Book/Printed Material The life of Pope Pius IX. Copy 1
Image 1 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 3 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 5 of Copy 1 A LIFE OF POPE PIUS IX. BY JOHN R. G. HASSARD. For a blameless man made haste to pray for the people, bringing forth the shield of his ministry, prayer. For in…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 6 of Copy 1 BX/37 .-Ha Archbishopric of New York, Chancery Office, 266 Mulberry Street, New York, April 6, 1878. The following Life of Pius IX., by Mr. John JR. G. Hassard, is cordially approved and…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 7 of Copy 1 CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE. I. j is Birth and Education, 7 II. His Priesthood, 16 III. The Good Bishop, 24 IV. The Spirit of the Revolution, 32 V. The Conclave, 51 VI. The…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 9 of Copy 1 PREFACE. BEING more anxious to show the spirit of the late pontificate than to write a full catalogue of its achievements, I have passed lightly over all but the greater incidents in…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 10 of Copy 1 6 Preface. Pie IX. (2d edition. Paris. 1870) is valu- able for the period to which it refers. Mr. Legge cites many important docu- ments relating to the revolutionary move- ments of…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 11 of Copy 1 Life of Pius IX. CHAPTER I. HIS BIRTH AND EDUCATION. EVER since the days of Hildebrand has the JL \l Church seen so remarkable a pontificate as that which has just closed.…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 12 of Copy 1 Life of Pius IX. around which moved the revolutions of a world. And the part of Pius IX. in this turmoil of trans- formation was no less strange than eventful. The early…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 13 of Copy 1 His Birth and Education, 9 of supreme authority than Pius IX. No pontiff from the beginning, adds the same distinguished authority in another place, in all the previous suc- cession of two…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 14 of Copy 1 IO Life of Pius IX. additional fulness of knowledge or maturity of re- flection can well alter our judgment. It is with certain of these things with the story of the private…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 15 of Copy 1 His Birtk and Education. 1 1 became the victim of epileptic attacks of the most distressing kind; he was obliged to interrupt his studies, and his whole future became clouded. In company…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 16 of Copy 1 12 Life of Pius IX. pontifical provinces, he wished to gather round him a guardia nobile of all the noble youths of the Italian peninsula. A list was drawn up and pub-…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 17 of Copy 1 His Birth and Education. 13 and Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, the prohibition of Christian worship, the banishment of the clergy, the massacre of the flower of the French nobility, and…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 18 of Copy 1 Life of Pius IX. and receive his blessing. The schools of theology in the sacred city were now reopened, and young Mastai resumed his attendance at the classes of the Accademia Ecclesiastica,…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 19 of Copy 1 His Birth and Education. 15 restriction might be removed. Yes/ replied the kind old Pontiff, I grant you this favor, and the more readily because I am persuaded that hence- forth the…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 20 of Copy 1 CHAPTER II. HIS PRIESTHOOD. IT was on Easter day, in 1819, that Father Mastai celebrated his first Mass, and the place which he chose for this memorable event was the obscure little…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 21 of Copy 1 His Priesthood. came to be known as the Asylum Tata Giovanni. The good old mason had gone to his reward, but his work lived after him the number of the chil- dren…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 22 of Copy 1 i8 Life of Pius IX. went on to tell of circumstances connected with this workman, to whom he had taught the cate- chism a half-century before. After the occupation of Rome by…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 23 of Copy 1 His Priesthood. 19 Muzi, then auditor of the nunciature at Vienna; Canon Mastai, on the recommendation of Cardinal della Genga then cardinal-vicar, and destined soon to be Pope under the name of…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 24 of Copy 1 20 Life of Pius IX. not trouble themselves any more about a poor canon, and they let us go. A voyage of three months brought them to Buenos Ayres, and there they…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 25 of Copy 1 His Priesthood. 21 grave; and finally, after instructing and baptizing the Indian s widow and children, he divided his purse and clothing with them. In going by sea from Valparaiso to Callao…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 26 of Copy 1 22 Life of Pius IX. opened, but the idea of it is distinctly traceable to the apostolic mission to Chili in 1824. The prin- cipal immediate object of the mission, however the…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 27 of Copy 1 His Priesthood. 23 the enthusiasm of a reformer and the practical sagacity of a man of business. In two years the disorder was at an end. The expenses of the in- stitution…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 28 of Copy 1 CHAPTER III. THE GOOD BISHOP. AFTER about two years of this active work at the hospital Monsignor Mastai was appoint- ed Archbishop of Spoleto in Umbria. He was consecrated on the 3d…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 29 of Copy 1 The Good Bishop, 25 establishment of factories for he knew that idle- ness and hunger were at the root of many of the evils of the day and taking a personal interest…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 30 of Copy 1 26 Life of Pius IX. forty crowns, and you can give them to me at some convenient time; but I will not take your silver plate. The archbishop gave away even the…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 31 of Copy 1 The Good Bishop. 27 materialists in philosophy, and nearly all of them constitutionalists in politics some after the French, some after the Spanish, model. Few had any well- defined notions of a…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 32 of Copy 1 28 Life of Pins IX. arrest, presented himself one night at the door of Archbishop Mastai, and owed his safety to that kindest of men, who concealed him for some time in…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 33 of Copy 1 The Good Bishop, 29 In December, 1832, Archbishop Mastai was translated to the see of Imola. This was a sim- ple bishopric, but it was a more important post than Spoleto, and…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 34 of Copy 1 3o Life of Pins IX. of Tata Giovanni. He repaired the churches. He multiplied the schools. The revenues of the see of Imola were much larger than those of Spo- leto but,…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 35 of Copy 1 The Good Bishop. 31 He came forth from this retreat with a character enriched by the daily practice of virtue, a disposi- tion sweetened by the habit of self-sacrifice, a re- solution…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 36 of Copy 1 CHAPTER IV. THE SPIRIT OF THE REVOLUTION. HEN Cardinal Mastai drove out of the city of Imola in June, 1846, and, followed by the prophetic cries of the admiring populace, Long live…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 37 of Copy 1 The Spirit of the Revolution. 33 sympathies of the whole world some fretted under the restrictions of antiquated forms of government unsuited to the wants of an expanding society; some were cursed…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 38 of Copy 1 34 Life of Phis IX. mediate progenitors of the secret societies of our day. They were formidable a hundred years ago. From Bavaria Illuminism was introduced into Aus- tria, Saxony, Holland 3…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 39 of Copy 1 The Spirit of the Revolution, 35 in Russia, in Greece, in Ireland, and even in the Swiss republic. In 182 1 the Italian revolutionist, General Pepe, founded at Madrid u an internation-…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878
Image 40 of Copy 1 36 Life of Pins IX. to be no recognition of God in their republic. They were hostile not only to the Catholic Church as an organization but to Christianity as a. moral…
- Contributor: Hassard, John R. G. (John Rose Greene)
- Date: 1878