Book/Printed Material The life of James Madison, Copy 2
Image 1 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 2 of Copy 2 Class r zA-z Book. H94-:^ COFfPJGHT DEPOSIT.
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 4 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 5 of Copy 2 THE LIFE OF JAMES MADISON BY GAILLARD HUNT Editor of The Writings of James Madison 3 J 1 TT NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE CO. 1902 jO p
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 6 of Copy 2 L Iht^I-.Y OF CCNO.Ht£S, Tao Copjps Received FEB n i903 CLASS CL. XXc. No COPY B. c Copyright, 1902, by Doubleday, Page Co. Published, November, igoi t 34 s: Copy-
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 7 of Copy 2 HARRY A. GARFIELD, Esq. ^KJEARLT a generation has passed since you and I as boys used to settle the affairs of state, which your father with the assistafice of mine was trying…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 8 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 9 of Copy 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER I. The Amendment to the Bill of Rights II. Princeton III. Family Influences IV. Virginia Finances V. Federal Finances VI. The Surrender of the Back Lands VII. The Mississippi Question…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 10 of Copy 2 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXX. The Battle of the Diplomats XXXI. The Declaration of War XXXII. The War President XXXIII. The Gloomy Federalists XXXIV. Peace XXXV. The Retired Statesman XXXVI. Private Life at…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 12 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 13 of Copy 2 THE LIFE OF JAMES MADISON CHAPTER I THE AMENDMENT TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS The house of burgesses of Virginia held its last ses- sion May 6, 1776, when forty-five members, as-…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 14 of Copy 2 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON Added to the grievances which had gone before, these made reconciHation an impossibihty, and the Virginians who still adhered to the crown were an unimportant minority. There…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 15 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 3 the spirits of the timid to a general united opposition, by stating to the uninformed the real merits of the dispute, I opposed and endeavoured to moderate…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 16 of Copy 2 4 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON ing of this Convention, says Randolph, he was un- known at the metropohs. He was educated at Princeton College in New Jersey, and had been laborious in…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 17 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 5 When Madison was elected to the Convention he was twenty-five years of age, and he looked younger than he really was. He was five feet six and…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 18 of Copy 2 6 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON necessary by the Congress for forming alliances, and a confederation of the colonies. It was also resolved that a committee be appointed to prepare a Declaration of…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 19 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 7 Locke But the constitution of society in Virginia was also English, and some of the members of the com- mittee had an abiding fear of the common…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 20 of Copy 2 8 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON which preceded the Declaration of Independence by nearly a month, and which contained within it all the general principles of the Declaration of Independence. It has stood…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 21 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 9 of religion any man disturb the peace, the happiness, or safety of society. And that it is the mutual duty of all to practise Christian forbearance, love…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 22 of Copy 2 lo LIFE OF JAMES MADISON have been occasion for the famous bill for religious free- dom which Jefferson wrote, and which Madison finally carried through the Assembly ten years afte his amend-…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 23 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON n lay delegate to the Episcopal Convention of 1776; his mother was a pious communicant; his second cousin and friend of the same name, James Madison, who became…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 24 of Copy 2 12 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON tend to great ignorance and corruption; all of which facilitates the execution of mischievous projects. Active persecution of the Baptists was in progress when he wrote, and…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 25 of Copy 2 CHAPTER II PRINCETON One reason why the ruling class in Virginia acted with such unanimity in the Convention of 1776 and other crises of the Revolution was that a large proportion of…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 26 of Copy 2 14 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON Among the last-named was James Madison, and his rud- imentary schooling came from a Scotchman who was not a divine. Donald Robertson kept a school in King…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 27 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 15 his education elsewhere in America; for WilHam and Mary was a local college, and so were Harvard and Yale, with few students coming from any other colony…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 28 of Copy 2 i6 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON his first practice in discussing questions of government which occupied his chief attention during the rest of his life. His favourite studies at college were the history…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 29 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 17 He left Princeton in 1772 and returned to Virginia. His nature had expanded in the varied social life of college and the congenial atmosphere of learning, and…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 30 of Copy 2 i8 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON and the Gentlemen Independents of Hanover, and desired to enter the army. For this, however, he was entirely unfitted by reason of his physical deficiencies, and he…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 31 of Copy 2 CHAPTER III FAMILY INFLUENCES In embracing, as he did at the beginning, the patriot cause, Madison was unhampered by any regrets that might have come from a hving family connection with England.…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 32 of Copy 2 20 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON with Thomas Chew, patented 4,675 acres of land in that part of Spottsylvania County which became in 1732 the county of Orange. Ambrose Madison dying in 1732,…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 33 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 21 the river and a short distance back from the road stood Francis Conway s house, and here at midnight, March 16, 1 75 1, Nelly Conway Madison…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 34 of Copy 2 22 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON died in 1829, in the ninety-eighth year of her age, and only seven years before his own death. During all these years they shared the same house.…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 35 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 23 letters which have been preserved he expresses himself plainly and directly. When his son was born Orange was a frontier county in Virginia, and did not have…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 36 of Copy 2 CHAPTER IV VIRGINIA FINANCES The taste of public life which Madison had in 1776 was pleasant to him and, the Assembly having adjourned, he offered himself for re-election to the House of…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 37 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 25 the petition, for he soon received official recognition from the General Assembly itself, being elected, November 13, 1777, a member of the Privy Council or Council of…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 38 of Copy 2 26 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON that in the meetings of this small body Madison s diffi- dence disappeared and he became accustomed to speak- ing. He acted as interpreter when foreigners communi-…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 39 of Copy 2 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON 27 All the notes were to be redeemable January i, 1790, and if the taxes should prove to be insufficient for this purpose the whole estates, real and…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902
Image 40 of Copy 2 28 LIFE OF JAMES MADISON was repealed, as causing many inconveniences and much injustice. The fact was frankly recognized that matters could not go on much longer at the present rate of…
- Contributor: Hunt, Gaillard
- Date: 1902