Book/Printed Material The history of Cape May County, New Jersey : from the aboriginal times to the present day Copy 2
Image 2 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 3 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 4 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 5 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 6 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 7 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 8 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 10 of Copy 2 Entered according to act of Congress, in 1897, by LEWIS T. STEVENS, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. D. C. PRESS OF THB STAR OF THE CAPE PUBLISHING…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 11 of Copy 2 PREFACE. The History of Cape May County is the resuk of many years of research, and the author hopes that it will meet with the approbation of the public. Some ten years…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 12 of Copy 2 ODE TO CAPE MAY. By Theophilus T. Price, M. D. Tune: Dearest May. (Revised l)y the author for this work.) Dear land of, my nativity! And scene of childhood s play, I…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 13 of Copy 2 Ihy daughttrs praiee truth gladly sptaks, While fond emotions rise; The glow of beauty gilds their cheeks And sparkles in their eyes; And hearts of love and tenderne.^. Within their bosoms play;…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 14 of Copy 2 Contents. Chapter I The Indians and the D-iitch Explorers.... 9 Chapter II Pioneers and Whaling 23 Chapter III The Settlers and Their Xew Homes.... 36 Cha])ter I\ Life Early in the Eighteenth…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 15 of Copy 2 ■Cha[.ter XXXI— The Boroughs 445 Appendix A Members of the Legislature 450 Appendix B Boards of Freeholders 453 Appendix C County Oflficials 463 Appendix E Municipal Officers 472 Appendix D Postmasters 465…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 16 of Copy 2 Illustrations. Gold Spriiia; rn sbyterian f niiinli Frontispiece M;q o.t Cape ^Iny County 177 Townseiid Cloat of Anns 37 Steamboat l.aiulins Ca]»o May I oint, in 1859 189 Cou^rass Hall. Ctipe Island,…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 17 of Copy 2 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COUNTY. CHAPTER I. THE INDIANS AND THE DUTCH EXl LOKKKS. The first inhaljirants of what is now the county of Cape May, as far as history teaches us,…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 18 of Copy 2 10 HiS lORY Ol^ CAPE MAY COT NTY. most peaceable. The name of the particular tribe inhabiting Cape May county, living- at Cape May Point, was the Kech- •emeches. The Delaware river…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 19 of Copy 2 Tin-: INDIANS AND THE DUTCH P:XPLOItT:KS. 11 Ijones bore unmistakable evidences of syphilis, one of the fruits presented them by their Christian civilizers. A skull was exhumed which must have belonged to…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 20 of Copy 2 12 HIST OKI or Al E MAY COUNTY. soon destroyed by its iiiHuence, or compelled to emigrate to other regions to prolong for a while the doom affixed to* his name and…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 21 of Copy 2 THE INDIANS AND THE DUTCH EXi LOIJElJS. 13 rounded the Cape in the spring- of 1524 in tlie Dolphin. The county was in the territory claiineil l)y errazani as Is[e\v France. Cape…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 22 of Copy 2 14 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY (OTNTY. failures of their explorers, abandoned the then prevailing: idea of a northwest route to India, and left this question to. the English and Danes for settlement.…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 23 of Copy 2 THE INDIANS AND TllE DUTCH EXPLOKERS. I* ture to explore it. The craft then sailed north and intO North river, which has since taken the name of its explorer,, Hudson. Hudson s…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 24 of Copy 2 IC HIS iORV OF CAPE MAY ror.NTY. cecded to examine the coast where Hendrick Hudson had preceded him fourteen years earher. Mey encountered the -French, who had attempted to take possession, and…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 25 of Copy 2 I lIK INDIANS AM) THE Dl TCH EXri.!)KKUS. 17 Upon the voyages and discoveries of Hudson and Mey tlie name of New Netherlands was a])phed to all the coun- ttry lying on…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 26 of Copy 2 18 HISTORY OF CAl E MAY COUNTY. torial acquisitions. These directors sent out from Amster- dam three ships, and the whole management of the afifair on this side of the Atlantic was…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 27 of Copy 2 THE INDIANS AM) THE DITCH EXI LOHEKS. U qualities, to have transported, ceded and conveyed as law- ful, unalienable and free property by virtue and title of sale and in consideration of…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 28 of Copy 2 r20 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COFNTY. .signature and our seal appended thereto. Done on the ..aforesaid Island of Manhattan, at Fort Amsterdam, the 3d ^of June, A. D. 1631. The above patent…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 29 of Copy 2 THE INDIANS AND THE DITCH EXPLOr.EUS. 2P establish a whale and seal fishery. Oi de ries it is saiirj. that he was wise in counsel, that he conciliated the Indians of Swanwendael…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 30 of Copy 2 22 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COUNTY. emor, Printz Tinicuni. This conveyance inckuled all land from Cape May to Narriticon, or Raccoon Creek. Campanius, a Swedish minister, who resided in New Sweden, on…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 31 of Copy 2 CHAPTER II. THE PIONEERS AM) WHALING. Whaling in the Delaware bay was noted as a consider- able industry about this time. English colonists from .\?w Haven and emigrants from Long Island, who…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 32 of Copy 2 24 HISTORY OF CAPE M.W ror.NTY. plore the l)a\- in 1632, by (lovcrnor Harvey, of irgiiiid:.,. who were killed by the Indians. Evelyn s letter reads: I thought good to write unto…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 33 of Copy 2 THE PIONEERS AND WHALING. 25- actually saw them. Dr. Beesley says of the reference made to the Kechemeches: Now w?here it was the king of Kechemeches with his fifty men held forth,…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 34 of Copy 2 20 FIISTDRY OF CAPE MAY COrNTY. Concerning the Swedes who may have settled hi Cape May county Dr. Beesley says: As history throws no hght on the original occupiers of the soil,…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 35 of Copy 2 THK PIONEERS AND WHALINU. 27 •€ast side of this river are residing from English among the Manto savages; they arrived in a small boat in the neigh- -borhood of Cape May about…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 36 of Copy 2 28 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COUNTY. of New Netherlands, including the country as far south ar^ Cape May, was restored to Holland. But in the next year the whole territory was receded…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 37 of Copy 2 THE PIONEERS AND WHALING. 29 anission to prescribe rules for the land settlements. The surveyor was required to measure the Delaware front from Assunpink Creek to Cape May and to find a…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 38 of Copy 2 30 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COTNTY. knowledge. The records of the whalemen, which appear iii New Haven, show that there was no permanent removal from that place to Cape May until 1685,…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 39 of Copy 2 THE riONEEKS AND WHALINO. 31 appearance in Burlington. At the same time Abraham Wegton, wife and children, to answer, as well as Margrett, servant of Davis, as well as any others who…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897
Image 40 of Copy 2 .•32 HISTORY OF CAPE MAY COT NTY. was selected about Cape May, in the person of Sam I Mathews. He was duly attested. This is one of the earliest selections of officials…
- Contributor: Stevens, Lewis Townsend
- Date: 1897