Book/Printed Material History of old Germantown,

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Results: 376-400 of 486
  • Image 376 of History of old Germantown, 354 HISTORY OF OLD GERM AN TOWN She was undoubtedly a woman of great natural ability, and intensely devoted to the advocacy of her religious views, but extremely eccentric withal. She unfortunately possessed a hasty and ungovernable temper which obscured her great talents and better qualities. It is said that she fell in love with Moses Eliot, a young surgeon who served during the…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 377 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN 355 Plaine house. It was occupied about 1848 by the Gerraantown Mutual Fire Insurance Company. This company was organized in 1843. In 1846 they rented from Wyndham H. Stokes a build- ing situated where Stokes s block now stands. In 1847 they rented of Benjamin Lehman one of the small buildings that stood opposite Armat Street. In 1848 they removed…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 378 of History of old Germantown, 356 HISTORY OF OLD GBRMANTOWN Edward Potterton, who, for many years, was in the crockery business at No. 5527, started business in front of the old Stokes house. He was accustomed to arrange his wares along the picket fence, turning the pitchers and mugs upside down on the pickets. Bowls and dishes were arranged on a long shelf. No. 5535. This was built in…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 379 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMAXTOIVN 357 were one and the same person, but this cannot be the case, as the latter did not take up his residence in Germantown until 1821. ]\Iarch 25, 181 1, Jacob Roset and wife conveyed the prop- erty to Joseph and Jacob Green. {Deed Book J. C, No. zj, p. 366.) Joseph and Jacob Green carried on the hat business…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 380 of History of old Germantown, 358 HISTORY OF OLD GBRMANTOWN the stone was planted in 1801, it indicated the distance to Mar- ket Street, which was then the center of the city. No. 5543. (Shoemaker, No. 4815.) Upon this site the bakery of David and Wilham Meredith stood in 1809, the first named being the owner. The present building was erected by Robert Cherry, and it now forms part…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 381 of History of old Germantown, Mil I l i i
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 382 of History of old Germantown,
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 383 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GBRMANTOWN 361 delphia. He was killed and his body was brought home on Monday night. Cassie Miller continued to live in this house until she was quite an old woman, supporting herself by knit- ting socks. She was noted for her peculiarities which were the cause of much annoyance to her at the hands of the children of the neighborhood. It…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 384 of History of old Germantown, 362 HISTORY OF OLD GERM AN TOWN part is of stone. All such remains of the primitive times, are fast fading from the things that be. The point of view in the picture is from Germantown Ave- nue and Armat Street, looking down the Avenue. To the left of the centre may be seen the spire of the church on Market Square, and on…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 385 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMAXTOJVN 363 and Chelten Avenue the road was so bad that planks were laid in order to enable wagons to pass. In building the large sewer on Germantown Avenue to drain this territory, about ten feet below the surface the workmen unearthed a number of these planks. They also came upon an old vat of the tannery with one hide still…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 386 of History of old Germantown, 364 HISTORY OP OLD GBRMANTOWN Dr. Charles King, a dentist, afterward lived there. He built a large house (No. 5609) on the corner of Woodlawn Avenue and moved into it. Nos. 5615-17-19. Walker Hall, occupied by Walker Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was built upon the site of a building that, in 1840, belonged to William Crout, a cabinet maker and…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 387 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN 365 Avenue was cut through, on account of the large amount of paving and curbing required, because of his property running parallel with the street. He declared, on one occasion, that he would willingly pay the city two thousand dollars to be let alone. After the street was cut through he was asked why he did not improve the corner…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 388 of History of old Germantown, 366 HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN Even now, tinsmiths occasionally find a piece of work that William Fry did, and yet he gave up active business about 1855. He was very particular about the quality of his work, and he exacted like care from others about him. On one occa- sion he made John C. Lightfoot hunt for nearly a day for two locust posts…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 389 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN 367 account of bronchial trouble, but he remained among his par- ishioners and built up an excellent practice. No. 5624. The old one-story frame shop of the Frys was on the site of the drug store at this number. No. 5627. (Old number. 4847.) Shoemaker says that in 1809 Alexander Armor, a carpenter, lived here. For many years it was…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 390 of History of old Germantown, 368 HISTORY OF OLD GBRMANTOWN says he, and over the fence I goes. The Squire, knowing the reputation of the John Dick boys, held Coon under bail. Joseph Bentz, a baker, agreed to go his bail until his father came home in the evening. Just before the train upon which the father was expected became due, the boys stationed themselves along the street within…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 391 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN WEST CHELTEN AVENUE (No. 5700) 369 This street was placed upon the town plan in 1854 by the burgesses, under the name of Market Street. It was the site of the Kurtz or Barr house. Originally the property belonged to the Hookers. Wyndham H. Stokes opened the street and thereby greatly offended William Fry. The large house that formerly stood…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 392 of History of old Germantown, 3/0 HISTORY OF OLD GERM AN TOWN place are still standing. After the death of Kurtz his property mostly came into the possession of George Barr, who sold it to a party who intended to erect a factory for rendering fat and making soap. A large number of citizens protested against having a soap factory in the centre of the town, and petitioned the…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 393 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GBRMANTOWN 371 The property on the south side of Chelten Avenue, from Main Street to half way between Greene Street and Wayne Avenue, belonged to William K. Fry, who was a tinsmith. He had the reputation of doing only good work, refusing to put on a tin roof if the preparatory work was not up to his standard of proper construction.…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 394 of History of old Germantown,
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 395 of History of old Germantown, PART III Contributed Articles Relating to the History of Germantown
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 396 of History of old Germantown,
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 397 of History of old Germantown, THE OLD ROBERTS MILL (See Frontispiece.) For the following interesting sketch we are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. Elwood Roberts, of Norristown, a prominent member of the Montgomery County Historical Society The old Roberts Mill, for many years one of the oldest landmarks of Germantown, was the second oldest in Pennsyl- vania, and the grists of several generations of the vicinity were ground…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 398 of History of old Germantown, Z7^ HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN gradually declined in power until it became comparatively use- less as a means of grinding grain. There is a tradition, appar- ently well authenticated, as to the origin of the name of the creek, that the Indian chief, Wingohocking, was a particular friend of James Logan, the intimate associate and counselor of Penn, and that, according to the Indian…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 399 of History of old Germantown, HISTORY OF OLD GERMANTOWN 2 77 The mill passed from Richard Townsend to John Peters, who sold it to Matthias Lukens, who left it by will to his son, John Lukens, the oldest of his children. December i, 1764, Jacob Brown purchased it from the Lukens family. He sold it to Nicholas Burkhart. Burkhart having died, the mill prop- erty was sold, April i,…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907
  • Image 400 of History of old Germantown, THE TOWN OF MANHEIM The Alanheim Club grounds are on a part of what was laid out by Henry Fraley in 1796 as the town of Manheim. The grounds are on the rear part of lot No. 2 towards the Schuyl- kill, drawn in the name of Dirck op de Graeff, and lot No. 3, drawn in the name of Abraham op de Graeff.…
    • Contributor: Keyser, Naaman Henry - McCann, Horace Ferdinand - Garber, John Palmer - Kain, C. Henry
    • Date: 1907