Book/Printed Material The physics of sound in the sea.
Image 1 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee ih: «m«« Sita}!}} jwih ffsnHHKKh i:i:jHHKH mSHH!I i t ii ji tiiLt i jhiHHwHw iW— W rtithtvj (ft whfiiitfW m! i nw :hni wilt 1 r.ii ifiti uHtil iUilH; t! ■t k.…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 2 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee wiL iLvitiiij C kJLXs cA :-7.. I a- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 3 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee S by fh III*** as v l r F. Jb 7 lo 7 a 0T s a# fS //j-ot- 3 6T* Return ta SOQBE AND raOM DN8RK Library of Congrw* non -v*tf- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 4 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee r.- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 5 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee SUMMARY TECHNICAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH COMMITTEE- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 6 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee Manuscript and illustrations for this volume were prepared for publication by the Summary Reports Groups of the Columbia University Division of War Research under contract OEMsr-1131 with the Office of Scientific Research…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 7 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee SUMMARY TECHNICAL REPORT OF DIVISION 6, NDRC VOLUME 8 THE PHYSICS OF SOUND IN THE SEA OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT VANNEVAR BUSH, DIRECTOR NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH COMMITTEE JAMES B. CONANT,…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 8 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH COMMITTEE James B. Conant, Chairman Richard C. Tolman. Vice Chairman Roger Adams Frank B. Jewett Karl T. Compton Irvin Stewart, Army Representative 1 Navy Representative 2 Commissioner of Patents…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 9 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee NDRC FOREWORD A s events of the years preceding 1940 revealed more and more clearly the seriousness of the world situation, many scientists in this country came to realize the need of…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 10 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 11 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee FOREWORD T his volume, together with Volumes 6, 7, and 9, summarizes four years of research on underwater sound phenomena. The purpose of this research was to provide a firmer foundation for…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 12 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee FOREWORD the design and operation of Navy sonar equip¬ ment. Only a few of the scientists and others contribut- ingto this war effort can be named. Mr.C.O’D.Iselin, Director of the Woods Hole…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 13 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PREFACE I n the course of prosubmarine and antisubmarine research carried out during World War II, a large amount of information was obtained on the propaga¬ tion of underwater sound. Much of…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 14 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee X PREFACE been scattered back to the vicinity of the original sound source. Part III deals with the echoes returned from submarines and surface vessels. Part IV dis¬ cusses the transmission of…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 15 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART I TRANSMISSION 1 Introduction by P. G. Bergmann and L. Spitzer, Jr. 3 2 Wave Acoustics by P. G. Frank and A. Yaspan 8 3 Ray Acoustics by…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 16 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee Xll CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART III REFLECTION OF SOUND FROM SUBMARINES AND SURFACE VESSELS 18 Introduction.343 19 Principles.345 20 Theory .352 21 Direct Measurement Techniques.363 22 Indirect Measurement Techniques.379 23 Submarine Target…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 17 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PART l TRANSMISSION- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 18 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 19 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION l.l IMPORTANCE OF TRANSMISSION STUDIES S ince sound waves are transmitted through water very much more readily than radio and light waves, the use of underwater sound has become…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 20 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 4 INTRODUCTION through them, and reduce the maximum range on a deep submarine to much less than the maximum range on the same submarine at periscope depth. The maximum range at which…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 21 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee NATURE OF SOUND 5 which was communicated to the air as acoustic energy. The foregoing example illustrates the general proc¬ ess by which sound is generated and detected. A source of sound…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 22 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 6 INTRODUCTION that the sound pulse had to travel “around the cor¬ ner” to reach the microphone. In that case, sound energy is obviously deflected around the obstruction; and it can be…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 23 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PROPAGATION OF SOUND IN THE SEA 7 temperature change, the sound paths are bent in the direction of lower velocity of propagation, in other words, in the direction of lower temperature. Even…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 24 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee Chapter 2 WAVE ACOUSTICS S ound energy takes the form of disturbances of the pressure and density of some medium. There¬ fore, the basic relationships between impressed forces and resulting changes in…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 25 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee BASIC EQUATIONS 9 The mass of fluid entering the face AHED in unit time is clearly the rate at which mass is moving in the x direction times the area of AHED,…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 26 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 10 WAVE ACOUSTICS From equations (3) and (5), P p 0 (l a), (6) v t» 0 (l w). (7) Since the masses at equilibrium and at time t are equal, pv…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 27 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee BASIC EQUATIONS 11 Before the equations of motion (15) can be used, expressions must be derived for the force components f z fv fz acting on the small box of Figure 2.…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 28 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 12 WAVE ACOUSTICS causes the fluid to deviate so slightly from its state of equilibrium that the change in pressure is propor¬ tional to the fractional change in density. Second, it is…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 29 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee WAVE EQUATION IN A PERFECT FLUID 13 It can be shown that the velocity components u x ,u y ,u z also satisfy a differential equation of the form of (23), provided…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 30 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 14 WAVE ACOUSTICS density, and other properties) suffer a sharp change at the separating surface. However, the mathematical treatment of a medium with strongly variable physi¬ cal properties is still more difficult…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 31 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee SIMPLE TYPES OF SOUND WAVES 15 negative x direction. If, however, an expression of the form (31) is the function describing the given physical situation, the situation is more complicated. The re¬…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 32 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee WATER TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES 16 WAVE ACOUSTICS DEPTH IN FEET Figure 4. Speed of sound in sea water. TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES F A EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 0 10 20 30 40 SALINITY…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 33 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee SIMPLE TYPES OF SOUND WAVES 17 shallow depths, the pressure changes are relatively unimportant, and salinity changes in the open ocean are usually too small to matter much. Near the mouths of…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 34 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 18 WAVE ACOUSTICS turbance. The quantity e is called the phase constant because it fixes the position of the disturbance in time. Two vibrations of the same frequency and the same e…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 35 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PROPERTIES OF SOUND WAVES 19 mates a point source at the origin, the following solution is obtained. p(r,t) ci- p{‘ i) (1 Ci) (41) Physically, we can eliminate the solution (1/r) p(t-\-r/c).…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 36 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 20 WAVE ACOUSTICS Equation (47a) can also be shown to hold good for the wave moving in the positive direction if the initial conditions are for the space interval 0 x x…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 37 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PROPERTIES OF SOUND WAVES 21 because of equation (18). By adding equations (49) and (50), we obtain rp PoVoU- vo o 1 otal energy of v -f- p~. 2 2k By dividing…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 38 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 22 WAVE ACOUSTICS We can calculate F by means of equation (58). Since a sphere of radius r has the area 4-n-r 2 the total energy crossing such a spherical surface per…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 39 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee PROPERTIES OF SOUND WAVES 23 placement D and that the numerical value of this actual displacement is the real part of the right-hand side of equation (70). With this understanding, equations (70)…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946
Image 40 of The physics of sound in the sea.
Summary technical report of the National Defense Research Committee 24 WAVE ACOUSTICS Directivity Characteristics So far we have been mainly concerned with the simple point source which gives rise to a spherically symmetric disturbance in the immediate vicinity of the source.…- Contributor: United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. National Defense Research Committee
- Date: 1946