Book/Printed Material Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
Image 1 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 2 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 3 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 4 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 5 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. I I t 9 k t r I t I 4 9 4 I k 4
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 6 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 7 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 8 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 9 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn CHAUTAUQUA. MRS. NANCY J^ARTSHORN., ^:3 vU\, ST New York: J. S. OGILVIE COMPANY, 31 ROSE STREET. \%u --L
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 10 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Copyright, 1882, BY J. S. Ogilvie Co. 4jfi)
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 11 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. To THE C^0Msanir Of the Chautauqua Literary Scientific Circle, AMONG WHOM ARE SOME OF MY BeST FrIENDS, THIS Volume is respectfully Dedicated. The Author.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 12 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua.
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 13 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. CONTENTS, CHAPTER page I. How I MADE UP MY MIND TO GO 9 II. The Start 24 III. Our Tent 33 IV. The Ampletheater” Meetinq 46 V. Going to the Store” 58…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 14 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. V r V 0 i .f y 1 ■•*•4-, J- i i!.-’- ‘)l// i t. ■,r,- r r i 4 V t *i* f I C m I S. 4 SL^ I…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 15 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. CHAPTER 1. HOW I MADE UP MY MIND TO GO. It was ruther sing’ler, my goin’ ter Che- tauquy in the fust place. Now, I never was one…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 16 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. lo Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. arter I got my work done up, an’ the dishes set away, and hed rested a bit, it struck me I’d run over and set awhile with…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 17 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqtta. 1 1 them that knew more’n I did, and when I see folks persistin’ in hevin’ their own way, jest ’cause tis their way, it don’t take me…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 18 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 12 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, hedn’t knowed o’ her keepin’ comp’ny with any one, and I tho’t if she’d bin and ’ngaged herself ter sum man ’thout sayin’ anything ter me ’bout…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 19 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 13 and that is, there’s no one ter go with me. It’ll be lonesum not ter hev sumbody ’long ter talk ter.” Where be ye goin’ ter stay…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 20 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 14 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, anywhere ter stay kin board. There’s sights o’ folks go, and they hev preachin’ an’ prayer- meetin’ an’ Sunday-school ev’ry day, and hev a real nice time.…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 21 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 15 could fix it so I could go, fur what she’d sed hed made me want ter go as bad as she did. I hedn’t any idee the…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 22 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 1 6 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, deal he’s likely ter say sumthin’ that ain’t be- comin’ in a deacon, and ’tain’t a pleasant way o’ gittin’ ’long, so sumtimes I’ve maniged ter…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 23 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, 1 7 ’tain’t no use fur ye ter say anything agin it, neither. I’ve stayed here and worked, year in and year out, and never got any thanks…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 24 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 1 8 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, he was struck dum, but he finally got his breath agin’. Nancy Hartshorn,” sez he, ez fur yer thinkin’ that I’m goin’ ter giv my consent…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 25 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. N^ancy Hartshorn at C hautatiqzia, 19 do the same. I reckon I sh’dn’t git much comfert out of it if ye did go, fur ye’d be growlin’ ’bout sumthin’ o’ ruther all…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 26 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 20 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. don’t ofen git where he can’t say nothin’. Wall, he never so much as peeped ’bout it arter that. I reckon he see ’twasn’t no use makin’…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 27 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 21 Ain’t ye goin’ ter take yer black silk dress sez she. No, I ain’t,” sez I. ’Tain’t no place ter be switchin’ ’round with a silk dress…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 28 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 2 2 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, ’ford ter spend sumthin’ fur the sake o’ hevin’ a nice dress.” So I giv in and let her fix it as she wanted ter and…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 29 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 23 and bake fur as much as four or five days ’fore we went. I hed a dubble share, fur I hed ter cook up ’nough so’s the…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 30 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. CHAPTER 11. THE START. I KNEW ’twouldn’t do ter back out now, so I got in and we drove off, leavin’ him standin’ there lookin’ as lonesum as our old turkey-gobbler did…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 31 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, 25 furgit ter shave and put on a clean shirt Sun- day if I ain’t there ter tell ye to do it.” I alers make it a pint…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 32 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 26 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. felt more comfortable but I wasn’t any sorry when we got ter Mayvill, where we was ter git off. I shouldn’t a knowed what on airth ter…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 33 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 27 looked at me riither funny and then he sez, ‘Sartingly, mam.” “I’m glad ter hear it,” sez I, fur I was ’feered I was bein’ carried off…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 34 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 28 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, what a grand picter it made; and there it lay, as quiet as a sleepin’ baby, and let them big boats go plowin’ over it, as if…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 35 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at ChatUauqtia. 29 the meetin’s. ’Twas perfeckly charmin’ Oh Liz,” sez she, if there ain’t Mr. Tompkins Ain’t he too killin’ fur anythin’ Let’s walk ’round that way jest ter…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 36 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 30 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqtta. Git yer things tergether, fur here we air ter Chetauquy.” Where is it?” I axed. Why there,” sez he, ‘‘can’t ye see anythin’?” Land sakes sez I,…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 37 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. Nancy Hartshorn at ChaiUatiqtia, 31 down ter the landin’ ter meet us, and they was wavin’ their handkerchers and actin’ as if they was tickled most ter death ’cause we’d come. I…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 38 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 32 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, a man’s coat pocket, and by the time I got that onhitched I was so frustrated I didn’t know whether I was Nancy Hartshorn or sumbody else.…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 39 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. CHAPTER III. OUR TENT. I wasn’t ’xpectin’ ter pay so much, but I see the rest was all doin’ it so I didn’t say nothin’, but give him the money, and he…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882
Image 40 of Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 34 Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, shook hands and sez, How d’ye do?” rale corjeel. It’s your ticket I want, mam,” sez he. I declare, I never was so worked in my life.…
- Contributor: [McPherson, M. E.
- Date: 1882