Book/Printed Material Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
Image 1 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 2 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, Class J3_£i_2^ Book_!_L: Z COPVKIGHT DEPOSrr.
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 3 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 4 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 5 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, PSYCHO-ANALYSIS A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE FREUDIAN THEORY
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 6 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 8 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, ii djO CJ COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY HARCOURT, BRACE AND HOWE, INC. m 29 1920 THE OUINN a BODEN COMPANY RAHWAY, N J. §)CI.A571148
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 9 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, PREFACE In addition to the deeper and more per- manent sources of opposition to Psycho- Analysis, there have been two practical reasons why knowledge of it has spread slowly in England in…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 10 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 6 PREFACE a complex science in outline, but with Psycho-Analysis several special circum- stances make the task of simple and satis- factory exposition an almost insuperable one. To begin with, it is…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 11 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, PREFACE 7 the harder it is to make them either accept- able or readily comprehensible. That the deductions made from psycho- analytical investigations are both novel and not easily acceptable, Miss Low…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 12 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 13 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, FOREWORD The following brief outline of Psycho- Analysis is intended for those who are interested in this subject but cannot yet find time and opportunity to study at first hand the work…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 14 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 10 FOREWORD chology, are entitled to make use of the term. By so doing they create confusion, and obscure Freud s theory. They would do well to follow the example of Doctor…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 15 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, CONTENTS PAGE Preface 5 Foreword CHAPTER I The Scope and Significance of Psycho-Analysis 15 Psycho-Analysis a Science Its Subject-Matter Its Nature and Method Its Ultimate Goal CHAPTER II Mental Life— Unconscious and…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 16 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, n CONTENTS CHAPTER IV AGE The Role of the Dream io8 The Dream as the direct Manifestation of the Un- conscious— Night-dreams, Day-dreams, Fantasies The Censorship working through the Dream Resultant Dream-Mechanism…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 17 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, The common problem, yours, mine, everyone s, Is not to fancy what were fair in Hfe Provided it could be but, finding first What may be, then find how to make it…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 18 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory,
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 19 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO- ANALYSIS CHAPTER I THE SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS Psycho- Analysis a Science Its Subject-Matter Its Nature and Method Its ultimate Goal. It is the fate of all…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 20 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 16 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS fore men s minds are sufficiently under- standing to render them willing to investi- gate it without prejudice. The reason for this is not far to seek.…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 21 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 17 doors in the human personality hitherto impassable, through which doors we may pass into areas unguessed at formerly. By the use of the instruments he has forged, we…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 22 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 18 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS partial application of the Freudian Psy- chology has been made in the treatment of shell-shock and general war-shock patients, under the aegis of the War Office itself.…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 23 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 19 Psycho-Analysis a Science. I referred above to Freud s discoveries in comparison w^ith some of the great scien- tific discoveries of the past, and the com- parison certainly…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 24 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 20 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS istic of Freud s viewpoint and method of investigation it is established on an Em- pirical Scientific basis. He has looked at the manifestations of Mind, having…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 25 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 21 (and a punctiliousness not always observ- able in the scientist), opposition has been raised. No preconceived theories, tradi- tional standards, conventional taboos, ethi- cal considerations, are allov^ed to…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 26 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 22 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS It is the courage of making a clean breast of it in face of every question that makes the Philosopher. It takes time, a great readjustment of…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 27 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 23 try; in addition he has made use of a new Method and Technique, employed by none before him, a weapon of his own forging without rules or traditions…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 28 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 24 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS lated into English from the original Ger- man) and to the work of his recognized followers. For the present purpose, the subject-matter may be indicated as an…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 29 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 25 This Unconscious, which term comprises both Memories and Processes, is in conflict with the tendencies and attitudes of the Conscious Mind (a further discussion of which will be…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 30 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 26 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS goes that aspect which must pre-emi- nently concern the practising doctor, the educationalist, the social reformer, and the ordinary intelligent layman. If we pause for a moment…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 31 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 27 knowledge and power gain inestimably if we are enabled to guide, modify, and adapt those manifestations. In mediaeval days leprosy was regarded as a miraculous gift from God…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 32 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 28 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS back to primitive forms and origins the complexities of the aduh psyche, we begin to see far more clearly the value and valid- ity (and the reverse)…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 33 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 29 duced in talk; all the manifestations of which the Patient himself may be quite un- aware (such as trifling physical habits, sudden bodily and facial movements, sighs, smiles,…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 34 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 30 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS most instinctive for most of us, and the first (sometimes the last) difficulty to be overcome often lies in this tendency. Only by patient practice, by a…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 35 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 31 duty of revealing it to another person be- comes a most painful obligation. This difficulty can be in part overcome by the skilful and sympathetic handling of the…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 36 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 32 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS to illuminate, to compare and contrast, to break up complexities into simpler elements and, if need be, to interpret from his own stores of knowledge. It has…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 37 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 33 in the course of the individuars develop- ment. The emotion is re-lived, actually re-experienced in the course of the Analy- sis. The difference between the process of talking…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 38 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 34 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS We have accepted as a commonplace the fact that it took some centuries to elaborate the current Astronomical Theories, to es- tablish the correct process of Blood-circu-…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 39 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE 35 troubled with nervous breakdown, violent obsessions, inability to work, numerous physical ills, supposed mania, shell-shock war cases, all these have been helped to a complete or very nearly…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920
Image 40 of Psyco-analysis; a brief account of the Freudian theory, 36 AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS in social life and its interests, the capacity for forming satisfactory relationships (mar- riage, friendship, and what not) which be- fore may have been conspicuously lacking, the…
- Contributor: Low, Barbara
- Date: 1920