Book/Printed Material The library at work and play.
Image 1 of The library at work and play. imm, l^s^f^T THE CHILDRENJ L WORK AND PLAY m: -^^^^^-rjjrrsifj,^ li^g^W^^gl^^ 1 L t1 J i il 1 V- ?.r:r^^U1.^?.#.5TJi^:??^? .^«K!. M -I 1 M n,»«w GUIDE AND INDEX,, CHESHIRE L.,Ba0^m.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 2 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 3 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 4 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 5 of The library at work and play. THE LIBRARY OF WORK AND PLAY GUIDE AND INDEX
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 6 of The library at work and play. THE LIBRAllY OF WORK AND TLAY (—Carpentry and Woodwork By Edwin W. Foster Electricity and Its Everyday Uses By John F. Woodhuli, Ph. D. Gardening and Farming By Ellen Eddy Shaw Home…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 7 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 8 of The library at work and play. -a ZD -T o ;i 72 ex 2e M_ f* I- I V^^
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 9 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 11 of The library at work and play. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Significance of the Crafts in the Life of a People 3 II. The Cultivation of Taste and Design 16 III. The Real Girl 28 IV. That Boy 47…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 12 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 13 of The library at work and play. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Wireless station and workroom of George Riches Frontispiece FACING PAGE An example of furniture such as boys like 4 Clay pots made for germination experiments 5 The work of…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 14 of The library at work and play. viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The kind of shop which one may have at home .51 The kite fever is an annual disease 52 Pump and waterwheel 53 Boat made by Percy ^Yilson…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 15 of The library at work and play. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix Two more illustrations which will suggest plans for the future 77 Every child^ and especially the boy, needs active outdoor exercise 78 Organized play (woodcraft) under Ernest Thomp-…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 16 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 17 of The library at work and play. THE LIBRARY OF WORK AND PLAY GUIDE AND INDEX
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 18 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 19 of The library at work and play. CHAPTER I SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CRAFTS IN THE LIFE OF A PEOPLE THERE was never a time in the history of the world when each race, each nation, each community unit, each…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 20 of The library at work and play. 4 GUroE AND INDEX article must be produced in large quantities (dupli- cates) for profit, whereas the work of hand alone is unique. There lies the reason for reverence of handwork/ It…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 21 of The library at work and play.
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 22 of The library at work and play. Copyrigat, 1909. by Chesiure L. boone Clay Pots Made for Germination Experiments in Grade IV. of the Public School. The Boys of this Grade Built a Small Kiln in which these Pots…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 23 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 5 art products are true historical documents. Since then through their arts and crafts it is possible for one to know a people, does it not follow that one…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 24 of The library at work and play. G GUIDE .\XD INDEX swered so far as may be, do the answers possess immediate value? At the outset it will be evident that no sort of knowledge will be of much…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 25 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 7 learning will be applied to business or economic ideas which result in progressive thinking, which uses information as a tool, not an end in itself. If then the…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 26 of The library at work and play. 8 GUIDE AND INDEX tion. The result possesses marvelously suggestive and lasting qualities because it came through eflfort; because the boy wanted above all things to see his machine or toy ivork,…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 27 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 9 The school of the past, and often that of the present, has sought to produce the adult by fertiliz- ing the child with arithmetic, grammar, geography, and language.…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 28 of The library at work and play. 10 GUIDE AND INDEX of what has been said practically answers itself. Children work primarily in response to that law of nature w^hich urges the young to exercise their muscles, to become…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 29 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 11 mands learn these stated facts because they are fundameutaF (philosophically), while society, rep- resented by the parent, alternately abuses the school, which is collectively his own institution, or…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 30 of The library at work and play. 12 GUIDE AND INDEX but first, last and all the time to make it a study which is intensive enough to satisfy his or her pro- ductive ambitions. At this age (up…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 31 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 13 domestic arts, collecting coins, stamps, etc.; there are as many tastes as children. The child may get his suggestion from the school or companions. Any legitimate taste should…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 32 of The library at work and play. 14 GUIDE AND INDEX is either producing results which are sincere, or acquiring real knowledge. Fifth and last, but per- haps most important of all, support the school in its effort to…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 33 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 15 In closing this chapter there is one more word to be said concerning the main theme. The arts and crafts* of expression and construction fulfil that precise function…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 34 of The library at work and play. CHAPTER II THE CULTIVATION OF TASTE AND DESIGN IT WILL be evident to the thinl^ing man or woman that art or any phase of it is not to be taught successfully as…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 35 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 17 explain how he does it he is unique, Hke the mathe- matical genius; he just sees the answer; it is a gift. Though there are born in every…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 36 of The library at work and play. 18 GUIDE AND INDEX which art has played its part, and has left some impress on the individual, giving rise to belief in a few principles so common as to be accepted…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 37 of The library at work and play. Two Examples of Furniture Grouping for the Porch or Outdoors. These Few Pieces Suggest Comfort, Cleanli- ness and Moderate Expense J
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 38 of The library at work and play. I m 1 j Ufei 1-^.14 *iiini 14 ILl! ^hmb^h iisi* P ^r ^■HESbhh H p wri The Numerous Photographs in the Upper Illustration Suggest Disorder and Dust. They do not Decorate.…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 39 of The library at work and play. GUIDE AND INDEX 19 The aims of all practical books for boys and girls may be summarized about as follows: (a) To absorb the overflow of youthful energy and turn it into…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912
Image 40 of The library at work and play. 20 GUIDE AND INDEX harmonious effect be secured? The very word harmony means agreement, and suggests similarity, likeness, relationship. Therefore the tones one would use in the embelHshment of a room should…
- Contributor: Boone, Cheshire Lowton
- Date: 1912