Book/Printed Material Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
Image 1 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 2 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 3 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 4 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 5 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 6 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 7 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. NOTES, DURING A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, ETC.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 8 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 9 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 10 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 11 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 12 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. -E?i ?raved by Geo.JTunt
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 13 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. N O T E S, DURING A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, AND JERUSALEM, EH SIR FREDERICK HENN1KER, BART,
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 14 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. tm V YAM t.i »:;j ovsxti 5
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 15 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. PREF A C E. O that mine adversary had written a book/ is an exclamation which betrays no little degree of malice, and no slight know- ledge of Reviewers. I have been…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 16 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. Yi PREFACE, short visit to the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. As to the subject, I may ob- serve, that my delight was rather in nature than in works of art of…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 17 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Voyage from Malta... Pilot-boat,.. Alexandria. CHAP. II. Plague. Dogs .Obelisks Pompey s Pillar Canal. Cata- combs... Flies. CHAP. III. Mirage Swallows Canopus Bedouins Etko... Rosetta Gardens... Bogaze... Rice Magazine...…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 18 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. viii CONTENTS. CHAP. V. Matarieh...Sann... Burial-place... Tanitic Branch... Om Fo- redge...Bubastic Branch... Bedouins... Djibel Romano... Pelu- sium...Tinneh...Tennys. CHAP. VI. Tennys...Toomah...Tomb of a Shekh...Debbee...Tmai... Jackalls...Cosa-fa and Non-fa-Niente... Retrospect of the Delta. CHAP. VII.…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 19 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. CONTENTS. ix CHAP. XI. Ho. .Diospolis Mikra. Cafr Saiad. Choenoboscium Croco- diles... Warrhen...Dendera...Kenneh...Copht.,.Goos. CHAP. XII. Th ebes... Tombs... Memnonium Medinet-Abou Memnon .Lougsor,..Carnac.,.Psyllus. .Dogs. Cemeteries...Relics. CHAP. XIII. Hermontis Esneh Latopolis Contra-Laton Heggs Eleithias...Edfou...Hadjar…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 20 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. X CONTENTS. CHAP. XVIII. Departure from the Oasis. Ho. ..Minieh... Return to Cairo. CHAP. XIX. Arrival at Cairo... Pyramid of Chephrenes. CHAP. XX. Departure from Cairo Suez Tor... The Narkoos... Arrival at…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 21 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Jerusalem... to face the Title-Page. Tablet of Hieroglyphics. face Page 161. Convent of Mount Sinai. face Page 234.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 22 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem.
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 23 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, Sfc. $c. CHAPTER I. VOYAGE FROM MALTA PILOT BOAT— ALEXANDRIA. DEAR W As your accident on Mount Vesuvius is also my misfortune, depriving me…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 24 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 2 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, different sensations I admired it the captain ap- plied the word Capote as an epithet, and sent for his great coat it soon came on a…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 25 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 3 and Charybdis I now think Homer more unpar- donable for attempting to express the threats of the sea in one word. Fourteenth. Wind little, and none,…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 26 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 4 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, dresses of these men, unlike that neat uniformity which pervades our seafaring class, are as gay and diversified as the changes of fancy, colour, and embroidery…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 27 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 5 17th. I have been on shore the very stepping stones at the water s edge are a mass of antiqui- ties, about to quit their native…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 28 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 6 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, of silver-smiths and confectioners, are tobacco-cut- ters and barbers at length we enter the only street that boasts a pane of glass this is inhabited by…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 29 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 7 greatest enemies, the flies or the musquitoes, they hold divided sway- half sting by night, the others sting by day. Yours, P. S. Whenever I make…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 30 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 8 A VISIT TO EGYPT j NUBIA, CHAPTER II. PLAGUE DOGS- OBELISKS POMPEY s PILLAR-— CANAL CATACOMBS FLIES. ALEXANDRIA, 21ST OCTOBER. The camel with our luggage is gone, and the don- kies…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 31 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 9 dead by her side, and covered with tumors she was put into the lazzaretto, as was also the tailor at the end of three weeks the…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 32 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 10 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, madness and I would match them for frightening strangers against double the number of geese of the Capitol. The town wall runs between the water s…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 33 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 11 ings at Paris. I laboured onward over some acres of crockery at Rome it is difficult to believe that Monte Testaccio is formed of such materials,…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 34 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 12 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, through as easily as through the needles of the Isle of Wight. Pompey s pillar stands without the walls the distance at which it is seen…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 35 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 13 of the Pasha s sons, whose duty is to superintend the operations going on at the new canal, and to prevent the labourers from deserting these…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 36 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. A VlSit TO EGYPT, NUBIA, may be in, and similarly as we turn towards Jeru- salem when looking at the communion-table. Prayers finished, those who had any thing to eat, supped, and…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 37 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. THE OASIS, MOUNT SINAI, ETC. 15 municates with the new port, and within 200 yards of it, 20 feet below the surface of the sands, is a considerable extent of laboured stone,…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 38 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 16 A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, may also be the plainest every woman wears a sort of Venetian mask, and reminds me of a funeral fraternity at Rome but, if I may…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823
Image 40 of Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. A VISIT TO EGYPT, NUBIA, this spot an ignis fatuus is not half so provoking as this mirage, again and again deceiving! though the last deception left you determined not to be…
- Contributor: Henniker, Frederick
- Date: 1823