Book/Printed Material Reminiscences,
Image 1 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 2 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 3 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 4 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 5 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 6 of Reminiscences, ^/l^x. -^-L.
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 7 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES BY LUCY N. COLMAN. I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 8 of Reminiscences, E /3^
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 9 of Reminiscences, PREFACE. JN the early years of the antislavery a ,ntation in our country, it was my good fortune to become acquainted with Lucy N. Cohiian, author of these Reminiscences of her Hfe-work…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 10 of Reminiscences,
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 11 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES By LUCY N. COL MAN. T DO not remember at what age I learned the astounding lesson that in this so-called republican country there were several millions of human beings who…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 12 of Reminiscences, 6 REMINISCENCES. to these puzzling questions, that I wonder I did not entirely lose my senses and become idiotic. Perhaps the death of my mother and the changes that necessarily followed in…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 13 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 7 Christianity is the more dangerous when it gives its attention to this life. Christianity demands entire subordination to its edicts, no matter that it keeps out of sight the damnation…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 14 of Reminiscences, 8 REMINISCENCES. the devil, and so they were d.enied the name of Christian, for of what use was a creed without a burning hell, and a devil to so tempt human beings…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 15 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 9 ing into their midst of a people so widely different, most of them quite illiterate, noisy in their worship, with a creed wiiich made salvation free, with a possibility of…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 16 of Reminiscences, lo REMINISCENCES. an Infidel, but so honorable that he always held some town office, rose, and with a loud voice invited the new society to use his house (a large dwelling-house opposite…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 17 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 1 1 worship and to please is quite apt to get appointed an officer to regulate the people, and particularly to execute punishment, adequate to the offense committed against an infinite…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 18 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. pleted my life with him, and at the age of twenty-four 1 was a widow. At twent}-six I was again married, and at the age of twenty-eight became a mother. I…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 19 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 13 as more unjust than the Methodist, I will give an instance of injustice that proves the contrarw In my husband s lonj; sick- ness of four }cars, he was \^isited…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 20 of Reminiscences, 14 REMINISCENCES. Odd Fellows of Rochester voted to .itteiul the fuiu ral in a Ixxh and take charge of the same when it should leave the hall. I consented to this arrangement,…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 21 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. q edged no obligation to an cni[)Io)cc, it would be a pictu dent. The} had alread\- done more for nie than foi- ;in\- otlni case of the kind. They had…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 22 of Reminiscences, 1 6 REMINISCENCES. me such a place? No; a printing office is no place for a woman! Where is her place, sir? At home. But if she has no home, only as…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 23 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 1 7 there was a good ileal of egotism in man\ of ni\ anecdotes, hut I was in them, and my experience is what I am w riting. At this time…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 24 of Reminiscences, 1 8 REMINISCENCES. I oui^ht to liavc told }-ou of the difficult)- I h.ul in y;cttint; per- mission to read that essay. I was not known to the convention, and in the…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 25 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 19 made up of all nationalities, and ()\ei-larc;e for the room, with t\v i assistants, each with a whi]) in hand. The State Su[)erintendcnt at the convention where 1 liad declared…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 26 of Reminiscences, 20 REMINISCENCES. tlic home. I had one friend in Rochester who thorcuL;hl)- be- lieved in me, and she has kept that beh ef in all these years Amy Post. We have been…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 27 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. _• i in another part of the town, and take her over there for another meeting. I don t Hkc reading I am too much of a FriencL And so the…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 28 of Reminiscences, 2 2 REMINISCENCES. was about to happen, I lost all fear, and so conquered the timid getter-up of tlie meeting that, at the close of the service he came to me, apologized…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 29 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. -3 would cause these points to bore into the flesh. Such was his ecjuipment for day and night. The master was a Christian, the deacon of the Presbyterian church in the…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 30 of Reminiscences, 24 REMINISCENCES. tliat the nieetino- seemed to have taken. It was the anniversary of the Western .\ntislaver\ Societ\^ but Si)iritualisni was the subject under discussion. My friend Mrs. Post, as well as…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 31 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 25 make my own salary; not a very briyjht outlook iur carninj^ a living for the home in Rochester. But I had succeeded so well in three months that the American…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 32 of Reminiscences, 2 6 REMINISCENCES. entranced, and delivered speeches; not always full of wisdom, Init often, seemingly, above the capacity of the medium. Tlie sub- ject more generally dwelt upon was the inharmonies of…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 33 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. J7 business to decry this woman. She hud accepted this new doc- trine as a religion, and faithfully she kept its commands. The wrong is in giving up one s sense,…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 34 of Reminiscences, 28 REiMINISCENCRS. My colored friend was astonished beyond measure, this was before A. J. Davis had borrowed from the Russians a Diaki, else we might believe some one of the supposed infernals…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 35 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 29 have been told was vei po[)iilai in tlie order of I ^icinls. lie was a very tyrant in his family. His eldest son told nie he had often flogged him,…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 36 of Reminiscences, 30 REMINISCENCES. the i)c\v, as now it would be let at a reasonable jjiice, to some one of the church not able to bu\- it. Mr. De Garino had seen to it…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 37 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. wark of slavery that the holdiiiL,^ of slaves was never a hindrance to. Church fellowship, but Abolitiouism was often a cause of dis- fcIlcnvsJiip. And the new political party was not…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 38 of Reminiscences, 32 REMINISCENCES. gaged, was, I think. l resb\ terian, but not very outrageous in his language. He was an old man, and age doesn t always enjoy a fight but we could…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 39 of Reminiscences, REMINISCENCES. 33 ing for a series of meetings. There was in the sanu- ti)\\ii that held the school, one of the Union houses, and a few men and women who did not…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891
Image 40 of Reminiscences, 34 REMINISCENCES. them dared to do it. We talk about Roman Catliolic Pope.^-^ 1 liave seen popes alas! that it is so even among Frcctfnukcrs. After I had tried nry powers of…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Susan B. Anthony Collection (Library of Congress) - Colman, Lucy N. (Lucy Newhall)
- Date: 1891