Book/Printed Material Reminiscences of old Gloucester:
Image 2 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: .0 1 /I -■x^^ X^^- ^-^r^
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 3 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: x -^h V v .0 A- A- ry^ C v^ vO o o iP\: c v^ ,.0- V c? OO^ O, V O. 0 ^0^ .H o,^- v-^- o -bo A t~…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 5 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester:
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 6 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester:
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 7 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester:
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 9 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: REMINISCENCES OP OLD GLOUCESTER: OR INCIDENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTIES OF GLOUCESTER. ATLANTIC AND CAMDEN. NEW JERSEY. The spacious Delaware through future song^ Shall roll in graceful majesty along Each…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 10 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: A^^ CURTS, PRINTER, PHOENIX OFFICE, CAMDEN, N. J.
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 11 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: PREFACE, The author of the following pages has attempted little more than to collect, and present at one view, those recorded items relating to his native county which he found scattered through…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 12 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester:
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 13 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: REMINISCENCES OF OLD GLOUCESTER. CHAPTER L THE LOCALITIES OF THE ABORIGINAL TRIBES ON THE EAST BANK OF THE DELAWARE. Wide stretching from these shores ■A people savage from remoleat time, A huge,…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 14 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: THE KRKCTION OV dwelt. Just above the outlet of the Del- aware on the rij^ht, about Cohansey, Mere the Siconesses, opposite to whom on the western shore lived the Min- quas. Ascenihnfj…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 15 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: FOKT NASSAU. world took firm root in tlie soil of West Jersey. Of the empires of these three nations, so far as they have any interest to the denizens of old Gloucester,…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 16 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 4 THE STRATEGY OF THK TIMMEUK-ILL. cisi^iy known.* Wo are told it was at Gloucestor Point, t and that, I roin the elevation of the land and the narrowness of the river,…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 17 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: THE ADVENT OK THE SWEJUES. Had her kind office been discovered by her tribe, she would doubtless have suffered the worst tortures which their resentmeut could have suj^{(ested. Iler jjenerous bravery in…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 18 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: r rUK ADVKNT DK THK SWKPKS. ninrmrv tlian tlio cession of tho Duloli rii^lit i t uliirli Cnmpjinins sponks,* \\\o Swtulos uml(M MtMunvt in U); St built dio I ort !uul town…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 19 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: OF NKW SWEDKN IN THE DAYS OF ITS GLOKY. despotic at Tiniciim than Giistavus at Stockholm. It is rolutodlliut Ix; forbadu many ernij^rants to land, and tliat in re- turning to Sweden…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 20 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 8 OF NEW SWEDEN IN THE DAYS OF 1T8 GLORY. to }yc observed that J .indstrom has marked no place on the western side of the river which sounds at all like…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 21 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: WHAT THB SWEDES SAW UPON THE DELAWARE. 9 had come out as commissioner, soon after the abdication and departure ofPrintz/ How Ichabod was written on the doors of New Sweden, and what…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 22 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 10 TIIB WAH3 OF THli DUTCH AND SWEDES. But the wonders of New Sweden did not stop atiish-trees and white and black Indians. T!ie Delaware was alive with whales, sharks, sea-spiders and…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 23 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: THE WARS OP THE DUTCH AND SWEDES. 11 four miles of Christina itself, inthe land of the Swedes says Campanius, and in spite of various protestations of our governor. This John III.…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 24 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 12 THE RESTORATION OF THE DUTCH POWER, September, Christina was invested, but capitulated without a serious resistance and Stuyvesant, fhished with success, immediately proceeded to assail New Gottenborjj^, on Tinicum the very…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 25 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: AND FINAL DESTRUCTION OP FORT NASSAU. IS During their second empire the Dutch added a few houses under the walls of the fort at Gloucester, and the whole was honored with the…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 26 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 14 THE APPEARANCE, CUSTOMS, CHARACTEU AND lNSTITL TiON3 they themselves were suiTered to enjoy. In the course of a decade, Indians, Dutch and Swedes were all brouj^ht hi subordi- nation to the…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 27 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: OF THE INDIANS UPON TIIE DELAWARE. 15 in bettering the complexion whicii nature f^ave them, as if his readers would not have taken the fact for granted. When these simple people dressed…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 28 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 16 THE APPEARANCE, CUSTOMS, CHARACTER AND INSTITUTIONS dent on the authority of his fatlier, of a Swede who had shared with the Indi- ans a sumptuous entertainmont of broiled, boiled aud hashed…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 29 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: OF THE INDIANS UPON THE DBLAWARB. 17 were tied to a board which could conve- niently be swimi;^ at the mother s back, or from the limb of a tree. At nine…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 30 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 18 THB APPBAHAXCR, CUSTOMS, onAO-VCTEIl ANll INSTITITTIONS servod, and Iheir niemory fondly cher- ished, though their names might not lx breathed.-- in. Tliis tender regard wliicli tlie In- dians hud for their…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 31 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: OF TIIK INDIAKaUPON TUB I KLAWAKK. I J fiissippi, whcnco thoy foii ^4it their way throii^rh opposinj^ iribos, to tlio vu ;a.rit huntiiifr //onnda aloiij^ the Atlantic sr-a- hoard.-**^ Here, exemj)t for…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 32 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 20 THE APPEARANCE, CUSTOMS, CITARACTER AND INSTITUTTONS to lie down between them, rose up, went out, phickt a root out of the ground, and eat it; upon which she immediately died I…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 33 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: OF THB INDIANS UPOIf THE DELAWARE. 21 the disputes, and defending the rights of his immediate household. Next was the Sakima, who decided disputes involving different families, led the whole tribe in…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 34 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 83 THB APPBARANCB, ETC. OP THE WDlABia UPON THE DBLAWARB. the terms were settled upon, the whole treaty was confirmed by passing around the calumet, out of which each one pres- ent…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 35 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: raS ALOIOK KNIQHTS 09 TBB ODNTGHfllOM. frkud and tyranny of the Dutch, the In- dians ot the Delaware could never be induced to relinquish their Devil-wor- ship, and adopt the religion of…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 36 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 34 TOB ALBIO:!^ KNIGHTS OF TRK CONVEIWION. was made to Lenox and Gorges of the land between tiie fortieth and fortv- eio:htli deo:rees of latitude. From this ^rant by patent under the…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 37 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: THE ALBION KNIGHTS OF THE COWTERSIOtf S6 Palatine they hoped to become lords at least in the new world, whereas if they stayed in England, they plainly saw that even the humbler…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 38 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: 26 THE ALBION KNIGHTS OF THE OONYEBSIOfl. the Manteses plain, which Master Ev- elin voucheth to be twenty miles broad and thirty lon^, and fifty miles washed by two fair navigable rivers;…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 39 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: THE ALBION KNIGHTS OF THB CONVERSION. 27 ployden s arms. [Copied from Plaritagenet s New Albion.] Of the mode intended to be pursued bv these Knij^hts in proselyting the In- dians, PJantagenet…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845
Image 40 of Reminiscences of old Gloucester: S8 THE GRAlfT TO THE DUKE OF YORK, governor of New Haven, threatening^ to resist any English encroachment on the South River, even to blood. The claim thus summarily disposed of was…
- Contributor: Mickle, Isaac
- Date: 1845