Book/Printed Material Protection of industrial property;
Image 1 of Protection of industrial property;
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 2 of Protection of industrial property;
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 3 of Protection of industrial property; Protection of Industrial Property Monopolies Granted By Governments BY H^ a/tOULMIN, Jr. J. D., F. S. S., F. E. S. Member of the Ohio Bar, Etc. REPRINTED FROM THE VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 4 of Protection of industrial property; COPYRIGHT, 1915, By THE VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW ASSOCIATION. M 24 /9I6 ©CI,A432843 p.\\\
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 5 of Protection of industrial property; PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY.* MONOPOLIES GRANTED BY GOVERNMENTS. The Congress shall have power To promote the progress of Science and useful arts, by se- curing for limited times to authors and inventors…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 6 of Protection of industrial property; duty of the general adviser. This article will only attempt to furnish the broad and comprehensive view of the entire situation which the writer has found by frequent consultation with gen- eral…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 7 of Protection of industrial property; I. PATENTS. The first question which will arise will be that of patent pro- tection. Patents are variously divided into those known as me- chanical patents or patents covering machines, patents for…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 8 of Protection of industrial property; corporation in its ownership of the compounds or formulae which represent the various combinations of material which, when taken together, represent the completed product. The term composition of matter, is inclusive of…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 9 of Protection of industrial property; patent is identical with the subject matter covered by a trade- mark, the Patent Office has decided that when a certain device has had a design patent issued to cover it, the…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 10 of Protection of industrial property; to make, use and sell the subject matter covered by the particu- lar patent. Different terms are provided for design patents they are granted for the varying terms of three and a…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 11 of Protection of industrial property; the exact nature of the invention in what is known as a specifica- tion, illustrated by proper drawings, and the exact nature of what the inventor believes to be his exclusive property,…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 12 of Protection of industrial property; others the right to make, use, and vend, the thing patented, within and throughout some specified part of the United States, excluding the patentee therefrom. The grant must be written or printed…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 13 of Protection of industrial property; But what of the distribution and sales end of the business, what of the protection against commercial pirates imitating this product in form, in design, in labels, in wrappings, in boxes, in…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 14 of Protection of industrial property; What may be registered as a trade-mark? A trade-mark must be a distinctive device, word or phrase of identification, arbitrary in character and not merely descriptive of the goods to which it…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 15 of Protection of industrial property; in the filing of a statement showing that the mark did not belong to the person who was applying for registration of it, or that the mark was so similar to the…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 16 of Protection of industrial property; cordance with the provisions of the law in the United States, or an article which is manufactured in any foreign country or lo- cality other than that in which it is in…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 17 of Protection of industrial property; but in some fashion pertaining thereto, such, for instance, as an advertisement thereof. The print is used as a decorative erii- blem or artistic representation which the company will employ upon its…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 18 of Protection of industrial property; custom amongst large corporations, moving pictures of scenes about the plant or of the process of its manufacture are being taken. These moving pictures can be copyrighted as well as mo- tion…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 19 of Protection of industrial property; practitioner is simply that the question of foreign patents should be taken up at once upon the filing of the applications for patents in the United States. The question can then be…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 20 of Protection of industrial property; another. The pirate, having secured registration of the mark belonging to the American manufacturer, awaits his opportunity when the manufacturer imports the goods. The goods having been shipped into that country, the…
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 21 of Protection of industrial property;
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915
Image 22 of Protection of industrial property; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III! ill 019 974 504 9 ■I
- Contributor: Toulmin, Harry Aubrey
- Date: 1915