Book/Printed Material Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
Image 1 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 2 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, -Jgf --few-- Class __] o Gopyiiglit N? J _ COKfRfGHT DEPOSm
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 3 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 4 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 5 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 6 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 7 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, New Edition Doubled in Size Price 35 Cents PAN-GERMANY THE DISEASE AND CURE and A PLAN FOR THE ALLIES By ANDRE CHERADAME PAN GERMANY IN 1917 OUTUHE Of THE PAI 8ERMI PU»…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 8 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 9 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GERMANY THE DISEASE AND CURE and A PLAN FOR THE ALLIES By Andre Cheradame New and Greatly Enlarged Edition containing not only all of the material of the first Edition of Pan-Germany:…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 10 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, J -w Copyright, 1917 and 1918, by THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY COMPANY Copyright, 1018, by THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY PRESS, Inc. ©CI. A 4 97201 m -4 1918 i
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 11 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, [No student outside of Germany itself has studied the Pan- German scheme in all its details more thoroughly than the distinguished French publicist, Andre Cheradame. For more than twenty years he has…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 12 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 13 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, TABLE OF CONTENTS I. How Cheaply Germany Has Fought The War i II. How Much Germany Has Won in The War 18 III. The Necessity for a Decision 47 IV. The Allies…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 14 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies,
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 15 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, Pan-Germany The Disease and Cure CHAPTER I How Cheaply Germany Has Fought the War At the beginning of 1916, I said in my book The Pan-German Plot Unmasked, Finally, when all negotiations…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 16 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PA N -GERM A N Y and the unity of the Allies be most brilliantly made manifest. The trick of the drawn game, if successful, would involve an overwhelming tri- umph for…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 17 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE origin, has unquestionably made serious inroads on a certain section of Allied public opinion. The Stockholm manoeuvres, engineered by all the powerful and varied means at the disposal…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 18 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GERMANY they had some established connection with reality. This is entirely contrary to the fact with the best intentions in the world, peace without annexations or indemnities, as things stand now, is…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 19 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE this paper is to show just what these advantages are, and at the same time to brand the utter hy- pocrisy of the slogan, peace without annexations and…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 20 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GERMANY least, the existence of a universal conviction that in the long run Germany cannot hold out against her formidable ring of adversaries. As a result, there is no great demand for…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 21 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE count all the elements of the general financial situ- ation. If the blockade of Germany seriously compli- cates her food problems, on the other hand it is in…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 22 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN- GERM A N Y tions of exchange bear little relation to those con- ditions which must be taken into consideration in making an appraisal of the general situation they reflect, in…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 23 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE Very often we hear it said, Germany has creat- ed Mitteleuropa. 1 This is another mistake. Geo- graphically speaking, Mitteleuropa includes only Central Europe; and Germany s dominion…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 24 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PA N GERM A N Y it is particularly important, in order to grasp the idea of Pan-Germany; for it is the direct result of its creation that Germany, in spite of…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 25 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE and inevitable bad work, which must be paid dearly for. Germany was not obliged to incur these very considerable expenses. 2. Regulated Wages. The fact that the problem…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 26 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GER M A N Y sexes, from the ages of sixteen to sixty, excepting women with young children. Now, the Germans requisition labor from among 7,500,000 Belgians, 3.000,000 French, 4.500,000 Serbians, 5,000,000…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 27 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE German shell made with French iron and Belgian coal costs far less than a French shell made with American steel and English coal. As a result, the net…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 28 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN- GERM A N Y certainly remain well within the realities of the case if we conclude that, as a result of the six factors mentioned above, France must spend one hundred…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 29 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE many s aggression, comprised in a single element, namely, the plunder accruing from the occupa- tion of enemy territory. This may be analyzed thus (a) The value of…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 30 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN- GERM A N Y These tens of billions should be deducted from the total of the national fortunes of the invaded districts. The plunder in question is composed of property or…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 31 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE assured to Berlin through the existence of Pan- Germany at the cost of Russia. These are a direct consequence of the establishment of Military Pan- Germany. vi. The…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 32 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, CHAPTER II How Mich Germany Has Won in the War Let us now take up, in their order, the seven elements mentioned in the last chapter. i The first clement of German…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 33 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, T a E I) I S E A 5 E AND C I! R E 42,000,000 human beings, who furnish a vast amount of labor this labor being all the cheaper because,…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 34 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GERMANY seized raw materials: coal and iron ore, copper, petroleum, and so forth. Metals bronze, zinc, lead, copper, tin have been taken from private citizens, as well as textile fabrics wool, cotton…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 35 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE operations to all destinations. From this source, war-booty to the value of several billions has al- ready been divided among an army of Germans. Seizure of Works of…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 36 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN-GERMANY stamped by the Germans, who retain 30 per cent of its nominal value. In April, 191 7, the Frankfurter Zeitung an- nounced that the leaders of the Austro-German forces of occupation…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 37 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE high prices of food -products, coal, metal, petro- leum, war-material, machinery, and the rest, it can be seen at a glance that each one of the nine sources…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 38 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, PAN- GERM A N Y II The second element of German advantage: the Pan-German loans A portion of the approximate sum of 115 bil- lion francs devoted by Germany, up to the…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 39 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, THE DISEASE AND CURE Bank was 1,356,875,000 marks in July, 1914, and 2,527,315,000 in February, 1917, it is certain that Germany has not lent gold to her allies, in large quantities, at…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918
Image 40 of Pan-Germany, the disease and cure; and A plan for the allies, P A N G E R M A N Y At the beginning of 191 7 Djavid Bey arranged in Berlin for a new loan of three million pounds, simply to enable…
- Contributor: Chéradame, André
- Date: 1918