Book/Printed Material The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year,
Image 326 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 320 OCTOBER 27—28. I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Isaiah xli. 9. Is this thy portion, my soul Hath the Lord thy God indeed chosen thee Hath he manifested his love to thee in so distinguishing a way Take comfort, then, in all thine exercises, when seasons of darkness and discourage¬ ment are around think of God’s choice, and venture on…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 327 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, OCTOBER 29-30. 321 ing, support me when weak, uphold me against all mine enemies, carry me safe through a life of grace here— and finally, bring me home to thy glory to behold thee, and dwell with thee for ever. He sent his word, and healed them. Psalm cvii. 20. Of all the subjects to comfort our minds in the recol¬ lection of the…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 328 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 322 OCTOBER 31. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.— Heb. iv. 9. Blessed motto for the close of the month, or the day, or year; after being fatigued with the thoughts, and cares, and anxieties, of life. My soul! delight thyself in the thought of it—look forward to the speedy enjoy¬ ment of it. Like the prophet’s vision, it will…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 329 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 2. 323 For what is our life, but a vapour My soul! ponder these things. Hath the Lord lighted thy candle Is Jesus thy light, thy life, thy joy, thy sunshine, thy morn¬ ing star, thy all in all And hath he risen upon thee never more to go down Oh then, though all thou knowest, all thou beholdest now, is but as…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 330 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 324 NOVEMBER 3—4. And in that day there shall he no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. Zech. xiv. 21. O precious day of God, when will it arrive Shall the house of Jesus be indeed delivered from all false pastors, all corrupt worship, and the Lord have turned to the.peo¬ ple a pure language, that they may all…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 331 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 5—6. 325 him, he is looking on thee. And the very desires in thine heart of seeking him it is Jesus hath kindled. And no¬ thing can he more sure than that He who kindled them in thine heart did not kindle them in vain. Sweet thought! I bless thee for it, thou gracious Lord! The king hath brought me into his chambers.…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 332 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 326 NOVEMBER 7. not feel thine whole affections going forth in continual love after him? Was it not thy Father which, from everlasting, gave thee Jesus as thy Saviour, and gave thee to Jesus that he might redeem thee Was it not from the same precious source, that Jesus came as a Saviour, and a great one, to redeem thee, and other great sinners…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 333 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 8. 327 ber that hath found room; and from experiencing the blessed fulness, riches, grace, suitableness, and all- sufficiency, in the blood and righteousness of Jesus for poor sinners, I may proclaim everywhere around, that others may find the same, that yet there is room. And, O Lord, grant, that while yet there is room, multi¬ tudes that are ready to perish may…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 334 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 9—10. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel xii. 2. What a morning will this be how distinguished from every other Lord, how often do I now awake, with thoughts of earth, and sin, and trifles, and vanity! How have I opened mine eyes…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 335 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 11. 329 separate from sinners, that though he took the nature of man, yet wholly underived from man. And so much higher than the heavens, that his own personal holiness infinitely transcended the holiness of angels. For while they are said to be charged with folly, Jesus is the Holy One in whom the Father declared himself well pleased. Meditate, my soul, on…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 336 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 330 NOVEMBER 12. were from everlasting, when thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people. In the Bible, thou art the great Promise, and the whole of the promises. Thou art the whole of the law and the prophets. Both the Old Testament dispensation, and the New Testament grace, all pointed to thee, and in thee they had their completion. Thou art the…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 337 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 13—14. 331 Christ hath given himself for us, an offer¬ ing and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet smell¬ ing savour.— Eph. v. 2. If, when Noah offered by faith his sacrifice at the coming forth from the ark, the Lord smelled a sweet savour in it, because both the ark and sacrifice was a type of his dear Son; how fragrant…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 338 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 332 NOVEMBER 15—16. Precious Jesus do thou revive the languishing frame of thy people do thou pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground. Oh what a fulness, blessed Lord there is in thyself to supply all. Surely thou art, as the church said, “A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.” Do thou…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 339 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 17. 333 beholding that complete salvation in which thou art in¬ terested, in Christ Jesus Believers are commanded to sorrow no more, as others without hope. And doth Jesus indeed wait to be gracious, nay, very gracious Is it possible to consider, that He, who hath all power in heaven and in earth, waits upon a poor worm of the dust, and this…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 340 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 334 NOVEMBER 18. Hast thou a blessing to ask at the court of heaven this day Fly then to Jesus. Behold him still as John be¬ held him, and hear what he saith. Remember,his blood speaks; for so the Holy Ghost declares—it speaks better things than that of Abel; for Abel’s blood cried for ven¬ geance Jesus pleads for mercy. And doth it not…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 341 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 19. 335 thou truly alive to the blessed things contained in it, and anxious to be interested therein Oh then, meditate upon them give thyself wholly to them. And while men of the world, from the world are seeking their chief good, and asking one another, What news? do thou turn a deaf ear to every other relation of a dying world, from…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 342 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 336 NOVEMBER 20. undiscovered. Is this thy case, my soul And dost thou still carry about with thee such a body of sin and death Well might Paul call it the mystery of iniquity. And well might Paul, from his deeper knowledge in the ana¬ tomy of the heart, cry out so greatly under the burden of it!—O precious, precious, precious Lamb of God!…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 343 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 21—22. 337 mayest thou join the apostle in his overwhelming 1 song of praise, and cry out, Oh the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and goodness of God And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. Isaiah xi. 5. Mark these expressions, my soul, concerning thy Co¬ venant God in Christ. The…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 344 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 338 NOVEMBER 23. but without even the proposals for money: not only with¬ out ready money, but without any money Here is not even a price given My soul, remember this! The poorer the wretch, the more welcome to this market. But what are the things sold Both wine and milk. A blessed variety in the gospel-feast—wine to cheer, and milk to nourish. Yes!…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 345 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 24. 339 to the riches of his grace And hath he given thee to believe in the record, that God hath given eternal life, and that this life is in his Son Oh then say with the wife of Manoah, Surely the Lord would never have done all this, neither would he have showed me all these things, had he not intended my…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 346 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 340 NOVEMBER 25—26. thee, so to adore thee, so to make thee my all in all, my life, my .love, my joy, my present, my everlasting hope and portion, that in life, and death, in time, and to all eternity, Jesus may be my glory and salvation for ever and ever. Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 347 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 27. 341 mising power. And the river of life in Jesus possesseth all these blessed effects. To every poor sinner, brought into this rich stream, it gives life, spiritual life, eternal life. And who shall describe the length, the breadth, the heights, the depths, of it? Not only extending over all the continent of the earth, but from the borders of hell to…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 348 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 342 NOVEMBER 28—29. For, when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans v. 6. My soul! fold up this sweet and precious scripture, and carry^it about with thee in thy bosom, and in thine heart, that it may help thee on at any time, and at all times, when thy strength seems gone, and there is no…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 349 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, NOVEMBER 30. 343 the Lord speaks to his soul. And methinks I would have every poor sinner that is awakened, until the day of glory breaks in with an everlasting light upon him, get away to the gospel-mountain, where the odour of Jesus’s in¬ cense, and the savour of his blood and righteousness, be¬ come sweeter than myrrh, and more fragrant than frank¬ incense.…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845
Image 350 of The poor man's morning portion, being a selection of a verse of Scripture with short observations for every day in the year, 344 DECEMBER 2. then hasten to him, my. soul, with thy morning offerings, poor as they are for sure I am, Jesus is waiting to he gracious. God will accept both thee and thy offering in him the Beloved! Go forth to meet him as early and as often as thine heart can wish depend upon it, thy Re¬ deemer will be beforehand with…
- Contributor: Hawker, Robert
- Date: 1845