Book/Printed Material History of Josephine.
Image 1 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 2 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 3 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 4 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 5 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 6 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 7 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 8 of History of Josephine. ,y dt S r- m IL
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 9 of History of Josephine. KI S T K Y OP JOSEPHINE. B7 JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. e®ftl) ?5nsrabfnfl3. NEW YORK: IIARPEU BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FTIANKLIN SQUARE f /f y^
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 10 of History of Josephine. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one tboasftnd eight hundred and fifty -one, by Harper Brothers, ia *fc« Jerk s Office of the District Court of the Southern Diatrui…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 11 of History of Josephine. PREFACE. Maria Antoinette, Madame Roland, and Josephine are the three most prominent hero- ines of the French Revolution. The history of their lives necessarily records all the most interesting events of that…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 12 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 14 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 16 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 17 of History of Josephine. JOSEPHINE. Chapter I. I*irt; IN Martinique. Metrtinlque. Its varied beaotiea FT^HE island of Martinique emerges in tropi- cal luxuriance from the bosom of the Ca- ribbean Sea. A meridian sun causes the…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 18 of History of Josephine. 14 Josephine. [A.D. 1760 Birth of Josephine. Her parents dcatli, pating influences of European and Americaii opulence, they dwell in their secluded island in a state of almost patriarchal simplicity. About the…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 19 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1765.] Life in Martinique. 15 M. Renaudin. His kind treatment of his slaves. ter, gave liim a wide influence over the island. He was remarkable for his humane treatment of his…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 20 of History of Josephine. 16 Josephine. [A.D. 1765. Gratitude of the slaves, Josephine a universal favorit« slaves on the adjoining plantations, and exulted in view of their own enjoyments. M. and Mad- ame R-enaudin often visited…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 21 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1765.] Life in Martinique. 17 Hospitality of M. Renaudin. Society at his house, the sports of childhood, were also dutiful subjects ever ready to be obedient to her will. The social…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 22 of History of Josephine. 18 Josephine. [A.D. 1705. Ear}/ education of Josephine. Her accomplishments Her remarks, her letters, her conversational ele- gance, gave indication of a mind thoroughly furnished with information and trained by se- vere…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 23 of History of Josephine. A.D 1765.] Life in Martinique. 19 Eupbemie. She becomes Josepbint a bosom companioiv plishment which was once deemed an essential part of the education of every lady. Under such influences Josephine became…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 24 of History of Josephine. 20 Josephine. [A.D, 1770 Popularity of Josephine. Cliildhood enjoyments ly-cultivated mind the lowly-born child derived intellectual stimulus, and thus each day became a more worthy and congenial associate. As years passed on,…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 25 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1770.] Life in Mar riNiQUK; 21 Characteristic traits. Ths fortune-teller mired in the cabin of the poor negro as she was in her uncle s parlor, where intelligence and re- finement…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 26 of History of Josephine. 22 Josephine. [A.D. 1772 Predictions of the sibyl. Credulity earnest attention upon the lines traced upon the palm. The little negresses were perfectly awe« stricken by this oracular display. Josephine, however, was…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 27 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 28 of History of Josephine.
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 29 of History of Josephine. A.D 1772.J Life in Martinique. 25 More predictions. Their fulfillment found solemnity, said, You will not believe me if I reveal to you your strange destiny. Yes, indeed, I assure you that…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 30 of History of Josephine. 26 Josephine. [A D. 1772 Explanations t« the predictions. How fulfilled wealth, and rank It was known universally, and it was a constant subject of plantation gos- sip, that the guardians of…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 31 of History of Josephine. A..D. 1772.] Life in Martinique. 27 Falsity of the prediction. Contemplated match embellished with all the attractions, and her apartments furnished with every luxury which opulence could provide. Instead of dying in…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 32 of History of Josephine. 28 Josephine. [A.D.1775 Attachment between Josephin 3 and William. Their separation fchem. The parents of William, and the uncle and aunt of Josephine, approved cordially of this attachment, and were desirous that…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 33 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1774.] Life in Martinique. 29 Rosseau throwing stones. Josephino s supcrstitin:^ writer of that day, in his celebrated Confes- sions, records with perfect composure that he was one day sitting in…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 34 of History of Josephine. 30 Josephine. [A.D. 1775 Deception of friends. Mutual fidelity Her feelings were the more deeply wounded, since there were other friends upon the island with whom he kept up a correspondence but…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 35 of History of Josephine. A D. 1775.] Marriage of Josephine. 01 Alexander de Beauhamais. Hia characser Chapter 1 1. The Marriage of Josephine. rOSEPHINE was about fourteen years of age when she was separated from William…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 36 of History of Josephine. 32 Josephine. [A.D. 1775 A new suitor. Motives for the marriage nais. He visited Martinique to secure the proof of his title to these estates. M. Renaudin held some of these plantations…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 37 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1775.] Marriage of Josephine. 3b 51ie announcement Feelings of Josephine, contemplated marriage with M. Beauharnais, Josephine was thunderstruck at the communi- cation, for, according to the invariable custom of the times,…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 38 of History of Josephine. 34 Josephine. [A.D 1775. Zeal of M. Beauharnais. The engagement had written her, replete with the most earnest spirit of constancy and affection. Josephine, but fifteen years of age, could not. under…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 39 of History of Josephine. A.D. 1775.] Marriage of Josephine. So Departure from Martinique. Paiting sccnei. gagement to Josephine, embarked for France. Arrangements had been made for Josephine, in the course of a few months, to follow…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879
Image 40 of History of Josephine. S6 Josephine. |A.D. 1775 Josephine s arrival in France. Her interview with WilliaJH Little, however, could she imagine the career of strange vicissitudes upon which she was about to enter. The voyage…
- Contributor: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
- Date: 1879