Book/Printed Material Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
Image 1 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 2 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 3 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 4 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 5 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 6 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 7 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES M EUROPE: SERIES OF FAMILIAR LETTERS. BY REV. MY TRAFTON, M. A. BOSTON: GHAELES H. PEIRCE AND COMPANY. No. 5 CORNHILL. 1852.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 8 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. Entered according to Act of Congress, in th.e year 1851, By CHARLES H. PEIRCE, In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Printed by George C.…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 10 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 11 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. INTRODUCTION. When the writer of the following letters left home for a short tour in the Old World he promised some friends an occasional letter for the periodicals of which they were…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 12 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. vi INTRO DUCTION. The writer desired to see things as they were to visit the Old Woi-ld not to gaze upon crowned heads, or mingle in the circles of wealthy nobles and…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 13 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. CONTENTS LETTER I. Anticipation. Getting Under Way. A Companion. Com- pany. The Keckoning. Sabbath Services. Land. Ireland. Being Boarded, 1 LETTER IL Irish Channel. Signals. Steam Tug. First View of En- gland.…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 14 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. Vlll CONTENTS. LETTER VI. London. Voices of the Night. City Road Chapel. Among the Eminent Dead. Bunhill-Fields. Biinyan. Bank of Engh\nd. Centenary Hall. Dr. Clarke. Monument. Old Chmxh. Inscription on a Tomb.…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 15 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. CONTENTS. IX LETTER XIII. Kev. Mr. Melville. Golden Lecture. Eev. T. Binney. Lon- don Parks. Buckingham Palace. St. James s Palace. Horse- Guards. Mr. Lawrence. Piccadilly and Byron. Zoological Gardens, 129 LETTER…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 16 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. X CONTENTS. LETTER XXL A Visit to St, Cloud and Versailles. Walls of Paris. Blouses. Palace of St. Cloud. Porcelain Manufactory of Sevres. Versailles. Paintings and Statuary. Tapestry. Gardens, 217 LETTER XXII.…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 17 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. CONTENTS. XI toral Life. An Incident. Arrival at Frankfort. Hotels. The Poet Goethe. Military. A Museum. The Cemetery. Watching the Dead. Jews Street. Mother of the Roths- childs, 308 LETTER XXIX. Peace…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 18 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters.
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 19 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. EAMBLES IN EUROPE. LETTEE I. Ship K. C Wintheop, orr Newfoundland, July 2, 1850. j My Dear S I NEED not tell you, philosopher as you are, how myste- riously a single…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 20 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 2 EAMBLES IN EUROPE. the night, when a distant and indistinct murmur, a sup- pressed moan, fell upon my ear. On inquiring, I was told it was the sea I at once…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 21 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. EAMBLES IN EUKOPE. 3 Well, the day came at last, and I was to realize my fondest hopes. My baggage was aboard, passengers were hurrying in, hands were shaken, cheeks kissed, eyes…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 22 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 4 EAMBLES IN EUROPE. and all tlie while endeavoring to quote some lines from the Bard of Avon, Sleep, gentle sleep, how have I frighted thee but I could get no farther,…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 23 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES IN EUROPE. 5 men,) with four American, the Captain and his lady, make up the company in the cabin. By a curious kind of affinity attraction, one side of the table…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 24 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 6 RAMBLES IN EUEOPE. meat, but live on a little hasli! Thus we are carica- tured by tbe tourists of the Old World, who come among us with the least possible knowledge…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 25 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES IN EUROPE. 7 you ll see cheese. Captain, said I, where was this cheese purchased He appealed to the steward Liverpool, sir. You should have seen our side of the table.…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 26 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 8 RAMBLES IN EUROPE. and was now returning she seemed to have fallen mostly into the old chap s debt, for not a day of the voyage hut she was dunned. I…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 27 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. EAMBLES IN EUROPE. f cied I heard something ahoiit unfathomed caves, dark depths, my officer, John Shark. But I had no fear, but ate, and drank, and slept, as usual. But it…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 28 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 10 RAMBLES IN EUROPE. There is little in a voyage across the Atlantic interesting either to the voyager or the reader of his jottings nothing occurs to create interest. Our first Sabbath…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 29 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES IN EUROPE. 11 directly for us, with but little wind, but assisted by oars. She was soon within hailing distance, and we saw she con- tained six images in the shape…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 30 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 12 RAMBLES IN EUROPE. without spirit without i^ower it teaches submission to priests and monks, and no more. And this process breaks down the spirit, and strangles hope. When will the day…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 31 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. LETTER II. My Dear S On the night of the 20th of July, 1850, 1 was lying on the cabin floor of the fine ship R. C. Winthrop, Captain Sampson, master, striving…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 32 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 14 EAMBLES IN EUEOPE. you ever there I mean not in tlie Irish Channel, but at sea, in a long, lingering, monotonous calm How, at such time, one would willingly wjestle with…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 33 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. EAMBLES IN EUROPE. 15 to tbe men wbo do head work to Captain JMarryatt, for his system of marine telegra ph. Our pleasant captain had, by three little flags, told the man…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 34 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 16 RAMBLES IN EUROPE. and the man at the wheel dreams of home and all its pleasures when the skies are cloudless, and seem to have brought millions of new lights just…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 35 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES IN EUEOPE. Jf woe rewards without labor, and labor without reward whose benevolence is world-wide, and a world of forgotten starvelings at home our father-land, yet the scene of our persecution…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 36 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 18 RAMBLES IN EUROPE. wonderful, Iron, tubular bridge, the wonder of the age. One hundred and four feet above high water mark have these immense iron tubes, constmcted of iron plates riveted…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 37 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. RAMBLES IN EUROPE. 19 mourning. All the American flags were at half mast. The mail steamer, which arrived the night before, had brought the sad tidings that the President of the United…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 38 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 20 EAMBLES IN EUROPE. the Doctor has long enjoyed an enviable popularity among his people but latterly his health has failed somewhat. He has become so corpulent as to be a burden…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 39 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. EAMBLES IN EUROPE. 21 entered the door, we found ourselves in a small hall, filled with rude benches, and almost half full of children, from five or six years to fifteen. A…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852
Image 40 of Rambles in Europe: in a series of familiar letters. 22 KAMBLES IN EUROPE. This is a most beneficial movement. A superintendent is hired to take charge of one or more schools. A call is then made upon young persons of both…
- Contributor: Trafton, Mark
- Date: 1852