Book/Printed Material The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall,
Image 1 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall,
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 2 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall,
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 3 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, THE MIST ON THE MOORS
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 4 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, V JP r -r I 4 t ’.-.i i- r 4 t j tr 4 N. 4 A s 4 I I I 4 1 •I V t I 1 J y…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 5 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall,
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 6 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, tarv Tlie flash of light which rested on her was only momen- y, nut I saw the features of a young girl.” Page 26.
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 7 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, THE MIST ON THE MOORS Jl Homancc of north Cornwall JOSEPH^HOCKING AUTHOR OF “THE STORY OF ANDREW FAIRFAX” ‘‘aeu men are liars” etc. [SEP 30 NEW YORK R. F. FKNNO COMPANY 1…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 8 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Copyright, 1896 BY R. F. FFNNO COMPANY
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 9 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, CONTENTS, CHAP. PA61 I. How the Mist Gathered 1 II. A Strange Yisit to Altarnun Moors 13 III. How the Mist TL opened 30 lY. The Face at Dreardowns’ Window 46 Y.…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 10 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall,
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 11 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, THE MIST ON THE MOORS. CHAPTER 1. How THE Mist Gathered. There are those who saj that the life lived on Altarnun Moors is very gloomy and monotonous. This, of course, is…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 12 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 2 How THE Mist Gathered, been to Plymouth and Exeter several times, and on one occasion I went to London. I do not want to go there again, however. There was too…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 13 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, How THE Mist Gathered. 8 Low mj path crossed that of people who are far more interesting than I can claim to be. Mj name is Eobert Tremain. Tremain is an old…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 14 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 4 How THE Mist Gatheeed. birthday my father asked me to consider the condition of affairs. ^‘Eohert/’ he said^ after drinking a good part of a bottle of wine, ‘‘1 intended making…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 15 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, How THE Mist Gathered. 5 mortgaged for every penny it is worth.” I knew now what my father’s behaviour during the last few months meant. For, ordinarily an abstemious man, he had…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 16 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 6 How THE Mist Gathered. me up to-morrow, and I am not wortli sixpence and soon, very soon, my credit will be gone.’’ Do you mean to say that people know that—…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 17 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, How THE Mist Gathered. 7 When will will matters come to a a crisis I asked, presently. The fellow who has advanced the money on Rosecarrol may want to call it in…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 18 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 8 How THE Mist Gathered* Unless what You marry money. Hezekiah Tamblin had not long been in our neighbourhood, and, although I had seen him several times, I had never spoken either…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 19 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, How THE Mist Gtathered. 0 who had by some means made money. Fifteen or twenty years ago he had doubtless come to my father for favours now he was my father’s master^…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 20 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 10 How THE Mist Gathered, only living child^ and because I spent as much time as I could with her. She has not the slightest idea that any- thing is wrong I…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 21 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, How THE Mist Gathered. 11 was due to him, so I put on my hat and went out among the fields. I had not been out more than a few minutes before…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 22 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 12 How THE Mist Gathered. ever^ I started for a walk across tlie moors. I’ll see tlie man who may ruin ns any day,” I said. ‘^I’ll see the woman whose marriage…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 23 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, CHAPTER n. A Strange Visit to Altarnun Moors. When I arrived at ^^The Queen’s Head” the kitchen was fairly full, but there was only one customer in the parlour. On Saturday evenings,…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 24 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 14 A Strange Visit to room. Behind the counter sat a youn^ woman^ perhaps twenty four or five years of age. She was a well-grown, buxom girl, with fair, fresh skin, and…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 25 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altarnun Moors. 15 very agreeable. Every time I spoke to her she blushed, which, I thought, made her face prettier than ever, while I couldn’t help feeling rather pleased that she evidently…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 26 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 16 A Steange Visit to All tills I felt rather than thought, and jet I was fascinated. The fair, fresh face and the full, red lips charmed me. Besides, she was older…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 27 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altaenun Moors. 17 vain, but I regarded her evident liking for me as an indication of that fact. Still, the thought was not pleasant to me at first. She was different from…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 28 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 18 A Strange Visit to here I asked myself, when I heard a stifled scream. I turned towards the conveyance, and, in spite of the mist, saw that it was not an…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 29 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altauntjn Mooes. 19 for lie was disturbed by a second cry from the carriage, a cry which was immediately stifled. No more of that,” shouted the man who had spoken to me,…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 30 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 20 A Strange Yisit to ^^Well, I’m zorrj I caan’t ’elp ’ee, gen’l- men_,” I saicl_, relapsing into the Cornish vernacular^ for tes a wisht night to be out in when you…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 31 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altarnun Moors. 21 within the carriage, a noise which, to me. Bounded like the cry of someone in pain, then the window opened, and a woman’s voice said, Come, Mr. Edgar, quick.”…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 32 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 22 A Strange Visit to exactly right, and the doctor at Bodmin Asylum says that nothing will cure her but a regular change of air, so we are taking her on to…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 33 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altarnun Moors. 23 I ’ave to git to Penliggle, sur/’ I replied, mentioning a little off farm vvliicli was a part of Eosecarrol Estate, and through which I had to pass in…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 34 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 24 A Steange Tisit to I almost wish we had kept the fellow, so that he might have guided us there. ‘^That would not have done/’ was the reply; these fellows are…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 35 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altarntjn Moors. 25 lights that the party was expected. Drear- downs Farm was doubtless well named. The land comprising it had been reclaimed from the moors^ and prior to the time of…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 36 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 26 A Steange Visit to opened, being completely hidden by a tree behind which I stood. The mist had enabled me to gain this position without fear of detection. The two men…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 37 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altarnun Moors. 27 blind was drawn, however, so that I could see nothing that happened in the room. A few seconds later, and I heard steps on the stairway again, followed by…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 38 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, 28 A Strange Visit to station. Sometimes weeks pass and we doan’t spaik to nobody but tbe people on the place.” Everything is safe then?” Ef you’ve done your paart, it is.”…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 39 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, Altaenun Mooes. 29 imagined all sorts of possible solutions to the problem^ but none seemed probable. As I silently crept into my bedroom that night, however, I determined that I would solve…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896
Image 40 of The mist on the moors; a romance of north Cornwall, CHAPTER ni How THE Mist Thickened, ^^Robekt,” said my father, the folio wing morn- ing, I am very sorry I had to tell you what I did yesterday. I had always looked…
- Contributor: Hocking, Joseph
- Date: 1896