa Hills, beginning near San Pablo, thence following the west side…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 31 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 19 On the east side of Carlisle Creek, a metamorphic limestone occurs, in whjch all traces of stratification have been obliterated, the mass of the rock being…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 32 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 20 History of Alameda County, California. narrowing near Redwood Peak, extends along the western slope of the hills, forming the lower ridges at their base. It does, not, however, form a well-defined…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 33 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 21 Passes cross, is made up of a very irregular belt of hills about ten or twelve miles wide, most elaborately wrought out by denudation into a…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 34 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 22 History of Alameda County, California. ridges are sharper and the outcrops of rock more numerous. Near the junction with the unaltered strata the metamorphosed beds preserve their original lines of stratifi-…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 35 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc., 23 coals, and the thickness of the beds sufficient for profitable working, if they had not been so much disturbed by the movements of the strata. An…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 36 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; 24 History of Alameda County, California. are several localities of the large fossil oysters Ostira Titan), where these occur in great numbers. About one mile north of Camp 6i, the impressions of…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 37 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 38 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions;
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 39 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; Geography, Area, Geology, Mineralogy, Etc. 25 prevent the waters of the lake from escaping to the ocean. Its level was many feet above that of the ocean, while its waters extended far…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883
Image 40 of History of Alameda County, California, including its geology, topography, soil, and productions; History of Alameda County, California. It is said that there is an old Californian legend in this regard preserved in the archives of one of the missions, which runs thus: Soon after…
- Contributor: Wood, Myron W. - Munro-Fraser, J. P.
- Date: 1883