Book/Printed Material The Navassa island riot ...
Image 1 of The Navassa island riot ... h M W,.^, ::-XM^i^-^^:J^
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 2 of The Navassa island riot ... LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 5|Hp..- ^Mrigltfu.- UNITEB STATES OF AMEMI€A=
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 3 of The Navassa island riot ... BMiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiiiiiiin 11 i I II III nif im iniiii III I II I iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin luiiiMii THB pVi^gp I^Li^WD I(10T. I ILLUSTRATED. 1 Published by The National Grand Tabernacle^ Order of…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 4 of The Navassa island riot ... NOTE. It has-been determined to issue a second edition of this pamphlet, which, will give the biographies of the entire 18 men held for rioting, as told by themselves. The arguments in…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 5 of The Navassa island riot ... THE pVi\ggA I^Li^WD \m, K ILLUSTRATED Published by The N ati07ial Grand Taberjiacle, Order of Galli- lean Fishennen, Baltimore^ Md. I^I?,IOEl TEllSr OEITTS. [FiiEasi? EiDiTioi^.] DEC 191889 bai.timork The American Job Office.…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 6 of The Navassa island riot ... Copyright, 1889, by Hall Johnson.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 7 of The Navassa island riot ... TO THE PUBLIC THE Humanitarian Order, known as The Gallilean Fishermen, and noted for its charity and benev- olence to suffering humanity, has issued this lit- tle pamphlet as an aid in…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 8 of The Navassa island riot ...
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 9 of The Navassa island riot ... NAVASSA. The Island of Navassa is situated in the Oarribbean Sea, (West Indies) 18° 25 north latitude, and 75° 5 longitude west of Greenwich, 33 miles southwest of Hayti, and 72 miles…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 10 of The Navassa island riot ... 6 per summit is encircled by a terrace or shore platform, the bluff descending without interruption down to the sea, except at the northerly point of the Island. From an elevation of…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 11 of The Navassa island riot ... Thoma^3 I^. Foster with an axe and stone, and the other sixteen as accessories before the act. The third count charges Henry Jones with the murder of Joseph Fales with an a:…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 12 of The Navassa island riot ... THE court s IKSTRUCTIOl^ TO THE JURY Il^T REGARD %J KEY, FOR THE MURDER OF MAHOJS Gentlemen of the Jury We feel it our duty to give you in a form somewhat…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 13 of The Navassa island riot ... 9 fible motive, and the law presumes that every homicide is with malice which has resulted from general malignity and reck- less disregard of the lives of others. Malice may be expressed…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 14 of The Navassa island riot ... 10 Mahon, you must find him guilty in the first count. If you find that though Key was guilty of the homicide of Mahon, it was without malice aforethought, the unpremeditated result…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 15 of The Navassa island riot ... 11 present sometimes called principals in the second degree. And although in this second part of the count those seventeen defend- ants are charged as being present aiding and abetting, the mur-…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 16 of The Navassa island riot ... 12 design that Mahon, or Mahon together with others, should be overpowered and wounded or killed, and that the persons charged took part in carrying out that purpose, and at the time…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 17 of The Navassa island riot ... 13 and done by those engaged in it, to the knowledge of the defend- ants in respect to taking the life of Mahon. And if you find that any of them took…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 18 of The Navassa island riot ... 14 convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that they acted with malice aforethought, then as to such defendants you may find a verdict of not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter.…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 19 of The Navassa island riot ... 15 Dorsey, colored, E. Mills, Jr., Abraham G. Mott, H. E. Challis, E. Lertz, R. E. Barnes, John R. Monroe, Robert Rennert, Jr., Michael Shannon, Charles J. R. Thorpe, Wm. Henry Shirley,…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 20 of The Navassa island riot ... lb BIOGRAPHIES *ALFRED JONES alias Texas Shorty. Alfred Jones, or Texas Shorty, as he is generally called, was born in Philadelphia in 1864, being 25 years of age, and says he went…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 21 of The Navassa island riot ... 17 ^CHARLES H. SMITH. Charles H. Smith, (alias John Ward), was born in 1858, and has been to Navassa five times.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 22 of The Navassa island riot ... 18 JAMES PHILIPS. James Philips was born in Greensboro, and is 22 years old, He was at Navassa about eight months.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 23 of The Navassa island riot ... 19 ALFRED BROWN, Alfred Brown was born in 1844, and is 45 years old; says he went to -Navassa three times, the last time being in Sept., 1888,
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 24 of The Navassa island riot ... 20 Edmund Francis (alias Blue Ball), went to Navassa in Jan- uary 1889.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 25 of The Navassa island riot ... 21 *JAMES H. ROBINSON. James H. Kobinson (alias Snow) was born in Norfolk, Va., in 1864 and went to Navassa in March, 1889.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 26 of The Navassa island riot ... 22 JAMES JOHNSON. James Johnson (alias Thos. Welsh), was born in Carlisle, Pa,, and is 22 years old. He went to Navassa last March, arriving there on April 3d. His mother lives…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 27 of The Navassa island riot ... 23 MOSES WILLIAMS. Moses Williams (alias Dakota), was born in Dakota. He is a half-breed Indian, and was educated at Carlisle, Pa. He is 22 years old and went to Navassa in…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 28 of The Navassa island riot ... 24 *EDWARD WOODFORK. Edward Woodfork was put on the stand as a witness in the Key case.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 29 of The Navassa island riot ... 26 NORMAN WOOSTER. Gorman Wooster (alias Juggler) was born in 1867, his home being in Stockbriclge, Mass. He was called Juggler on the Island and went there in January, 1889.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 30 of The Navassa island riot ... 26 CHARLES H. DAVIS. Charles H. Davis (alias Pompey) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and is 22 years old. He went to Navassa in August, 1888.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 31 of The Navassa island riot ... 27 STEPHEN PETERS. {Stephen Peters was born in Salisbury, Mel., and is 28 years old. The last time he went to Navassa was in September, 1 S88, bnt he had been tliere…
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 32 of The Navassa island riot ... 28 ^AIVIOS LEE. Amos Lee was boi ii in 1862, and belongs in GeorgetoAvn, D. C. He went to Navassa July last.
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 34 of The Navassa island riot ...
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 35 of The Navassa island riot ...
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889
Image 36 of The Navassa island riot ... LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS in 001 938 349 Md
- Contributor: Hall, Thomas I. - Galilean Fishermen, Baltimore, MD - Gordon, Columbus
- Date: 1889