Book/Printed Material The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field Artillery.
Image 1 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … Glass JISJO Book PRESKNTEI
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 3 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 5 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … A HISTORY OF REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS COMPANY ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOURTH U. S. FIELD ARTILLERY THE OTTERBE1N PRESS DAYTON, OHIO
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … Copyright. 1919 By L. E. KIRTLEY Akron, Ohio
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … To the Members of the Headquarters Company, Somewhere in the CI. S. A. Dear Fellows: After many delays your Company History is fin- ally completed, and here it is for yon to…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … FOREWORD To write at all is an art at which few of us can hope to excel. To write of passing events with an eye focused from the future is a real…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 3ln Jflemoriam CAPTAIN HARRY H. HEDGES A military machine relies on many things for its efficiency and of these the one great big underlying essential is L( YALTY. ithout this quality in…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … v *m S$ 14
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … SECTION I Training in America and Overseas
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … ORGANIZATION AND TRAINING IN AMERICA Prior to the declaration of war with Germany, there was in the State of Ohio one Battalion of Field Artillery, composed of three batteries of one hun-…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 1- THE LIAISON ol the men did not know what those things were anyway, so it did not matter. His methods must have been good for too much cannot be said of…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field …
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … Washing Mass- kitj R./ttiE A BASING THZ: GUARD .wtf G£7-T-/A/S THE. MAIL.
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 15 remained practically the same all through the training and the war. The men were interested in their work and went into it whole-heartedly. In addition to the detail work…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 16 THE LIAISON Smileage coupons that were sent from home were good there When there were no regular shows on there were some good movies or a lecture. We en- ji wed…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON \j every time that the horses were ridden down to water Rob was seen to ride out of camp on his favorite, and every time the horses came hack from…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 18 THE LIAISON The first targets were at a range of 2,000 yards and the last ones, cm- the maximum range, was 6,000 yards. Most all of the firing was done at…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 19 injured. .Many horses were tin-own to the ground and five of them were killed The men were seared, but they took it all as in the day s work,…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 20 THE LIAISON Our history at Camp Sheridan would be incomplete without mention of lin [ohnson, our newsboy, who lived near the camp. Every day he was on the job, no matter…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 21 officers Pullman. The baggage car was for the kitchen, the cooks had already occupied it and were preparing the first meal. The day was very hot, but there was…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 22 T H E L I A I S O N Everybody waved to us and the whistles all over the town were blowing. George Bennet s folks live in Philadelphia, and…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 23 CROSSING THE ATLANTIC It was on East River that we were sailing. We did not go across, but went down stream in the center of the river for about…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 24 THE LIAISON to the galley with pans to get the mess for their table. Hiey had to carry it from there, hack to tin tallies and serve the rest of the…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 25 places five minutes after the signal was given. That was good considering that we were scattered all over the ship and did not know just when we would be…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON l i T SORSI-] II We re sailing away to iod knows where. To a promised land that s over there The plains of France or Italy s Alps May…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON OVERSEAS-LIVERPOOL AND FOREIGN SOIL At last our hopes were beginning to come true: we were Over There. It was during the night of the ninth of July, that the good…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 28 THE LIAISON we had hot coffee served by English ladies and stretched our legs by walking the station platform Banbury, Pangbourne, Basingstoke, and reached Winchestei at 4:00 p. m. We detrained…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 29 Le Havre to Bordeaux via 40 Hommes 8 Ci-ievaux Box Cars. In a world history, where even great events receive scant attention, the French box car may not be…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 30 T H E L I A I S O N We spent the days in hiking about the country for exercise, doing work on the side for Calesthenic Points, and keeping…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 31 Babbit s work as Regimental Adjutant, leaving Lieutenant Bauer in charge of the company. The radio detachment took- the daily communiques regarding conditions at the front. These communiques, together…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 32 THE LIAISON discarded. What we were to have from then on we carried on our backs, and it would take sonic man to cart along six towels, five suits of underclothes,…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … THE LIAISON 33 by a house that had been shelled a little and the few scars on it s stone walls seemed very noticable to us then, but only for a very…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of The liaison, a history of Regimental Headquarters Company, One Hundred Thirty-fourth U.S. Field … 34 THE LIAISON Additional equipment was issued here. Horses fame in. but one evening as the company sat at ease about the little store in our billet, eating grapes and nuts, a…
- Contributor: Kirtley, Lorin Enswins
- Date: 1919