Book/Printed Material A refutation of Calvinism ...

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  • Image 1 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 2 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 3 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 4 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 5 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 6 of A refutation of Calvinism ...
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 8 of A refutation of Calvinism ... London Printed by Luke Hansard Son*, Hear Lincoln s-Inn Fields.
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 9 of A refutation of Calvinism ... ^xC JDk ty-mt. J jenir ntai PREFACE. ^T^H E design of the following Work, is, to refute the peculiar Doctrines of the system of Theology which was maintained by Calvin* The first four Chapters contain a discussion of all the peculiar Doctrines of that system, with an at- tempt to prove that they are contrary to Scripture, and to the Public Formularies of our…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 10 of A refutation of Calvinism ... iv PREFACE. except in referring to some of the \t Articles. The Fifth and Sixth Chapters coi in about three hundred and eighty Quotations from the Writings of the antient Fathers of the Chris- tian Church and the Seventh Chapter contains about sixty Quotations from the different Works of Calvin. A comparison of the Fifth and Seventh Chapters, in which the Fathers and Calvin…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 11 of A refutation of Calvinism ... PREFACE. V of the Diocese of Lincoln at my last three triennial Visitations, with very considerable addi- tions. The first of these Charges, upon Universal Redemption. I published in the year 1803, at the request of the Clergy and having received a similar request respecting my Charges of 1806 and iSoq, I deferred the publication of them, till I had completed the plan which…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 12 of A refutation of Calvinism ... VI PREFACE. it incumbent upon me to make this statement, as an apology to my Clergy, for what might otherwise have been considered a culpable tardiness in complying with their wishes, and in fulfilling my own promise, I feel great satisfaction in being able to lay before my Readers a mass of such consistent and decisive evidence, extending from Ignatius and Clement of Rome,…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 13 of A refutation of Calvinism ... PREFACE. Vl^ free-will in man in consequence of the Fall, were the doctrines of the Primitive Church of Christ, let them cite their authority, let them refer to the works in which these doctrines are actually taught. If such opinions were really held, we- could not fail to meet with some trace of them in the various and voluminous works of the nume- rous…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 14 of A refutation of Calvinism ... Vlil PREFACE, stated the year in which each lived; and that my Readers might have the means of judging of the correctness of the translations, which it has been my endeavour to make as literal as is consistent with perspicuity, I have mentioned the edition, volume, and page, from which I bave quoted. There is so close a connexion between the peculiar doctrines of…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 15 of A refutation of Calvinism ... PREFACE. k not be removed without extreme hazard to our Constitution in Church and State, But as this is a subject totally unconnected with the points here discussed, I have not thought it necessary to insert that part of my Charge in the present Work. Euckden Palace, January ist, 1811*
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 16 of A refutation of Calvinism ... ERRATA: p. 24.1. 11. for Bereeans read Bereeans. p. 105. (note) 1. 2. f or Testaent0 f ircn5 I read Tes^amento, pro. C for selects a number, p. 184* 1. 6. from bott. 1 7 n _ r rcffrf selects a small number, p. 1 89. 1. 7« from bott. Je/e even. p. 191. 1. 13. for Now mzG? How. p. 200, 1. 9-…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 17 of A refutation of Calvinism ... A REFUTATION OF CALVINISM, CHAPTER THE FIRST. OF ORIGINAL SIN, FREE-WILL, AND THE OPERATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. TT is evident from the account left us by Moses, that a considerable change took place in the minds of our first Parents immediately after they had transgressed the prohibitory command of God, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 18 of A refutation of Calvinism ... 2 Of Origmal Sin, Free-will, and [cHAP-r. troversies which have arisen in the Christian Church concerning Original Sin, or attempting to explain the subtle distinctions and minute dif- ferences which we find in Writers upon this abstruse and intricate subject, we may remark, that there have been, and still are, Christians, who assert, that Adam transmitted no moral cor- ruption to his offspring in…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 19 of A refutation of Calvinism ... Chap, i.] the Operation of the Holy Spirit. 3 sin of our first Parent has caused every individual descended from him, to he born into the world an imperfect and depraved creature. But though a propensity to evil and wickedness, universal in extent and powerful in its effects, was thus trans- mitted to mankind, yet all idea of distinction between right and wrong was…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 20 of A refutation of Calvinism ... 4 Of Original Sin, Free-will, and [chap. r. sary to obtain the effectual assistance of the Holy Spirit. I do not think it necessary to repeat the argu- ments, which I have stated in a former Work (c), in support of the doctrine of the general cor- ruption of human nature, but shall confirm the truth of what has been now advanced respecting the…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 21 of A refutation of Calvinism ... chap, i.] the Operation of the Holy Spirit. 5 May we not hence infer that the immediate sons of Adam lived under a divine law, which they had the power of obeying or of disobeying? The doing well, or the doing not well, the acceptance, or the imputation of sin, imply a practicable rule as the criterion of the worthiness of their actions. The…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 22 of A refutation of Calvinism ... 6 Of Original Sin, Free-will, and [chap, i, and evil, and of acting according to the de- termination of reason The very same conclu- sions follow still more clearly, from the great prevalence of wickedness in the ante-diluvian world, and the consequent destruction of the whole human race, with the exception of eight persons; for, where no law is, there is no transgression m)…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 23 of A refutation of Calvinism ... chap, i.] the Operation of the Holy Spirit. 7 4i departed not from the Temple, but looked for redemption in Jerusalem (p and there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven q In the inspired writings of the Prophets, some degree of uprightness, and also a power of abandoning sin in consequence of reflection, are unequivocally acknowledged; When…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 24 of A refutation of Calvinism ... 8 Of Original Sin, Free-will, and [chap. i. God. Wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye(t) And without quoting any other texts, it will be sufficient to observe, that the positive injunctions to obey, and the earnest exhortations to reform, which we so frequently meet with in the Old Testament, plainly shew, that the incor- rigible depravity of human nature was not a doctrine inculcated…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811
  • Image 25 of A refutation of Calvinism ... chap, i.] the Operation of the Holy Spirit. 9 a rule of life, derived from their Maker and inter- woven in their frame and that they were capable of obeying it, although in fact their obedience has been very rare, and always imperfect. This has arisen from the extreme difficulty of resisting another law in their members warring against the law of their minds,…
    • Contributor: Pretyman, George
    • Date: 1811