Book/Printed Material International Olympic games. Copy 2
Image 1 of Copy 2 6- 1/9^2. Zy .i^
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 2 of Copy 2 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 3 of Copy 2 GV 722 .1916 U4 Copy 2 INTEENATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. P-. ^j to v^-... House or Representatives, Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions, Washington, D. 0., February 10, 1911, 11 o cloch a.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 4 of Copy 2 2 INTEENATIOXAL OLYMPIC GAMES.P^ jy United States at its meeting held Xovember 21, 1910. It is decided, so far as the United States are concerned, that the games shall be held in…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 5 of Copy 2 f INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 3 It is estimated that last year 30,000,000 people attended ball games in this country alone. That shoAvs the interest our country is taking. From the time our…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 6 of Copy 2 4 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. These games have been held once in the United States, in 1904, at St. Louis. In 1908 London had them. In 1912 Stocl^hohn, Sweden, will have them. The…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 7 of Copy 2 I INTEKN-ATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 5 to secure the games for this country but I think we have a splendid chance of getting them. The Chairman. You said the games were held in…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 8 of Copy 2 6 INTEENATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. Mr. Nelson. A\niat you want of this committee is authorization? Mr. Schneider. An authorization is all ayc are asking for. Mr. Nelson. What you Avant is finally the…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 9 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 7 Mr. HowLAND. The city of Cleveland has appointed an Olympic games commission to take care of the Cleveland end of this proposi- tion. It is to provide a…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 10 of Copy 2 8 INTEEXATIOXAL OLYMPIC GAMES. in meeting all expenses incident to the games, outside of the ex- penses of people from foreign countries. Mr. Rowland. I will next introduce to the committee Rev.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 11 of Copy 2 IITTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 9 schools; there are 24 districts; and altogether there is a membership of 150,000 scholars in the association. It has been found that these scholars are benefited very much…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 12 of Copy 2 10 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. such a meeting- has in view is comprehensive it does not simply mean i^hysical development, bnt it means development along artistic lines. The old Greek understood well the…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 13 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 11 The pastime feature of it is worth consideration fostering out- door, healthful pastime; not necessarily making athletes of every- body. You know how our population turns out for…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 14 of Copy 2 12 IXTEENATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. SO that we may have an opportunit} to secure the favorable action of the Congress at this session. Mr. HowLAND. I Avill next introchice Mr. William Schlobohm. STATEMENT…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 15 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 13 For one race alone, the Marathon, it is estimated that 500,000 people lined up to see the contest. No admission fee could be charged to see the larger…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 16 of Copy 2 14 IXTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. tion which controls all the amateur athletic sports except those spoi-ts which of themselves are strong enough to take care of their particu- lar spoil, and then thev…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 17 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 15 I only want to say, as far as the association I represent is con- cerned, which comprises those four States, that Ave are heartily in favor of not…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 18 of Copy 2 16 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. When I got abroad I filled out the requested blank and, of course, told them exactty what I had done. They immediate^ said that I was a professional.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 19 of Copy 2 Iia TEBN ATIO:N AL OLYMPIC GAMES. 17 words, we have a certain set of medals. You can give cups. You can not give merchandise, even, in our athletics to-day, except in some…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 20 of Copy 2 18 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. active athletic bodies which are groupecl into associations covering the entire territory. When the organization was first formed the territories were naturally large, there being only a few…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 21 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 19 The question has been asked, what have the foreign countries been doing in connection with the support of these Olympic games? I can not answer that directly, or…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 22 of Copy 2 20 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. Lord Desborough, who personally footed the bill to the extent of $93,000, because of his having taken the initiative in bringing the games to London, and, seeing that…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 23 of Copy 2 INTEKN-ATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 21 The Chairman. That was merely the deficit— that $93,000? Mr. TowNEs. That was not the deficit, but that was the portion of the deficit that Lord Desborough became…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 24 of Copy 2 22 INTEENATIOXAL O^LYMPIC GAMES. The Chairman. I suppose that was his personal contribution? Mr. Langley. That was out of the funds akeacly furnished the King. Mr. Nelson. Did you say that Germany…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 25 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES.. 23 If the games are ever to be held in the United States again, to my mind there is no question but what aid will have to be had…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 26 of Copy 2 24 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. $1,500 with the amount of popular subscription, were able to make up a team so that they would have enough men for all eA^ents. If Cleveland ayIII build…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 27 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 25 Educational Alliance Athletic Associa- tion, New York, N. Y. Emerald Athletic Club, Westchester, N. Y. Etna Club, Brooklyn, N. Y. Far Hills Athletic Club, Far Hills, N. J.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 28 of Copy 2 26 IXTEENATIOK^AL OLYMPIC GAMES. Senior Boys Club St. Thomas Cliurcli, Mamaroneck, X. Y. Seveuty-first Regiment Athletic Asso- catiou, New York. X. Y. Seventy-fourth Regiment Athletic As- sociation, Buffalo. X. Y. Sixtv-fifth Regiment…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 29 of Copy 2 INTERNATIOj^AL OLYMPIC GAMES. 27 Columbia Athletic Club, Cambridge, Mass. East Boston Athletic Association, East Boston (Boston), Mass. Eighth Company C. A. C, M. V. M., Boston, Mass. Forest Hills Athletic Association, Bos-…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 30 of Copy 2 28 INTERN ATIOJTAL OLYMPIC GAMES. Playground Athletic League, Birming- ham, Ala. Royal Athletic Club, New Orelans, La. Sacred Heart Usher Society, New Or- leans, La. Shreveport Athletic Association, Shreveport, La. Southern Athletic…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 31 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 29 Pacific Association. Academic Athletic League of California. American Football Association. Auditorium Athletic Club. Bay Counties Athletic League. Belmont Military Academy. Barbarian Athletic Club. California Association Football League. California…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 32 of Copy 2 30 INTERNATIOXAL OLYMPIC GAMES. There are 22,000 adult male persons who are registered amateur athletes, and about 400,000 members of public and parochial school athletic leagues affiliated with the Amateur Athletic Union.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 33 of Copy 2 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC GAMES. 31 Greek Government did appropriate in the neighborhood of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to finance the games. Yours, very truly, James E. Sullivan. Secretary -Treasurer. [Extract, p.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 34 of Copy 2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I iiiNi iiiii Hill mil mil iiiii mil iijii mil mil nm mi mi 32 INTERNATIONAL. OLYMPIC GAMES Q Q29 819 153 P on which the games Avere held.…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 35 of Copy 2 ■Hi 2 Z/
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911
Image 36 of Copy 2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 819 153 2 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5
- Contributor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions
- Date: 1911