Book/Printed Material Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
Image 1 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Class T a a 3L J a 7 ^e CQEaftlGHT DEPOSIT.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 3 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 7 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Patents^ Trademarks and Copyrights SECOND EDITION BY Frank L. Graham, L. L. B. V AND Ford W. Harris, Member A. S. M. E. Fellow A. I. E. E. Copyright 1921 by Graham…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. GRAHAM HARRIS A ttorneys-at-Law Solicitors of Patents Specializing in Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Unfair Trade Practicing before The United States Patent Office, The Federal Courts, Courts of California Los Angeles, California f…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. PREFACE The reception accorded the first edition of this modest attempt to explain, in an elemen- tary manner the fundamentals of patent prac- tice, met with such success that we have been…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. mind that the answer to a specific question in this field can only be determined after a full and complete consideration by a competent patent attorney, of all the facts surrounding the…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Contents Page ABANDONMENT of application 78 of experiments 38 of invention 82 AGGREGATION 31 AMENDMENTS of applications 57 APPEALS to Examiner-in-chief 63 to Commissioner of Patents 63 to Courts 63 APPLICATIONS abandonment…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Page DESIGNS subject of patents 18 DESIGN PATENTS infringement of 106 duration of 18 field for 19 DISCLAIMERS purpose of 78 DISCLOSURE in specification 47, 48 DIVISIONAL APPLICATIONS nature of 62 DRAWINGS…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Page MACHINES defined 17 subjects of patents 16 MANUFACTURES defined 17 subjects of patents 16 MARKING method of 81 patent applied for 81 MECHANICAL EQUIV- ALENTS 30 MODELS when required with ap-…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Page PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS how made 41 not conclusive 41 not made by Patent Office 40 PRINTED PUBLICATION defined 35 when negatives novelty 35 PRINTS AND LABELS in general 114 PRIOR PATENT when…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Chapter I. PATENTS IN GENERAL The United States Government has recog- nized inventions as an important factor in the industrial development of the nation and for the purpose of promoting the progress…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. of a patent relating to his business prevents this patent from falling into the hands of his com- petitors who might then prevent him from using the invention covered by the patent.…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 17 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. art by the invention, and, at the same time, it is notice to the public of the exclusive rights of the inventor in his inventions. Nature of rights granted.— The exclu- sive…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. A patent is not a license. A patent is not a license to make anything. It is merely a right to exclude others from making, using or selling the thing claimed in…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Broad patent no bar to later narrow patents.— The fact that a broad patent has been granted, however, does not mean that a later narrower patent cannot be granted for an improvement…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Result of grant of narrow patent.— The results of granting the earlier patent con- taining broad claims and then granting a later patent covering improvements over the inven- tion disclosed in the…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. described in such patent. It may be that he has merely an improvement patent, and that the invention shown and described therein in- fringes one or more prior patents. The fact that…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. that the general theory of claims is not under- stood. We will try to make both of these points plain. Patent is a contract. The Courts have adopted the view that a…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. his secret, the Inventor must, of necessity, in- clude many things that are old and which really constitute no part of his real invention, that is, his invention may relate only to…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. If the patentee has disclosed something new which he does not claim, he dedicates it to the public. It is, therefore, quite essential that the patentee understand the general theory of claims…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. ited meaning of the word process and may be defined as an operation performed by rule to accomplish a result. It is what is commonly called a method, or process, of doing…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. The Patent Office usually refuses to grant in the same patent claims on a machine and a pro- cess carried out by this machine so that two applications are usually necessary to…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Field for design patents. .Design pat- ents, in their proper field, are just as legitimate as utility patents, but their field is limited to cases in which the appearance of the thing…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. he be of legal age. Insane persons may apply through a guardian and an executor or admin- istrator may apply for a patent on the invention of a deceased person. An invention,…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. inventor. To create a joint invention all the parties thereto must participate in its concep- tion. There are no definite lines established by law as to the extent a joint inventor must…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. the patent to the party giving such assistance, which assignment should be recorded in the United States Patent Office, preferable when the application is filed, as all legal titles to United States…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. has discovered an improved principle in a ma- chine, manufacture, or composition of matter, and employs other persons to assist him in carry- ing out that principle, and they, in the course…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights.
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. Chapter II. PATENTABILITY The requirements of patentability.^ To be patentable, a thing must be new, useful, and an invention. If any of these attributes are lacking, the alleged invention is not properly…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. which we now rely, were written in the early days of the RepubHc before we had attained our present state of industrial perfection. These decisions were written by eminent law- yers who…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. have adopted certain negative rules which have been applied in later cases in a process of exclu- sion for determining whether or not invention is present. This question is largely a matter…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. and useful but which do not rise to the dignity of invention. It may, indeed, be said that good engineering is the very opposite of invention, for the engineer applies recognised engineering…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. State of the art. The fact that an in- vention appears obvious after its completion, does not negative invention. It must be shown that it was obvious before the invention was dis-…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. to remove hair from the human face; nor is it invention to dupHcate or multiply old parts; nor to substitute for one old part in an old combination, a mechanical equivalent thereof.…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. chine, is one that performs the same function by applying the same force to the same object, through the same mode and means of applica- tion. See also Burr vs. Durkee, 1…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of Patents, trademarks and copyrights. An excellent example of such an aggrega- tion is described in the case of Grinnell Wash- ing Machine Co. vs. Johnson, 247 U. S. 426; 62 Law Ed. 1 197, in which…
- Contributor: Harris, Ford Whitman - Graham, Frank L.
- Date: 1921