Book/Printed Material Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the late civil war, the rise and progress of the orhpan system,
Image 1 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … ———II 1 1 111 I win i 111 i i ii i Tm a h i m mm MMtWMIHMMMM «wa i« m i n ii m i m iii i n. mi…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 2 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 3 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … V I ii.n i fm -sj-i- it-w^^^^^^^^HHH V. H i I V v
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 4 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 5 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 6 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 7 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 8 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … (fi D PQ C/3 i— i CC X J h h- 1 o w H H
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 9 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … PENNSYLVANIA S Soldiers Orphan Schools, GIVING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR, THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ORPHAN SYSTEM, AND LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENTS RELATING THERETO; WITH BRIEF…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 10 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by JAMES LAUGHERY PAUL, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. H_i«i J PAGAN S SON, ^^1* ELECTROTYPERS, PHILAD…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 11 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … f^ PENNSYLVANIA S Soldiers Orphan Schools.
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 12 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIEES ORPHANS SCHOOLS Harrisburg, March 15, 1876. It affords me no ordinary degree of satisfaction to bear testimony to the accuracy and official character of this volume, prepared by Colonel…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 13 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … t mty ti\h IjUhtmif TO THE Fatherless Children of my Fallen Comrades, AS A TOKEN OF ESTEEM FOR THE LIVING AND A TRIBUTE OF REMEMBRANCE do the lead.
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 14 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 15 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … M lHE reason for presenting the history of the sol- diers orphan -schools of the State to the public at this time, is to enable our own people, as well as those…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 16 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … VU1 PREFACE. Railroad Company and the Legislature of the State an army of widows and orphans throughout the length and breadth of the Commonwealth raise their voices in testi- mony of the…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 17 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … PART I. CHAPTER I. The Conflict which Terminated in the War that made the Children Fatherless. Pennsylvania s Thank-offering Slavery in the Colonies First Continental Congress, 1774 Carpenters Hall Articles of Confederation…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 18 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … X CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. A Special Providence and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Thanksgiving Soldiers Orphans Ask for Food A Meeting in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia Governor Curtin Pleads for the Orphans…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 19 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER VII. The System Saved by the Orphans. Discouragements Governor s Message McAfee s Bill Warm Discussion Passes the House Destruction of the System Threatened Visit of the Children to…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 20 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … xii CONTENTS. Topical Study General Beading Dictionaries, Cyclopedias, etc Duties of Class Examiner Number of Pupils, Teachers, and Class-rooms Pro- gramme Work Details Comfort Labor Employees Rules for Order, Neatness, and Work…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 21 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER XVII. Loans and Taxation. Act of 1868 and Supplement Schools Eeceiving Loans Exempt from Taxation The Act Supplement 135-137 CHAPTER XVIII. The Trust Confided to the Superintendent of Public…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 22 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … XIV CONTENTS. PART II. SCHOOLS, HOMES, AND ASYLUMS. PAGES Bird s-eye View of Pennsylvania s Soldiers Orphan Schools^ 163-167 Northern Home for Friendless Children, and Soldiers and Sailors Orphan Institute 169-18S Paradise…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 23 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … CONTENTS. XV PAGES St. James Orphan Asylum 438 Bridgewater School 439-446 Bethany Orphans Home (Womelsdorf) 447-450 Tressler Orphans Home 451-458 Home for Friendless Children for the City and County of Lancaster 459-465…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 24 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Kntt$t^tw{ State Capitol, Harrisburg Frontispiece. James L. Paul Facing page 17 Andrew G. Curtin 29 Thomas H. Burrowes 44 John W.Geary 115 George F. McFarland 116 Columbus Cornforth 117 Mrs. Elizabeth E.…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 25 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 26 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Mz^ 2^ o r aZtt^kLs
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 27 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … PEKTsTSYLV APIA S SOLDIERS ORPHAN SCHOOLS. CHAPTER I. THE CONFLICT WHICH TER3IINATED IN THE WAR THAT MADE THE CHILDREN FATHERLESS. Sss -^||0 say that Pennsylvania stands first among the great sis- terhood…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 28 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 18 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. America, negroes were imported into them and sold as slaves. The accursed system of slave labor was introduced and perpetuated with the sanction of no law…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 29 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. 19 shall be displayed to revive the memory of the proceedings of the Congress of 1774. If any adventitious circumstances shall give precedency on that day, it…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 30 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 20 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. the evil. During, -or immediately after, the war for independence, legislative measures were taken in all the States north of Mason and Dixon s line, except…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 31 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. 21 in the blood of the bravest, was about to perish. Those who saw the danger dare not adjourn without accomplishing the object for which they had…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 32 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 22 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. For a season this Missouri Compromise seemed to allay hostile feelings. But the emissaries of the slave power were at work seeking to enlarge its domains.…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 33 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. 23 and other Northern cities, and there was not a conspicuous pulpit in the entire land that was not silent in regard to the evil. An un-…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 34 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 24 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. few days after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, hundreds of Missourians, on the western border, temporarily crossed into the adjoining territory with the intent of…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 35 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. 25 gress, however, properly ordered it to be again submitted to, the vote of the people and it was a second time rejected by a majority of…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 36 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 26 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. case, a platform which meant one thing in the North and another thing in the South. After an exciting campaign, Abraham Lincoln was fairly elected by…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 37 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. 27 war. The South had so often threatened, and so often been quieted by fresh compromises, that it was difficult to believe that now she meaut anything…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 38 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … 28 Pennsylvania s soldiers orphan schools. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat; Oh! be swift, my…
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 39 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the …
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877
Image 40 of Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphan schools, giving a brief account of the origin of the … f^p-i^^t^
- Contributor: Paul, James Laughery
- Date: 1877