Book/Printed Material How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
Image 1 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. IBM a ffi Ira ■HHIHI
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 2 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 3 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 4 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 5 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 6 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 7 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. j^pare H ows ]Y {acje^c)pofvta3 le 1/ J3y Kennedy JfoTbrooI6 1887.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 8 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. Copyright, 1886, By WORTHINGTON CO.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 9 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. PREFACE Although this book is ostensibly a boy s book, many things which it contains are equally nsef ul to girls and have been tried by the latter with entirely satisfac- tory…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 10 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. INDEX. PAGE iEoLiAN harp, the 68 Air, earth, or the sea 244 Alum crystals, methods of coloring 25 Amusing experiment with tooth-picks 17 Animated fire 26 Annealing (repousse) 180 Antiques and horribles…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 11 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. INDEX. PAGE Flying whirligig, the 10 Fountain, a simple 322 Foxing 179 Frame for impressions of plants 87 Frame for a plaque 185 Freight train, a 51 Friction, light produced by, under…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 12 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. INDEX. PAGE Eepetition, danger of 291 Repousse work for boys, 172-184 Nubian bracelets, 172 hammer for repousse work, 173; other tools for repousse work, 176 marking the design, ib.; plaque in hammered…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 13 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. HOW? OR, SPAEE HOURS MADE PROFITABLE. THE WINDMILL PUPPET. This amusing little puppet is very easily constructed, and, like several other mechanical toys in this book, fur- nishes much entertainment for the…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 14 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 8 TEE WINDMILL PUPPET. Next make a frame-work for the figure to rest upon this should consist of a three-cornered piece of wood, six inches long for the bottom, a stick six…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 15 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE WINDMILL PUPPET. board, directly below the upper one. Then the wire may- be fastened to the windmill, by passing it through a little one side, then back again through on the…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 16 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 10 THE FLYING WHIRLIGIG. To impart life to this creation, it is placed over a fur- nace register through which the hot air is briskly rising. If the machine works easily, the…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 17 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. HOW TO MAKE A BOOK. 11 Holding the machine upright in the left hand, with a quick movement of the right, jerk the string from the spool, and the cardboard will fly…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 18 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 12 HOW TO MAKE A BOOK. year. Whenever he found any bright or witty thing, he would carefully preserve the clipping by putting it in a large paper box he kept in…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 19 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE SNAKE. 13 pretty and just the thing to fill up a place you may have left. It is well to collect all these little things you can find, for they always…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 20 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 14 THE DIVIDED SQUARE PUZZLE. struction, affords an endless amount of entertainment to the little folks of the family, and is well worth the trouble and time you may spend in making…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 21 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE GRIMACING FACE. 15 EXPERIMENT WITH TWO PIECES OF GLASS. Procure two pieces of glass about six inches square, join any two of their sides, and separate the opposite sides with a…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 22 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 16 A GOOD BALL. can be produced, by simply moving the pasteboard up and down in the paper. Fig. C represents the two parts put together. A GOOD BALL. Take a round,…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 23 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. AMUSING EXPERIMENT WITH TOOTHPICKS. 17 AMUSING EXPERIMENT WITH TOOTH-PICKS. Take five tooth-picks, weave them together, as seen in the illustration, which perhaps is easiest done by holding the three diverging ones between…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 24 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 18 A BOY S BAROMETER. HOW TO CUT TOPS FROM GLASS BOTTLES. A glass bottle when freed from its top can be utilized in many ways, and most boys will be glad…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 25 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. AN INFALLIBLE BAROMETER. 19 water will be level at its lower surface, or perhaps con- cave, like an individual butter plate turned upside down but when disposed to be stormy, a drop…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 26 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 20 THE BOOMERANG. THE BALANCING DOLL. From a piece of soft wood whittle out a head and body- like that in the illustration, making slits on either side for the insertion of…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 27 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE BOOMERANG. 21 It consists of an irregular shaped piece of hard wood, so constructed that by its aid, the unsuspectinggame can be killed at an angle widely diverging from the line…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 28 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 22 THE MAGIC TELE8G0PE. cut of stiff pasteboard in either of the forms given in the preceding page. To throw this, place it upon a book, one end extending beyond the edge…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 29 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE MAGIC TELESCOPE. 23 and perseverance, so absolutely indispensable to success in almost any undertaking. This telescope consists of a series of square wooden tubes, with an inside diameter of about five…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 30 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 24 TO CRYSTALLIZE GRASSES, SEED-VESSELS, ETC. TO CRYSTALLIZE GRASSES, SEED-VESSELS, Etc. Take a large-sized piece of alum, and pour over it a pint of boiling water, letting it stand until the water…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 31 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. METHOD OF COLORING ALUM CBTSTALS. 25 others. Continue in this manner until all are treated. If only a few crystals are desired they may be obtained by dipping the heads one at…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 32 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 26 A PRETTY ORNAMENT FOR A BOY TO MAKE. ANIMATED FIRE. When small pieces of camphor are placed in a basin of pure water, a very peculiar motion commences some of the…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 33 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. ROW TO BLOW GLASS. 27 thus learning an interesting lesson in chemistry, while making a beautiful ornament for your room. Be sure and preserve it carefully from the dust. HOW TO MAKE…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 34 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 28 A SIPHOW. a pipe-stem, about four inches long, and made of very thin glass. A dozen can be procured for ten or twelve cents at any place where chemical supplies are…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 35 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 36 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls.
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 37 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. A SOAP BUBBLE. 31 red then carefully bending it over the round part of a clothes-pin, till the two ends form parallel lines. A simple experiment with the siphon affords consider- able…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 38 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 32 BESIN BUBBLES. Usually at such gatherings, after the guests have all ar- rived, the hostess, having previously secured two or three boxes of bonbons, or other equally inexpensive trifles for prizes,…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 39 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. THE THREE MAGICAL CARDS. 33 discerned by the naked eye, and from their silvery luster, and reflection of the different rays of light, they have a pleasing appearance. Some that have been…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887
Image 40 of How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 34 THE THREE MAGICAL CARDS. position shown by dotted lines the whole face presents a perfectly white surface. Show this to your audience then, still holding them in sight, inform them in…
- Contributor: Holbrook, Kennedy
- Date: 1887