Book/Printed Material Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis of instruction
Image 1 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … H m Wm IHlwt^NiBHI mm
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 2 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … iV o.** 0O, o X *J o5 -U O0 N Do,
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 3 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … v
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 4 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 5 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 6 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 7 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … LAW-LATIN A TREATISE IN LATIN LEGAL MAXIMS AND PHRASES AS A BASIS OF INSTRUCTION E. HILTON JACKSON, A.M. LL.M., id Law-Latin in the Si Columbian University. Instructor in Law and Law-Latin in…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 8 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … Copyright, 1897, by E. Hilton Jackson. FREDERICK, WD. PRESS OF BAUGHMAN BROS.
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 9 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … TO WILLIAM A. MAURY, LL.D Counsellor at Law, Professor of Law in the Columbian University, and formerly Assistant Attorney-General of the United States, I respectfully dedicate this book.
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 10 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 11 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … PREFACE. This little book consists of a course in Latin, in which legal maxims and phrases are used as a basis of instruction. It is not designed to give a complete course…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 12 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … VI PREFACE. single part of this book. More of these rules and principles have been introduced than will be found indispensable to an intelligent study of the lessons, thus making the course…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 13 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … PREFACE. Vll acquired, will, by reason of the constant use of these maxims in the class room, have at his tongue s end information that may be considered an almost indis- pensable…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 14 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 15 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … CONTENTS. IX CONTENTS. LESSON. PAGE. I. First and Second Declension. The verb SUlil 1, 2 II. First and Second Declension. Adjectives. First Conjugation 3, 4 Third Declension. First Conjugation 5, 6 Third…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 16 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … X CONTENTS. XXVI. Irregular Verbs. Fieri. Ire 41, 42 XXVII. Irregular Verbs. Prseferre 42, 43 XXVIII. Verbs Controlling Special Cases 44, 45 XXIX. Verbs Controlling Special Cases 45, 46 XXX. Ablative Absolute…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 17 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … PRONUNCIATION. XI PRONUNCIATION. 1. ALPHABET.— The Latin alphabet is the game as in English, except that it has no w. In the classical period one form i served for the vowel i…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 18 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … Xll PRONUNCIATION. 4. In unaccented syllables, not final, before a single consonant, or before a mute followed by a liquid Do-16-ris, cor-po-ri, con-su-lis, a grie- o-la. a. A unaccented, except before consonants…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 19 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … PRONUNCIATION. Xlll A-mat, d-met, rex-it, sol, consul, Te-thys; ex- cept post, es final and os final in plural cases: res, di-es, hos, d-gros. 2. In all syllables before x, or any two…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 20 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … XIV PRONUNCIATION. ci-vis, Cy-rus, cae-do, coe-pi, d-ge (a-je), d-gi; cd-do (ka-do), co-go, cum, Gd-des. But 1. C has the sound of sh a. Before i preceded by an accented syl- lable and…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 21 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 22 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis …
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 23 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FIKST AND SECOND DECLENSION. Slim. LESSON I. First and Second Declension. 7. Decline persona, amicus, interregnum. (98 (99). Learn present indicative of esse. (126). 8. 1. Bona; bonus. 2. In personam. 3.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 24 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSION. Sum. arbitrium,-i, n. award. bona,-drum, n. goods, property. t)dnus,-i, m. bonus. comm odatum,-i, n. loan. conscientia,-ae, f. conscience. ciiria,-ae, f. court. damnum, -i, n. loss, damages. et, conj.,…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 25 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FIRST AiND SECOND DECLENSION. LESSON II. Adjectives of the First and Second Declension. 10. Decline btfnus and malus. (107). Learn present indicative active of mando. (120). 11. 1. Malo 1 amnio 2…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 26 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FIRST CONJUGATION. charta,-8e, f. writing, instrument, deed, clandestinus,-a,-um, adj., secret. delictum,-i, n. offense, crime. don u m, -i, n. gift. dum, conj., while. ex, prep. w. abl., by virtue of. excuso,-are,-avi,-atum, excuse,…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 27 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … THIRD DECLENSION. 5 LESSON III. Third Declension. 13. Decline lex, visitatio, homo, rex, mens, con- suetude (100), (101), (102). Learn future and perfect indicative active of inando. (120). 14. 1. Custodia legis.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 28 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … THIRD DECLENSION. festinatio,-onis, f. haste. impotentia,-8e, f. inability, impotence. infortuniuin,-i, n. misfortune, disaster, justitia,-se, f. justice. lex, legis, f. law. mens, mentis, f. mind. miseric6rdia,-8e, f. mercy, pity. noverca,-se, f. stepmother. plene,…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 29 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … SECOND CONJUGATION. 8. Suppressio veri, expressio falsi. 9. Lex spectat naturae ordinem. 10. Actiones legis. 11. Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est. 12. C6ram domino rege. 18. abborreo,-ere,-ui, abhor. actio,-onis, f. action. aetas,-atis, f.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 30 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … THIRD DECLENSION. LESSON V. Third Declension. 19. Decline mos, vox, comes, judex, jus, vis, nacres, corpus, fraus. (100), (101), (102), (105). Learn present indicative active of respdndeo (like habeo). (121). 20. 1.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 31 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … SECOND CONJUGATION. 9 cdmes,-itis, m. and f. companion, concessio,-onis, f. grant. cdrpus,-oris, n. body. delictum,-i, u. crime, offense. Deus,-i, m. God. iraus,-dis, in. fraud. Jiaeres,-edis, m. heir. infortunia,-ae, f. misfortune. jurator,-6ris, m.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 32 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … 10 THIRD DECLENSION. LESSON VI. Adjectives of the Third Declension. 22. Decline brevis, simplex, filius, nomeii. (108), (100), (101), (99). Learn present indicative of indiico (like rego). (122). 23. 1. fra furor…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 33 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … THIRD CONJUGATION. 11 filius,-i, m. son. i 6rma,-se, f. form. furor,-6ris, m. madness. impossibilis,-e, adj., impossible. inttuco,-ere,-duxi,-cluctum, induce. instaus,-ntis, adj., present. ira,-ae, f. anger. leg-alis,-e, adj., legal. nomeii,-mis, n, name. dbligo,-are,-avi,-atum, bind.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 34 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … 12 FOURTH DECLENSION. Capio. 6. Jura naturae sunt immutabilia. 7. Lex prospicit, non respicit. 8. Ang liae jura in onani casu libertati 1 dant favorein. 9. Non jus facit sed seisina facit…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 35 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FOURTH AND FIFTH DECLENSION. 16 LESSON VIII. Fourth and Fifth Declensions. 28. Decline contractus, res, dies. (103), (104). Declitie finis, integer, magister. (102), (107 (99). 29. 1. Contractus est quasi actus contra…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 36 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … 14 PASSIVE VOICE. fractio,-6nis, f. fraction. fructus,-us, m. fruit, juridicus,-a,-um, adj., legal. magister,-tri, m. master. magistrate, f. mistress. mem6ria,-ae, f. memorial, memory. pars,-rtis, f. part. perp«5tuus,-a,-um, adj., continual. populus,-i, m. people. quasi,…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 37 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … PASSIVE VOICE. 15 9. Ubi nullum matiimonium ibi nulla dos. 10. Ees judicata accipitur pro veritate. 11. Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verifica- tione excluditur. 12. Invito beneficium non datur. 33. accipio,-ere,-cepi,-ceptum, accept.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 38 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … 16 VERBS. LESSON X. 34. Learn present and perfect indicative active of audio, and the present indicative passive of punio. (124). Decline pr8eveniens,prohibens, alter, like alius. (108), (109). 35. 1. Terra transit…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 39 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … FOURTH CONJUGATION. 17 conventio,-onis, f. contract. cum, prep, with abl., with, in company with. damnific^tus,-a,-um, adj., injured, damnified. duplex,-icis, adj., two -fold. honestas,-atis, f. honesty. iuc6ngruus,-a,-um, adj., incongruous. jubeo,-ere, jiissi, jussum, command.…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897
Image 40 of Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin, with legal maxims and phrases as a basis … 18 PARTICIPLES. GERUND. LESSON XL Perfect Passive Participle. Gerund. 37. Learn the perfect passive participle of gero and the gerund of iuro. Learn perfect indicative active of capio (123.) 38. 1. Stare…
- Contributor: Jackson, E. Hilton
- Date: 1897