Book/Printed Material Letters on the natural history and internal resources of the State of New York. Copy 1
Image 1 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 2 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 3 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 4 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 5 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 6 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 7 of Copy 1 ON THE J^ATURAL, HISTORY AND INTERNAL RESOURCES OP THE STATE OF NEW-YORK» BY HIBERNICUS. ^e^Ar^k^^^t^yt^^^ NEW-YORK: sDld by e. bliss e. white, so. 128 BROADWAY. 1822.
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 8 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 9 of Copy 1 NOTE. The following Letters first appeared in the columna of a newspaper during the year 1820. They attracted much atten- tion at that time, and were copied and read with great avidity.…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 10 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 11 of Copy 1 LETTERS OP HIBERNICUS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE WZW-YORK STATESMAN. June 9th, 1820. Sir, I SEND you extracts of letter? which T Lave received from a highly respectP^J^le foreigner, on the subject…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 12 of Copy 1 LETTERS OF HlEERNICUi^ LETTER i Afoiitezuma, 2GiJi May, 1S20. I AERiVED here yesterday, my dear Sir, ni the ]iackel beat Chief Engineer, which piies betvveeiJf this place and Utica, as consort to…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 13 of Copy 1 CANAL TRANSPORTATION. 7 At Montezuma, a boat is now on the stocks, of still larger dimensions, and more accommodating arrangements than the one of that name. The whole expense of each of…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 14 of Copy 1 S CANAL TRANSPORTATION-. calculably advantageous to the cardinal interests of the community. Wiien the great six horse, heavy teams are banished from use, the roads will be improved. The tippling houses, which…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 15 of Copy 1 WESIEUN CANAL. 1* may either descend by water into Lake Ontario by tlie way of Oswego, or you may proceed by the way of Three liiver Point to the Oneida Lake, and,…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 16 of Copy 1 10 WESTEFiN CANAL. zuma In a small boat to Cayuga bridge, whore I entered a fine new steam boat called the Enter- prise, of 120 tons, and 24 horse power, and arri-…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 17 of Copy 1 WESTERN CANAL. li A\id v.liicli oo^t $6,044 7. The width of tie «anal on the water surface is 40 feet— at tlie bot- tom 28, and its depth is four fict. The…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 18 of Copy 1 12 WESTERN CANAL, lime or sand stone, and are cemented by mortap made of a calcareous stone found in various parts of this country. I never saw better work, pro- mising a…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 19 of Copy 1 \V£STE11N CANAL, IS which CRn. as I uudcrstaiiu, he ea^ily cliected by ilie first of December, IS23. Indeed, it is cor.ii- dently said, that willi adequate funds, 100 mile:- of this canal…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 20 of Copy 1 14: WESTERN CANAL. Erie. Before the final completion of this great work, a person may therefore take a barge at New-York, and pass by water into Lake Erie, hy an uninterrupted navigation.…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 21 of Copy 1 WESTERN CAKAL. 15 ui four days 2C0 miles, witljoiit a jolt, or the least fatigue, and eaiploy the wiiole time in read- ing, writing, rational conversation, amnsemeut, or viewing the most interesting…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 22 of Copy 1 16 WESTEHN CANAL. curious to observe the heterogenous coHection of iiaiTses of places derived from the aborigines, the ancient Greeks, Romans, Jews, :c. on the route of the cana). You begin with…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 23 of Copy 1 WESTERN CANAL. 17 comforts, and luxuries of life. The countrj la- terveiiing between the two great land and water routes will be shortly settled, and the north side of the canal to…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 24 of Copy 1 18 Wir5^T£RN CANAL. like passing fi-om a half lighted room, into ail apartment blazing with lamps. After this, you continue your coarse throngtt a country generally unsettled, until you arrive at Syracuse,…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 25 of Copy 1 AI;R0IIA— CAYUGA LAKF. 19 LETTER IV, Aiir )ro, 9ih June, 1S20. My Dear Sir, In passlisg- frcm Aurora, along the eastern bank of tlie Cayuga Lake towards the bridge, 1 met with…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 26 of Copy 1 20 UNION sruix:.s ov/asco lake. for most hydraulic purposes. At this p!ace vaiaa- bie mills have been erected by William S. Bur- ling, a very worthy and intellig cnt mail, under whose…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 27 of Copy 1 AURORA, h^ 21 salmo saiar is also found here and at least four species of esox, or pike. To the south you can approach by this lake the head waters of the…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 28 of Copy 1 g2 WESTERN CANAt., LETTER V. My Dear Sik, In my voyage on the canal I met Vvitn severai loaded boats and scows, ascending as well as de- scending, and also rafts. The…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 29 of Copy 1 WESTERN CANAL. 2o ST cents a bushel, and the land transportation, at any considerable distance, costs at least 44 cents. A bushel of wheat can be conveyed on tlie canal, when linished,…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 30 of Copy 1 24 WESTEllN CANAL. 25. Arrived, Experiment, passengers, Lady of the Lake, stone, Anne Maria, witli salt, from Salina. Departed, Experiment, Anne ]\Iaria. 2G. Arrived, boat Montezuma, with passen- gers, his excellency the…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 31 of Copy 1 WESTETIN CANAL. 25 pcrit ct stcLtc of preservation, and the epicures of the south will be treated with new and untried dishes of the highest flavor. The west is the favorite region…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 32 of Copy 1 20 WESTERN CAXAL. \\\W make a good ice road in wlrUer, but I have no faith in this opinion. The use of it for sixh purpose will be but sliort. it will…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 33 of Copy 1 WESTERN CANAL. 27 \\6Ye faailHar to my mind. Actual inspection has exceeded the most saijgu me anticipation. Some- times I think that I am in the region of enchant- ment, and that…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 34 of Copy 1 28 WESTERN CAXAL. and it took in going and returning, three days, at §3 per day; in the aggregate, $9; while by land it would have employed 40 wagons two days, which…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 35 of Copy 1 t.YrSU3I, SALT, SiC. 29 .aitjcie for that purpose, for the table, and for pre- serving fish and meats, is immense. Gypsum rises every year in public estimation, and I am told that…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 36 of Copy 1 oU MAPLE SUGAB, Ijorse is almost exclusively used fur the convey^ ance of commodities a distance. Every diminution of expense in transportation^ will add so much to the profits of the farmer…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 37 of Copy 1 WESTERN CANAL. 31 gentleman, from St. Lawrence county, that the. iiHiabitants of that region not only supply them- selves with maple sugar for domestic uses, but have a surplus for market. This…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 38 of Copy 1 oZ V/ATER CiMENT. the Sulina Plain. These locks are made of iime and sand stone. Both abound with marine exuvia? and organic remains. I never saw more substan- tial erections. The water…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 39 of Copy 1 GEOLOGICAL, 33 2 water, 1 oxide of iron. After the process of calcination, it is to be ground, and then mixed with an equal weight of clean sand, which will be twice…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822
Image 40 of Copy 1 34 GEOLOGICAL. Tlils. earth is undoubtedly a wreck of u ibtiijer world a new combination of old materials. Fire and water have been the principal agents in ac- complishing this work 3…
- Contributor: Clinton, Dewitt
- Date: 1822