Book/Printed Material How to shoe a horse;
Image 1 of How to shoe a horse; SF 907 .W35 Copy 1 How to Shoe a Hor^c c £,(i) a^(D OI2. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN HORSESHOEING AND TREATING OF LAME HORSES. M Brcati6c f ON THE SHOEING AND…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 2 of How to shoe a horse;
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 3 of How to shoe a horse;
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 4 of How to shoe a horse;
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 6 of How to shoe a horse; Si- Errata. Page 9, 15th line from top read salt, inatead of salts. Page 9, 9th line from the bottom, read -will not bed, instead of will bed. Page 11, ast line,…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 7 of How to shoe a horse; Author s Preface. ^Pheo rjectof theTFriterio bringiDg this woik before the public IS to treat on a subject tliat may be termed a newdepartare. Having bad twenty-five years experience in practical horse…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 8 of How to shoe a horse; their feet may be properly cured of diseases arisicg fiom accident or Bhoeing; (3) That all blackemithe, nd especially those who shoe horses may know how to shoe horses according to scientific…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 9 of How to shoe a horse; r RATERNITY. [here should be a fraternal organization of horeMho- ers aod blacksmiths for the purpose of estBbli( hing a more fri*ndl^ feeling within the Craft; as well to ben- efit each…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 10 of How to shoe a horse; 6 How TO Shoe A Hobse. amount of cheek to set up a shop in Topeka among so many shops and good workmen. One went so far as to say tbat I…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 11 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Hoese. 7 poS .ess the propertieg of sensibiiitj and con 5ucfors; they have functions to perform which in the healthy s-tare nothing else can perform without injarj to…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 12 of How to shoe a horse; 8 How TO Shoe a Horse. Who ever heard of a colt having contracted feet, eoms or quarter craeks? Take a colt that has nerer been used and he baa a wide,…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 13 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe A Hoksf. 9 Care of the Feet. ^fho feet should receive cons^^aDfc httenticn, to keep thpm in g«^od condtion; evei-y borse owner sbouid have a trough or tub to…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 14 of How to shoe a horse; 10 How TO Shoe a Horse heels; make the shoe level before you fit it on. Have (ha shoe for any kind of a foot beveled slightly at the heels from the…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 15 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe A Hoese. 11 Dot much of a fitter. AUvays bear in micd that a gcod 6h er .will el ways save the foot and keep it in its natural…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 16 of How to shoe a horse; 12 How TO Shoe a Horse. moil practice is to fit the foot to the shoe, instead of the shoe to the foot because the fitter caunot fit the foot, and because…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 17 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Horse. 13 )iair, almost, and of course that is a first-class job, be- cause o£ the fine finish on the outside of the foot. Now what in the…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 18 of How to shoe a horse; l4 How TO Shoe A Horse. An other way of doing is to fit the shoe so it will rest on the heels and at the toe and the balance of the…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 19 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Horse. 15 doeg not split the hoof so much. While in lUinvis a man, a farmer, came to my shop and asked how large nails lused and I…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 20 of How to shoe a horse; 16 How TO Shoe A Horse. and was getting worse instead of better. Cook sai he had done all he knew for her and would give up as he did not know…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 21 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Ho«se. 17 coDTince him that it would Dot do I ^ould tell him I would rather ke would go to soaae othsr shop and hare the work done.…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 22 of How to shoe a horse; 18 How TO Shoe a Hokse. he wanted them. H« wanted them about an inoh wider at the heels than the foot, and of course I had to object and he eaid…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 23 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a HomsE. 19 owner wili^take eare of the fet t. Why not say that it makes no differenee what kind of a boot you wear, if you take care…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 24 of How to shoe a horse; 20 How TO Shoe a Horse. they can tara out lots of wjrk and yet they canaofc tell a caatrdcted foofc whea they see it. Then there is another cause for poor…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 25 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Hoese. 21 the busiues3. T woald like to sea the day scon come whea all thelejistatures of the states will pass such laws. I have lived and followed…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 26 of How to shoe a horse; 22 Hdw TO Shoe a Horse. HOW TO DISTINGUISH THEM. First: Bj the horse resting his feet in front of him and throwing the weight on his toes. Second Bj tenderness at…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 27 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Hobse. 23 keep out the dirt, then apply the shoe but do not draw the shoe tight on the corn. Three nails on that side are suflBcient. Sometimes…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 28 of How to shoe a horse; 24 H©w TO Shoe a Hokse. the quarter; contrafitioa of the feek; the feet gettieg dry and hard end by using hot shoes to fit with, thereby drying up the foot and…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 29 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shos a EOiSE. 25 Toe OP Sand Crack. ^^re caused by drjneBg or briitlecesB of the hoof Bud are in the front part of the fcoi aEd will haTS to…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 30 of How to shoe a horse; 26 How TO Shoe a Hor-e. boue liniment on the coronet tj get up hwal hy aotioDS and usea hoof oiutmeut freely. To prevent seedy toe do not use clips on the…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 31 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Horse. 27 A QUirroR. After it has brokon out at the top. TRHATMENT. First open at the top, then poul- tioe tbe foot until it is soft, then…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 32 of How to shoe a horse; 28 How TO Shoe a Hokse. trouble. Sometimes it will be neccs*arj to poultice the foot to take the feyer out. li: is always be-.t to do so if poFsiable. Laminitis or…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 33 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Hobse. 29 Steans and Howard Pierce, flour and feed dealers 1006 Kansas Avenue, North Tepeka. When iuflamation t^etg in the leaves or lamina separate sometimes, and usually in…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 34 of How to shoe a horse; 30 H©w TO Shoe a. Hokse. Pumiced Foot. lareful shoeing with ooncaye shoe, and getiiug a healthy action of the feet by ponltioing and ointment and blister Bround the coronet is about…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 35 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Hoese. 31 tract the f jot, and cause corns, etc. Another cause is throwing the weight all on the heels and toe; drawing the quarters down with t!ie…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 36 of How to shoe a horse; 32 H©w TO Shoe a Hoese. Bs it will relieve the soreness of the navicular joint. It is the duty of every man that sh©es ft horee as well the owner to…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 37 of How to shoe a horse; How TO Shoe a Morse. 33 Bruises of the Sole. fftused by treading on a stone in travcliag. Find where the soreness is and opain it, and ii8e either the liniment or…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 38 of How to shoe a horse; 34 How TO Shoe a Hoese. Interfering. 8, as a rale, the ftiulty action of the h «rsG in handle- ing his feet and sometimes the fault of the omith. If a…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 39 of How to shoe a horse; How T© Shoe a Horse. Hot FittSng. y deBOunoo the practic® of hst fitti»g, or in okber words to heat a ekoe red hot and pr?6a it down on th« foot, and…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889
Image 40 of How to shoe a horse; 36 How TO Snos a Hoe?e. inflame and cause it to becoma sore. If taken in time EO trouble to cure. I have koowQ and cured capes with oaly wa^hiBg with good…
- Contributor: Watts, J. E.
- Date: 1889