Book/Printed Material Manila, or Monroe doctrine? Copy 1
Image 1 of Copy 1 £7/3 .C52 Author Title Class _— Book Imprint 469866 GPO
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 2 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 3 of Copy 1 flDanila, ot fIDontoe Doctrine? BY JOHN CHETWOOD Author of Immigration Fallacies TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGB Introduction, Importance of the Question 5 Chapter I. What the Monroe Doctrine Means and Involves 9 II,…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 4 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 5 of Copy 1 CSimM, ox dbomoc doctrine? BY JOHN CHETWOOD Author of Immigration Fallacies PUBLISHERS ROBERT LEWIS WEED COMPANY 6^ FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 6 of Copy 1 Copyrighted, 1898, by Robert Lewis Weed Company
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 7 of Copy 1 p PHILIPPINE annexation, the dominant question of the hour, is so diametviciilly Jpposed to the principles embodied in the Mon- roe Doctrine that the people of the United States should make a…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 8 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 9 of Copy 1 I INTRODUCTION Importance of the Question T is universally conceded that the Philippine problem is The problem of the Spanish war. But the problem becomes comparatively simple if we decline annexation, and…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 10 of Copy 1 taxation, as well as our supremacy in the Western World. Less than three years ago to uphold this Doctrine we were facing war with a foe far more powerful than Spain, and…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 11 of Copy 1 Even up to the present lime many conservative people apparently unregardful of the Monroe Doctrine, seem satisfied with the lesser serious objections which they urge to annexation. Ncv^ttiol oss the writer maintains…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 12 of Copy 1
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 13 of Copy 1 CHAPTER I What the Monroe Doctrine Means and In- volves THE Moiiioe Doctrine is^an application to America of what Europe has long called the balance of power. In effect it says to…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 14 of Copy 1 10 For sometime before the appearance of Presi- dent Monroe s message, our relations with Russia had been somewhat disturbed over tlie northwest boundary disputes, which were linally settled by the purchase…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 15 of Copy 1 11 and of the popular uprisings all over the world that seemed to menace their systems of govern- ment. For instance, revolutions were break- ing out in Spain and Portugal, and the…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 16 of Copy 1 12 and sympathy with their republican institu- tions; and to the consequences threatened by ;i command of their resources by the great powers considerations which cull for our efforts to defeat the…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 17 of Copy 1 for the amicable adjustment of their interests to ours on the northwest boundaries of the continent, and adds: In the discussion to which these interests have given rise, and ni the arrangements…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 18 of Copy 1 14 our peace and safety. With the existing col- onies or dependencies of any P^uropean power we have not interfered and shall not interfere/ And as to the American states which had…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 19 of Copy 1 15 ing our possessions in theirs. In view of the language of the message and of its con- text, it is difficult to understand why Amer- icans of learning and ability should…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 20 of Copy 1 16 larged them. The intrinsic value of the soil may have been iiltle, perhaps mucii less than was claimed. But the principle involved was very important. Under the guise of boundary con-…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 21 of Copy 1 17 and fundamental inaxiin should be never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe. This is quite plainly the meaning of President Monroe s message, and applies directly to the situation…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 22 of Copy 1 18 of these nations had been opposed to Spain, she might have destroyed Spanish shipping and blockaded Cuban ports or seized and occupied them temporarily. But any attempt to annex the island…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 23 of Copy 1 19 Spain holding vast provinces or islands along the eastern or southeastern coasts, the vast continent of Asia has practically become the annex of Europe. At the Philippines we are in a…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 24 of Copy 1 20 near neigbbors, while we shall become a neigh- bor to colonies of these powefs by remaining at Manila. It hardly seems needful to argue further the inconsistency of trying to retain…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 25 of Copy 1 21 bids Europe to conquer or annex in this heffl- /.sphere for fear of disturbing its, and our equi- librium, and it inferentially pledges this coun- try to respect the equilibrium of…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 26 of Copy 1 The English themselves, to do them justice, are perfectly frank in this matter. The Specta- tor of July 16, 1898, dwells on the continental dislike of America, founded, like its hatred of…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 27 of Copy 1 23 This is instructive as well as interesting. Equally interesting, perhaps, if not quite so in- structive, will be a quotation from a letter in the New York Tribune of August 2,…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 28 of Copy 1 24 ism is vitalized by tlie enlargement of Ameri- can influence in the West Indies. The writer in tlie New York Tribune adds: that if the powers were to assume tlie death…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 29 of Copy 1 25 Wushington Farewell Address Doctrine is called the complement of the Monroe Doc- trine. But as the theory of our non-interven- tion in European entanglements runs through both, the address should be…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 30 of Copy 1 26 Spain on the coast of Asia. Onr national dig- nity and self-res})ect demanded that our cam- paign there should not be hampered in any wa} Asa war measure we had every…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 31 of Copy 1 2^ lories of the powers are now discussing the question of the eventual intervention of powers in the Philippines. Germany would prefer maintenance of the status quo, but if, as a con-…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 32 of Copy 1 28 3. That WE do not consider that it applies which must mean that we are prepared to pose before the world, carrying Manila on one shoulder and the Monroe Doctrine on…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 33 of Copy 1 9 lation of the civilized portions of the earth has increased by leaps and bounds— that of the British Isles for instance, from sixteen to forty millions daring the course of the…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 34 of Copy 1 30 congestion is only averted by tiie continuous opening up of new markets and new fields of enterprise in those portions of the earth where the resources of nature and the energies…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 35 of Copy 1 31 Cathay In this tremendous competition the Anglo-Saxon race has, by a singular combi- nation of energy and foresight and good for- tune, secured a splendid start. Great Britain has built up…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 36 of Copy 1 32 the last century. Germany, whose rajjid trans- furniation from an agricultural to an industrial state of the first rank has been a far more momentous event than her political reconstruc- tion,…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 37 of Copy 1 33 the continent, as Cathay has said. Euro, pean powers though covetous of the vast and fertile regions embraced in South America, acknowledge our dominance and therefore re- spect our dictum that…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 38 of Copy 1 34 from on page 26 appeared in the Matin, little has been lieard of a Monroe Doctrine for Asia. Perhaps there is no special significance in this silence. Bnt then again it…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 39 of Copy 1 CHAPTER IV Vital and Growing Importance of the Monroe Doctrine SO^FE of the very jjapers that urge Asiatic annexation are becoming alive to the greatly increased importance which the war has given…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898
Image 40 of Copy 1 36 States. Our people are practically a unit for the enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine, and are ready to resent in arras the at- tempt of any European power to occupy any…
- Contributor: Chetwood, John
- Date: 1898