Book/Printed Material The life of Froude,
Image 2 of The life of Froude, cP 7- AC* T- 1,1 rO V .0 o o o- s^ ■t. o. \0^^, t^ o ^v.
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 3 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 4 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 5 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 6 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 7 of The life of Froude, LIFE OF FROUDE
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 8 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 9 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 10 of The life of Froude, Iry^j ^^-m^ a^i!yy/u?-^
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 12 of The life of Froude, 0-/ 19 (2310)
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 13 of The life of Froude, Lfl. n PREFACE Although eleven years have elapsed since Mr. Fronde s death, no biography of him has, so far as I know, ap- peared. This book is an attempt to tell…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 14 of The life of Froude, vi PREFACE representative Mr. Edward Bellasis, and to Mr. Arthur Clough, son of Froude s early friend the poet. Mr. James Rye, of Balliol College, Oxford, placed at my disposal, with singular…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 15 of The life of Froude, CONTENTS CHAPTER I CHILDHOOD Early Surroundings— Father and Mother— Hurrell Froude —First School— Sent to Westminster— Returns Home in Disgrace— Archdeacon Froude s Harsh Treatment— Hurrell s Attitude— Preparation for Oxford— Death…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 16 of The life of Froude, viii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV THE HISTORY PAGE study and Research Carlyle s Verdict on the Early Chap- ters The First Two Volumes published Reviews The Weak Points Death of Mrs. Froude Editor-…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 17 of The life of Froude, CONTENTS ix CHAPTER VIII FROUDE AND CARLYLE PAGE Friendship with Ci^rlyle A Picture of Mrs. Carlyle Her Sudden Death The Letters and Memorials Publica- tion of The Reminiscences Mary Carlyle s Charge…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 18 of The life of Froude,
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 19 of The life of Froude, LIFE OF FROUDE CHAPTER I CHILDHOOD IN reading biographies I always skip the gene- alogical details. To be born obscure and to die famous has been described as the acme of human…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 20 of The life of Froude, 2 LIFE OF FROUDE gentleman, and he did not care to find or make for himself a pedigree. He knew that the Froudes had been settled in Devonshire time out of mind…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 21 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 3 shire knew the name of Froude, if only from Parson Froude, no credit to his cloth, who appears as Parson Chowne in Blackmore s once popular novel, The Maid of…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 22 of The life of Froude, 4 LIFE OF FROUDE the right and go straight on. There were many such clergymen in his day. In appearance he was a cold, hard, stern man, despising sentiment, reticent and self…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 23 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 5 ton Rectory, with all its outward signs of pros- perity and welfare, there were the seeds of death. Before Anthony Froude, the youngest of eight, was three years old, his…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 24 of The life of Froude, 6 LIFE OF FROUDE The boy felt from the first the romantic beauty of his home. Dartington Rectory, some two miles from Totnes, is surrounded by woods which over- hang precipitously the…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 25 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 7 of drawing. John, though forced into a lawyer s office, would if left to himself have become an artist by profession; The nearest to Anthony in age was William, afterwards…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 26 of The life of Froude, 8 LIFE OF FROUDE is important to my recovery and quite essential to my comfort, yet he disturbs it for what he calls funny tormenting/ without the slightest feeling, twenty times a…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 27 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 9 to suspect that other ideas of Hurrell s might be illusions too. Superstition is the parent of scep- ticism from the cradle to the grave. At the same time his…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 28 of The life of Froude, 10 LIFE OF FROUDE as his eldest brother wrote in 1828. He suffered at this time from an internal weakness, which made games impossible. His passion, which he never lost, was for…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 29 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD II of the dormitory was indecent and profane. Froude, whose health prevented him from the effective use pi nature s weapons, was woke by the hot points of cigars burning holes…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 30 of The life of Froude, 12 LIFE OF FROUDE undeserved and disabling hardships for three years and a half, Froude was taken away from West- minster at the age of fifteen. To escape from such a den…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 31 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 13 he was set down as incorrigibly stupid^ and given up as a bad job. The Archdeacon arrived at the conclusion that his youngest son was a fool, and might as…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 32 of The life of Froude, 14 LIFE OF FROUDE Well might Macaulay say that he would rather a boy should learn to lisp all the bad words in the language than grow up without a mother. Froude…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 33 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 15 acted as a pioneer. Hurrell s ideal was the Church of the Middle Ages represented by Thomas Becket. In the vacations he brought some of his Tractarian friends home with…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 34 of The life of Froude, i6 LIFE OF FROUDE from night to morning. That abiding conscious- ness he never lost, and when his speculations went furthest they invariably stopped there. Left with his father and one sister,…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 35 of The life of Froude, CHILDHOOD 17 During this year his brother Hurrell died, and the tragic extinction of that commanding spirit seemed a pres^age of his own early doom. Two of his sisters, both lately married,…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 36 of The life of Froude, ;e8 life of FROUDE manage a boat as well as any sailor in his native county. His religious education, as he always said himself, was thoroughly wholesome and sound, consisting of morality…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 37 of The life of Froude, CHAPTER II OXFORD WESTMINSTER, it will have been seen, did less than nothing for Froude. His progress there was no progress at all, but a move- ment backwards, physical and mental deteriora-…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 38 of The life of Froude, 20 LIFE OF FROUDE pleasant companions in agreeable ways. He had shot up to his full height, five feet eleven inches, and from his handsome features there shone those piercing dark eyes…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 39 of The life of Froude, OXFORD 21 Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we shall die. It was a vs(holly unreformed Oxford to which Froude came. If it breathed the last enchant- ments of the Middle…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905
Image 40 of The life of Froude, 22 LIFE OF FROUDE was put upon the bills which they chose to run up with tradesmen. Froude spent his father s money, and enjoyed himself. The dissipation was not flagrant. He…
- Contributor: Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield)
- Date: 1905