Book/Printed Material Lives of the heroes of the American revolution:
Image 1 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution:
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 2 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: rr«* .ft* •i*^ aO^ •ill A^ 11*^
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 3 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: ^/•rf* o O^ ^5 C. 0^ \^L .-v o •i c^ i^ y /r^* V ^^^V^ St/?^*/ W^*j /\«^:«k-\ co*.^^ o y\*i^ V -^^0^ .-J^ V^^*, V v^^^\/ V*^- \o _ xj…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 4 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution:
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 5 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution:
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 6 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: ^72r/z^
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 8 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: I, s Sntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, fcy c G. G. EVANS, In the Clerk s OfiSce of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 9 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: CONTENTS. I Ethan Allen 115 S i I LIVESOF OFFICE i., vg» George Washington 7 J Nathaniel Greene a^ 27 J I Daniel Morgan 76 i j John Stark 90 Hush Mercer…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 10 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: \ri CONTENTS. Charles Lee John Sullivan Joseph Warren John Laurens Thomas Mifflin Gilbert Mottier Lafayette Declaration of Independence Constitution of the United States Amendments to the Constitution Washington s Inaugural Address Washington…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 11 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: I i THE HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION GEORGE WASHINGTON. S George Washington was born on the 22d j of February, 1732, on the banks of the river i Potomac, in Virginia. His…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 12 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 8 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. year he was appointed one of the Adjutant- s Generals of Virginia, with the duty of training J i the militia. s s s j The boundaries…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 13 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 9 i frontier against the incursions of the French and Indians. He concluded this harassino; ser- J vice at the end of four years, by reducing Fori j du Quesne, and…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 14 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 1 10 HEKOES OF TIIE REVOLUTION. j expenses reimbursed. His private letters have since proved that his object, at that time, was j not to procure separation from England; but j j…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 15 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASmXCTON. 11 this siege is admirable, both for the resolution s with which he maintained the Dlockade with I an inferior army composed of untried men, and tht patience with which he…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 16 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 12 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. made many hundred prisoners. These successes were well timed, and revived the broken spirit of the country. In 1777 Washington applied to Congress for more extensive powers,…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 17 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 13 J dence to the people, and completely restored i him to the good will of Congress. During the J years 1779 and 1780 the war was actively I carried on…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 18 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: I4f HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. S Rochambeau arrived from France in August, 1780, with an auxiliary force of iive thousand J J men, the American army could not actively co-operate with him…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 19 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 1 5 marched rapidly through New Jersey and I Maryland, and, embarking his army on the Chesapeake, effected a junction at Williamsburg with La Fayette. By the combined operation i of…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 20 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 16 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. war, the items of which were entered in his J own handwriting. His expenditure amounted I to £19,306, and it subsequently appeared that I he had applied…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 21 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: j WASHINGTON. 17 j in the James River Company, which were pre- J- sented to him in 1785 by the legislature of Virginia, he employed in founding the college I in Virginia,…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 22 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 18 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION, J disposition to redeem the engagements of the j government with the public creditors, either at I j home 01 abroad. Washington s prmciples were I democratic…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 23 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: j WASHINGTON. 1 9 i and delivered his inaugural address, in which J he dwelt most fully on his own reasons for again entering on public life, and on the duties incumbent…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 24 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: j 20 HEROES OF TfiE REVOLUTION. J the country and before the end of the second year s presidency, Rhode Island and North Carolina, which at first were dissentient, desired to participate…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 25 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 2l of M. Genet, envoy from Paris, privateers were armed in the American ports, and sent to cruise against the British. Washington promptly suppressed this practice; and the conduct of Genet…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 26 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 22 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. a treaty, in which all points then at issue he tween the two nations should be adjusted. With the concurrence of the Senate he ratified s J…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 27 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 23 limited powers conferred on the President pre vented his effecting so much as he desired, and j the public measures originating from him were j but few. He declinei being…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 28 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 24« HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. left no family. Congress suspended its sitting on receiving the intelligence of his death, and a public mourning was ordered for him. In person, Washington was robust,…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 29 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: WASHINGTON. 5 his eminent military talents, he may b« considered the founder. The virtues which distinguish him from all others who have united the fame of statesman and captain, were two-fold, and…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 30 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: £6 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. J George Washington never pronouncing it but J with gratitude and awe, as designating a mortal removed above the ordinary lot of human /railty. I The words…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 31 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: NATriANlEL GREENE, Major-Gkneral in the American Army. General Greene, although descended from ancestors of elevated standing, was not indebted to the condition of his family for any part of the real lustre…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 32 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 28 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. seat in the legislature of his native colony, This was the commencement of a public I career, which, heightening as it advanced, and j I flourishing in…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 33 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: NATHANIEL GREENE. 29 The sword was earliest unsheathed in thfe j; colony of Massachusetts and on the plains of j Lexington and Concord, the blood of British soldiers and American subjects mingled…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 34 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: r 30 HEROES OF TIIE DEVOLUTION. of being associated with him in arms, and serving under him in defence of the violated rights of his country. This was a happy prelude to…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 35 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: j NATHANIEL GREENE. 31 j j men! for the enjoyment of plenty in comfort- j able barracks. During this period of relaxation, j Greene continued with unabating industry his j military studies,…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 36 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: 32 HEROES OF THE llEVOLUTION. ported them under the pressure of defeat and J misfortune. s Greene was one of the council of Wash- ington who resolved on the enterprise of De-…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 37 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: NATHANIEL GREENE. 33 nnexpectedly attacked by the enemy, retreated jri disorder, General Greene, at the head of Weedon s Virginia brigade, flew to their sup- port. On approaching, he found the defeat…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 38 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: have endeavoured to do my duty constitutes, at 34 HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. Weedon s brigade. Against this General Greene J J remonstrated in person. s General Washington replied, You, sir, are…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 39 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: r NATHANIEL GREENE. 35 manner, if not for his expressions. Delighted with his frankness and magnanimity, Wash- ington replied with a smile, An officer, tried as you have been, who errs but…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860
Image 40 of Lives of the heroes of the American revolution: se HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. general/ of great resources, well versed in business, and possessing practical talents of the first order. When requested by Congress to J look out for such an…
- Contributor: Frost, John - Washington, George
- Date: 1860