Book/Printed Material Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
Image 1 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 2 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, 018 465 ilBinii HoUinger Corp. pH8.5
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 4 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, em v n ists
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 5 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, ,__^ 931 Southern Building, 7 Washington, D. C;, -c May, 1918. The following appeal is signed by two eye-witnesses of the infamous acts of the Austro-Bulgarians in the occupied territory of Serbia.…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 6 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 7 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, PREFACE. The war has -uade three martyr nations: the Belgians, the Serbs a^no. the Arruenians of Turt ey. Ger.uany has .„artyred Belgiurr. Austria-IIur.gary and Bul- g .ria have -iartyred Serbia. Turkey has…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 8 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 9 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -2- it is conscious of its nationaJ strength. And the slaugh- ter was compassed with the clear purpose of total destruc- tion. In the Imperial Ari-iy, it -./as the Ser os of…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 10 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 11 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, I do not irean to hold the peoples of GerrLa.ny, of Aus- tria-Hungary, of Bulgaria and Turkey responsible for all this. I know what protests have rung through the Parlia- ments of…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 12 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 13 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, M E M R A N D U M By the Serbian Socialist Party Upon the Situation in Occupied Serbia, Presented to the Russo-Hollando -Scandinavian Committee Opinions as to the culpability of…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 14 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 15 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -5- of T,h3 first Austro--Hun£:arian invasion in the neighbournooc:. of the town of Shabatz and in order to esctpe from the enemy troops v^hich vj-ere steadily venturing further, Serbian fami- lies were…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 16 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 17 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -o- a favir months ago in fcrie ?Iun^arian Farliti-rnsnt concernin^^ ta3 bcirbarity prevailing in Bosnia-Herzegovina. T..13 epeec;., as also tlie most recent one t-y Dr. Antun TresiGii--?aviohitch, in the Austrian Reichsrat, Octohex…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 18 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 19 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -7- P ,8 G-.j.? s of che Ge.rn ia.n i loops, It v;as the G3?::;.an army wliicii diiring its march through Serbia, in October, November and Decembsr of 19-- furnished the precedent…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 20 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 21 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -.8- A. The R e^-icn Qoo TA^SkJ^ :l-Jill°^LlJkz^!i^ !l ?jE^lZ- The economic liie of Serbia had b ?en ai orgaruaed and subjected to strain even before t:-3 occupation, uore than has been…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 22 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 23 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, More than I5 O0 ^_C2:riJAB^^jM^.II^^ AusJ-rianr. The first act cf taa ..Gov3r-r.ient of cociTi,d.tion was to intern in Hungarv and Austria mo::s t:.dn I9O.OOO persons be- longincr to the orvil population for…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 24 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 25 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -10- cattle and produce irraoh live st.jok will soon ba drprivfto. of it altogether. Ths p?^\,3anr, ca.i no loviger fill liic fie-Z.d, the artisan returns to find an empty workshop and the…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 26 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 27 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -li- the country even these which t-re indispensajle in evsry house- hold, m tal utinB.J:;, ^tc. ais rec^uisiticnec ur.cor_ta3 prs- tszt of S3rvir.7. nilitciry neeclc And Ghcy are piid for at absurd…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 28 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 29 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -13- the last grain of gold leit to him, pernc*.p ircin tno good, old times of the age of iDatr.l -ironal co;umunism Sonetimes t;) au- thorities go so fa?? in tiiis avidity…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 30 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 31 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -13- any officer, police agent or police spy that came along. _ Many privat4 dwellins;s in Belgrade, v/sre looted in this way. Everything wa.s taken, from the linen ana the furniture…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 32 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 33 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -14- a camel to pass tiiroagh the eye of a neello faan for an egg to pass from one district into another in derb:...^ The Diot- rict Commanders dispose of unlimited powers…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 34 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 35 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -15- STARVATION IN BE LGRADE Tills food, (ox .Tcitriar starvt^tion) policy, is xaost elo- quently discernible in tne faces of the inhabita.nts ^f Bel- grade. In tiiis town it is absolutely impossible…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 36 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 37 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -16- .i:ien:orand.ur;: to Colonel Kerschnawi, Chief of Staff of the ililitary Goverr.r.-.ent The rsquasts einbodied in this meno- randura v/ere very iriocieat. The petitioners requested in the first place the siraplif ication…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 38 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 39 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia, -17- This intolerable situation is further aggravated by tha a.rcsi2ir.g Ociilou.^i.ess Ghown by the authoi ities and the Austro-Hurigariaii batiks. As Serbia is today dsprived of all ecouoiiiio life, everybody in the…
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918
Image 40 of Memorandum by the serbian socialis party upon the conditions in occupied Serbia,
- Contributor: Fontana, Oskar Maurus - Servian Press Bureau, Washington, D.C. - Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate Serbe - Katslerovicʹ, Trisha - Popovicʹ, Dushan
- Date: 1918