Book/Printed Material My book of the little tin soldier
Image 1 of My book of the little tin soldier MY BOOK OF .1 (JIM MAXTOR BOOK PZ FT MEADE nS^cL VAy HE LITTLE TIN SOLDIER
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 2 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 3 of My book of the little tin soldier MY BOOK OF A THE LITTLE TIN SOLDIER The little tin soldier had only one leg. but he was a true soldier at heart. He had so many adventures that they fill all this book, and he was just as brave as could be in every one of them. The lovely pictures are by Nardini And the book has been made for you by…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 4 of My book of the little tin soldier Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was given the most wonderful present for his birthday. This was a box of tin soldiers. There were no less than twenty-five soldiers in the box, and they were all brothers. They had been made, you see, from the same old tin spoon. ABp v Gift
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 5 of My book of the little tin soldier ZOcrbl Mv “What a grand birthday present!” cried the boy, as he took the soldiers out of their box. “Why, they are all exactly the same— all except this one.” And he stared at the soldier who was not like any of his brothers —for he had only one leg. “But he really stands as firmly as the others,” thought the little boy, as…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 6 of My book of the little tin soldier But in the eyes of the one-legged tin soldier, the prettiest thing of all was the little dancing girl. She was also cut out of cardboard, but her dress was of a most wonderful softness, and there was a golden star at her waist. “How beautiful she is,” sighed the tin soldier. “She is just the wife for me.” Then he thought that perhaps…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 7 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 8 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 9 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 10 of My book of the little tin soldier In the morning, the boy found the tin soldier still standing stiff and straight, and he stood him up on the window ledge. But Suddenly, and all at once, the window flew open, and down fell the tin soldier, head first. Down and down and down he dropped, and he was spinning round and round as he fell. The boy rushed down to search…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 11 of My book of the little tin soldier The boy searched for a long time because he did not want to lose one of his twenty-five tin soldiers. And when he found a long stick, he began to prod the grass with it. The little tin soldier could have called out, “Here I am,” but he did not. “Soldiers in uniform never cry out,” he thought, and he stayed very still and…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 12 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 13 of My book of the little tin soldier huge everything is!” as soon as the boy “How tiny I must be. And here I am all by myself in this hig world.” But though he was afraid, he did not show it. Nor did he move. Then it began to rain and a big raindrop just like a big teardrop fell on his bright blue uniform.
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 14 of My book of the little tin soldier As soon as the rain was nearly over along came two ragged little boys. And they spotted the tin soldier at once. “Look!” cried one. “There’s a tin soldier. Let’s give him a sail.” And they made a paper boat and put the soldier in it.
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 15 of My book of the little tin soldier The brave tin soldier did not blink an eye, but he wondered to himself just where he would get to as the boat sped along, and he wished, yes, he wished that the lovely dancing girl might be beside him. For then he felt he would mind nothing at all.
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 16 of My book of the little tin soldier V isg w 5 mri IS MfW J* ^L. The boat tossed from side to side as it went hurrying along. It even started to go round and round in circles, until it shot into a long, dark tunnel of water. This made the soldier feel quite seasick, but he still stood stiff and straight just the same. And he kept both eyes to…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 17 of My book of the little tin soldier ‘We want to see your passport! Show us your passport!” the biggest of the water-rats demanded. “But I have no passport,” said the tin soldier, and how glad he was when the current carried him away out of reach.
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 18 of My book of the little tin soldier The dark water swept him along, faster and faster. “My goodness me...!” the little tin soldier thought to himself. “Whatever is going to happen to me next?” For now he saw ahead of him a patch of light, but the boat was rocking so much that he almost fell overboard. 4
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 19 of My book of the little tin soldier There was a loud, rushing noise as the boat was whirled into the deep waters of the canal. The brave soldier held himself as stiff and straight as he could, but the little paper boat was sinking down and down. “Never again shall I see my lady of the castle,” he told himself, as all at once the boat fell apart, and he found…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 20 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 21 of My book of the little tin soldier Oh, but how black it was inside that fish. And how narrow it was But never for a moment did the brave soldier try to make life more comfortable. He kept himself just as stiff as though he had been on guard duty. The fish sprang this way and that. Then all of a sudden it did not jump any more. “Aha,” cried the…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 22 of My book of the little tin soldier “I’ll take it to the market right away,” said his wife as soon as she saw the fish. But soon after she had sold it, along came a servant from one of the big houses. “Here you are, ma’am,” said the fishmonger. “Here’s the very fish for you.” “Yes, it looks fresh enough,” said the servant. And, not bargaining at all, she put the…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 23 of My book of the little tin soldier As soon as the servant began cutting up the fish she felt something hard inside. “Come quickly,” she called to the little boy of the house. “Here is a very strange thing.” And she pulled out the one-legged tin soldier. “It’s mine! It’s mine!” cried the little boy.
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 24 of My book of the little tin soldier S!fl Then he began to call out with delight at his luck in finding his old tin soldier again. And the little soldier could hardly believe in his good fortune. There he was back in the very same room he had left. The boy put him on the shelf above the fire so as to dry quickly. From there, the soldier saw all his…
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900
Image 25 of My book of the little tin soldier
- Contributor: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
- Date: 1900