Book/Printed Material March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
Image 1 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 2 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston Qass- Book.
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 3 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 4 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 5 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 6 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston i 4lk^ ^^A ^ryJl^^-xS
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 7 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston Sos+ovn. A- i fbj COMTnc i I t aX^VTlCII 17tli, 1870, CELEB K A T I O N O T H E CENTENNIAL ANNIYERSARY O F T II E EVACUATION OF BOSTON…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 8 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston JO r t s e of ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL. CITY PRINTERS,
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 9 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of ALUEttMEN, March 20, 1876. liesolvcd, That the thanks of the City Council are due, and they are hereby tendered, to George E. Ellis, D. D., for…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 10 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 11 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 1 P -a V* »^*7/. c l L Roxt a. r ir, a 1^* ■i X J. I •r. O. ^2- 1.
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 12 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston ^ii Fl .4,^0/ B^ S O X in N E W a N G L ANB u^uh u.^ rJ JMQa s, jll ^tncJuiH^MlL TO :M,DORC££ S T R,ROXBU-R:i.B^ OE L 1 W…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 13 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston iMl^ySSr^^^^^uy/nU Uc^rt^o/l^,^ ^r A
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 14 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 15 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston c 8 x? r^ rVv i^v:-^- U Co ./\,c^ r^V„v V^n- Jy 1r^ r^
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 16 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 17 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston CONTENTS Preliminary Arrangements Decorations Illuminations Reception of the Washington Medal -Services in Music Hall Prav^r by Rev. Dr. Manning, Pastor of Old South Introductory liemarks of Mayor Cobb Address by George E.…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 18 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston VI CONTENTS. PAGE Chronicle of the Siege Continued. Burgoyne on the Situation in Boston 158 Destruction of Liberty-Tree 160 Tlie Besieged in Boston 164 Commission by General Gage 164 Crean Brusli 165…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 19 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston PEELIMINAEY AEEMGEMENTS. DECOEATIONS AND ILLUMINATIONS.
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 20 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 21 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston PRELIMINARY AERANGEMENTS. In his luaugural Address to the Cit} Council of Boston, on the 3d of Januar} 187G, the Ma^-or, Hon. Samuel C. Cobb, referred to the Centennial Anniversaries of the last…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 22 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 10 CENTENIs^IAL AXKIVEESART OF THE industry and art, and, I presiune, a large personal repre- sentation. It does not apj^ear at present that any formal action on the subject is called for…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 23 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EYACUATIOX OF BOSTON^. 11 omraending that the Mayor and the Chairman of the Board of Aldcrineii be authorized to engage an orator for the Seventcentli of March, and an order to that…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 24 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 12 CENTEN^riAL a:nts[iveesart of the DECOEATIONS. The season of the year being unfavorable for out-door decora- tions, the sub-committee haA ing the matter in charge, deemed it advisable to designate such ]Dlaces…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 25 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EVACUATION OF BOSTON. 13 The buildings were occupied bj- the British troops, and served as a post from which to anno}- the Americans. Ou the 8th of July, 1775, a party of…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 26 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 14 CENTENNIAL ANNIVEKSAET OF THE LIBERTY-TREE BUILDING. The Liberty-tree, so named from its being used on tlie first occasion of public resistance to tlie Stamp Act, stood near the present corner of…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 27 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 28 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 29 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EVACUATION OF BOSTOX. 15 THE OLD SOUTH CHUECH. The present buikling was erected in 1729 when built it was situated in what was then considered the south part of the town, and…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 30 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 16 CENTEJfiSriAL AKNIVERSARY OF THE In 178D ;i toinpoiar}- balcony was erected at the west end oC the bnihl- ing, from which General Washington reviewed the procession whicli had escorted him into…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 31 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EVACUATION OF BOSTON. 17 eficial to the town for oflicos, or otherwise; and the .said buiUling be- ing now finished, has delivered possession thereof to the selectmen, for the use of tlie…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 32 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 18 CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE MAIN GUARB-HOUSE OF THE BRITISH TROOPS. When the British troops landed in Boston, Governor Bernard gave up the State-House to them, much to the annoyance of the…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 33 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 34 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 35 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EVACUATION OP BOSTOJf. 19 wharf Tras known first as Boston Pier, and in the act of incorporation, granted in 1772, is described as Boston Pier, otherwise called the Long Wharf. The property…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 36 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston 20 CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSAKY OF TllB ILLUMINATIONS. On the eveuing of March 17, 1876, the following buildings were illuminated by the city authorities Faneuil Hall, City Hall, the Old State-House, and the Old…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 37 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EVACUATION OP BOSTON. 21 That afternoon a furious storm arose the surf was so great upon the shore where the boats were to have landed that the} could not have lived in…
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 38 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 39 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston EECEPTION OF THE WASHINGTON MEDAL.
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876
Image 40 of March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston
- Contributor: Ellis, George Edward - Boston
- Date: 1876