Book/Printed Material Panama. Speech of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts in the United States Senate, January 5, 1904 ... Copy 2
Image 1 of Copy 2
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of Copy 2 o o s .V J^ J0W//y
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 3 of Copy 2 b^-^^ l^fe^^o ^-^o^ xOr,
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of Copy 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of Copy 2
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of Copy 2
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of Copy 2 n i i.L iii ji i i. iiiiiii .n l -J rniKtammmmmmmmmmmmmm umMY OF CONGRESS ■DECEIVE n ^5- gi
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of Copy 2 ly PANAMA. Speech of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge. The Senate having under consideration Senate resolution No. 66, submitted by Mr. Morgan December 18, 1903, that neither the President, nor the President and…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of Copy 2 4 PANAMA. In Lawrence s Wheaton s International Law (pt. 1, chap. 2, p. 36) is found the following discussion of what actually constitutes sovereignty in a state Sovereignty is acquired by…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of Copy 2 PANAMA. tion of the recognizing power, that it is not necessarily in any sense an act of war, and that it may be done with a strict observance of neutrahty. Before coming…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of Copy 2 6 PANAMA. several constitutions of Colombia, but that is simply to show the relation of Panama to Colombia, and has no bearings on the question of recoojnition, which is all I desire…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of Copy 2 PANAMA. When a sovereign has a reasonable hope of maintaining his authority over insur- gents the acknowledgment of the independence of such i^P^g^^^^^.J.^^^^^^ll^^ international wrong. It is otherwise when such sovereign is…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of Copy 2 8 PANAMA. ence to new states brought by successful revolutions into the family of nations, but it is not to be required of neutral powers that they should await the recognition of…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of Copy 2 PANAMA. a neutral nation has but two questions before it: (a) Whether or not the new state or government is de facto estabhshed sufFiciently to be answerable for its international obligations, and…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of Copy 2 10 PANAMA. Such was the nature of the recognition of the United States by France. We had a revolutionary government. We had no con- stitution. The Articles of Confederation passed Congress just…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 17 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 11 was discussed in the President s Cabinet, and there decided. A min- ister from the new Republic was accordingly received, and m view o± the war between France and allied…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of Copy 2 12 PASAMX. An animated discussion immediately ensued. Forsyth said: THg question, then, for the House to consider was whether, when tlie Constitution has ))lace(l the conduet of our foroij^n relations with tlie…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 13 that Government? He did not. In every view the course proposed was not recon- ciliable with the usages of the country, and because it was not, and, in his opinion,…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of Copy 2 14 PANAMA. Mr. Baldwin opposed the resolution on the ground that recog- nition of a foreign State should be made by all three branches of the Government and not by the President…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 15 This style was introduced under the old Confederation, and was then perfectly proper, but since the Federal Constitution has been formed its inaccuracy is apparent^ the whole executive poiver, particularly…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of Copy 2 16 PANAMA. Together with this report a resolution was submitted to the Senate from the Committee on Foreign Relations that was as follows: Resolved, That the independence of Texas oi^ght to be…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of Copy 2 PAISTAMA. 17 resolution, he inclosed it, with the statement that it Hruly interprets the uniform sentiment of the people of the United States in regard to Mexico. He says, further: It is,…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of Copy 2 18 PANAMA. In a note to ^Ir. Christiancy, May 9, 1881 (MSS. Inst. Peru, Foreign Relations, 1881), Mr. Blaine, Secretary of State, says: If the Calderon government is supported by the character…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 19 coiild be considered independent by the judiciary of foreign nations it was necessary that its independence should be recognized by the executi-\e authority of those nations; that as our Executive…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of Copy 2 20 PANAMA. The department thus referred to is clearly indicated by its fur- ther characterization (p. 51) as the treaty -making power. The Prize Cases (2 BL, 635) are not strictly in…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 21 The exercise of this prerogative of acknowledging new nations or ministers is, therefore, under such circumstances, an executive function of great delicacy, which requires the ut nost caution and deliberation.…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of Copy 2 22 PANAMA. made by Congress in any of these instances. The legislative power has thus for 100 I years impliedly confii med the view that the right to recognize a new foreign…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 23 dom of Korea, the Empire of Germany, the Orange Free State, the PrincipaUty of Rumania, Serbia, and the Congo Free State. Costa Rica was recognized by the reception of a…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of Copy 2 24 PANAMA. On the 29th day of May, 1813, Mr. Madison nominated a minister to Sweden to open diplomatic relations with that country. No such office had been created by Congress. John…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 25 bia sought to make a canal treaty with us. If Senators will turn to page 18 of Senate Document No. 51, Fifty-eighth Congress, they will see there a letter from…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of Copy 2 26 PANAMA. Now, in the first article of that treaty, as he points out in the letter of April 28— The Government of Colombia authorizes the New Panama Canal Co. to sell…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 27 hand; that there are great pecuniary advantages; and he transmits this treaty which he had caused to be made, with that shuffling mes- sage, to the Congress called to consider…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of Copy 2 28 PANAMA. with the hope of getting more money out of somebody. That was openly charged in the debate. Our minister says again: The Vice President That is, MaiToquin, who was acting…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 29 patriots for more money. But on August 12 the Senate rejected the treaty, and Mr. Beaupre says: Referring to my telegram of August 12, 7 p. m., I do not…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of Copy 2 30 PANAMA. Now, Mr. President, I think the extracts which I have read show the manner in which the Congress of Colombia dealt with this treaty, made at their solicitation and carrying…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 31 the fetters of the concordat of 1888 or in maintaining her hold on Panama against the will of her people, if they choose to throw it off, will prove to…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of Copy 2 32 PANAMA. Mr. Lodge. I am not willing to take money which I honestly think should be paid to the Panama Canal Co. for its property rights there and give it to…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of Copy 2 PANAMA. 33 Panama was in 1858. When her constitutional relations are con- sidered, I think it is well to bear that little bit of constitutional history in mind. Mr. Morgan. Mr. President…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of Copy 2 34 PANAMA, appeared in the New York Evening Post of December 17, dated Panama, December 8. I shall ask to have it all printed with my remarks, because it is extremely interesting,…
- Contributor: McCumber, Porter J. (Porter James) - Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Date: 1921