Book/Printed Material Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
Image 1 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 2 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; Pass GV /ZO/ Rnf k?0 ^y
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 3 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 4 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 5 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 6 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 7 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; Popular Pastimes S OB Field and Fireside, OB Amusemeiits for Young and Old. CAKEFULLT COJIPILED BT AUNT CAKEIE. 4 I M ^o^iVashJi^s!^ SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: PUBLISHED BY MILTON BEADLEY A CO. 1867.
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 8 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; (k^ /20) Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY, In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the District of Mas- sachusetts. SAMUEL…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 10 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 11 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; Preface. Yl^ WOULD like to make a few suggestions on home influence, before I commence a list of amusements. They may be superfluous if so, I trust you -wUl pardon me. All…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 12 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; VI PREFACE. revered, and are gratified if your cMldren are attentive to your comforts. Can you expect such manifestations, unless you set them an example, and prove by a real interest in…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 13 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; Contents. Pkeface, 5 CROQUET. Materials used in the Game ^Preparation of the Ground Choice of Sides General Principles of the Game Arrange- ment of the Bridges ^Diagrams Eules of the Game Strik-…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 14 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; VIU CONTENTS. GARDENING AND FLOWERS. PAGE. Benefit of Children s Gardens The Woods How to Plant Seeds ^Ferneries Ivies ^Pressed Flowers How to Plant and Grow Strawberries Grapes Designs for Flowers To…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 15 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; CONTENTS. IX DANCING. PAGE. Pop goes the Weasel, 134 Lancers, 134 Le Prince Imperial Quadrille, 137 Common Cotillion, 139 Basket Dance, 140 White Cockade, 141 The Waltz and Polka Quadrille, .141 Sir…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 16 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; X CONTENTS. PAGE. The Menagerie, 186 Quaker Meeting, 186 Resemblances, 187 Put in a Word, .188 Proverbs, 188 Game of Characters, 189 Lawyer, 190 Consequences, 190 Fox and Geese, 191 Stage-Coach, 192…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 17 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; CONTENTS. PARLOR GAMES. PAGE. Squalls, 222 Parlor, or Carpet Bowls, 226 The Union Game, or Red, White and Blue, .227 Zoetrope, or Wheel of Life, .229 Grecian Games, 230 Jack-straws, 231 GAMES…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 18 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside;
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 19 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; Croquet. ROQUET has been for several years one of the most popular pastimes in England, and is now very justly receiving a large and rapidly increasing share of attention in this country.…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 20 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 14 CEOQUET. And it may perhaps be considered as the chief excellence of this game that it gives this opportunity, which very few other games, combining scientific play and physical exercise, aiford,…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 21 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; MATERIALS OP THE GAME. 15 the effects of tlie weather, and for this purpose nothing is better than good oil paint and varnish. There is a universal predisposition towards large balls by…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 22 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 16 CEOQUET. The bridges should be made of iron wire about -j^g of an inch in diameter, in form like an ox-bow. The width of the bridge should be equal to the…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 23 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; THE GBOUND. 17 will occupy 10 inches, and tence allow the posts to be driven into the ground 8 inches, and still have the lowest color so high from the turf that…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 24 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 18 CEOQUET. distance between the bridges, is governed very mucli by the taste and accommodation of the owner. A model Croquet ground has been defined as an elliptical field one hundred feet…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 25 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; GENERAL PRINCIPLES OP THE GAME. 19 tween the cHefs by each placing his ball under the first bridge and striking for the starting post the one who thus drives his ball nearest…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 26 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 20 CROQUET. bridges are arranged In citlier of the tliree positions given in diagrams Nos. 1, 2 and 3, we now come to the mode of play- ing the game. The object…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 27 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; EOQUET-CROQUET. 21 When one ball driven by a blow of tbe mallet hits another, it is said to make Roquet on that ball. When the first player, who should be black, has…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 28 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 22 CKOQUET. the use of this very valuable stroke. The player who reaches the turning-post first, has great advantages for a time, for as soon as he touches it, he commences his…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 29 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; AEEANGEMENT OF BRIDGES DIAGRAM. 23 DIAGRAM No. 1. WJJ^Vk^^^^ The figures marked on this diagram are intended merely to furnish a relative scale of distances. Thus with these distances the posts are…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 30 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 24 CROQUET. rarely be aceomplislied, ^never, except by extraordinarily skillful play, ^yet it should be made possible, but very difficult. DIAGSAM No. 2. V®?^\ 5v^ M^^vn.m Mix* In this the same number…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 31 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; ARRANGEMENT OF BRIDGES DIAGRAM. 25 DIAGEAM No. 111 tMs, tlie third diagram, it will be seen tliat the two cen- ter side bridges are done away with, and that one is placed…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 32 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 26 CROQUET. EULES OF THE GAME. StriMng: th^ Bait I. At the eommeneement of tlic game tlae ball slaould be placed on a line drawn from the starting post to the center…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 33 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; RULES OF THE GAME. 27 his own choice thus according to this rule the chief is not compelled to play the first ball. VVe do not advise this prac- tice as there…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 34 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 28 CROQUET. III. A player continues to play so long as lie makes a point in the game. 1. Making a point is running one or more bridges, strik- ing tlie turning-post…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 35 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; EULES OF THE GAME. 29 bridge if it has loeen so placed by the hand for the purpose of croquet or roquet-croquet, no matter from what position it may have been taken.…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 36 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 80 CSOQUET. Vn. If the roquet-croquet is allowed to all players alike, tlie rover is governed entirely by the same laws as other players. 1. Therefore, a rover having completed the grand…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 37 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; EULES OF THE GAME. SI logo of croquet, and afterwards, at the same blow, run a bridge it may croquet the roqueted ball, then proceed to ro- quet it again, then croquet…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 38 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 32 CKOQUET. TIj^ ^rciqxict and Itcnixx^A- ^xixiixut IX. A player may croquet or roquet-eroquet any number of balls consecutively but lie can croquet or roquet-croquet only those balls on which he has…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 39 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; EULES OF THE GAME. 33 4. In making rieocliet the player is at liberty to croquet either a part or all of the balls roqueted but the order of croquet must be…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867
Image 40 of Popular pastimes for field and fireside; 34 CROQUET. tonr, and no point made by a fllnclilng ball is valid, and the balls are considered as accidentally displaced and are replaced in accordance witli the rule applying to accidentally…
- Contributor: Smith, Caroline L.
- Date: 1867